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Everything posted by FoxyBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess yeah my family has used it and said it was great!! Sometimes you can get GREAT deals on there - the times you can go are sometimes limited though so check out if there are black out dates. Do you know if there's any way to check blackout dates beforehand? All the listings just seem to say "subject to availability."
  2. Have you all ever heard of this site? Luxury Hotels, Luxury Travel Auctions, Resorts - LuxuryLink.com I found it from a MSN article. They auction off packages at resorts and it looks like you can get some really good rates!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KHarrod Lorna Doone's are my favorites. Ditto. It's one of the few ones that I don't feel like the skimped on something to make them 100 cal.
  4. I ran across this site today while looking for an outfit for FI and his groomsmen. I'm not sure of the quality of the suits, but they look pretty good! We were thinking of ordering a suit to test it out before we decide if it's the final choice, but $99 is a great price! Studiosuits.com, Custom Suits | Designer Suits
  5. Does anyone know when series starts up again? I can't wait!
  6. A compromise might be able to just say that'd you just like to "celebrate" with friends and family after the wedding. That it's more of a "party" and less of formal event. All men, even stingy old men are usually down for a party.
  7. Welcome to the board! I'm a Vegas girl too so I may be able to help with questions.
  8. I had this problem with my FI too. I just let him know that this is not Applebee's as nicely as possible. You do not put in an order. Nowadays I usually make whatever and he doesn't know what it is until he can figure it out from the smell or until it's sitting in front of him. He got that way because of his mother too. She would make 3 diff meals, one for the kids, one for her, and one for hubby. I was like "WTF mate?!" I'd never do that. I'd stay away from the bitchy/complaining way of bringing it up though.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Ayita They look great ! You wdding date says 5/15/09 in your profile so I was shocked at the sight of STDs... but now I read the date ON the STD and it all makes sense. great job ! Good eye! We changed our date some time back but I forgot all about changing that! I just changed my ticker about 2 weeks ago so I'm a little slow with all that. I wish I could've put the STDs out sooner but I'm still waiting on addresses from FI so I'm taking my sweet time designing them.
  10. The fit looks great! I think the halter is also a great touch.
  11. So I attempted to do my own boarding pass STDs in Photoshop after I couldn't find a template on here. They are rectangle now but they will have rounded corners when they are done. I am having them printed by a printer that usually does business cards and club flyers that a design for people so I'm debating on whether I should take the time to do the other cut to really make it look like a boarding pass since it will already have the rounded corners. I wanted them to be really simple, almost like a real boarding pass, but not plain. Let me know what you ladies think.
  12. I finally got around to making a logo! This is what I have so far. I used Photoshop since I'm familiar with it already. I originally made the white one but FI decided it didn't have enough pizazz so I did the dark blue one. Let me know what you ladies think.
  13. There is still plenty of time to get a passport. My FI got one in 3 days when he had a impromptu business trip to Mexico. You have to appear in person at a passport agency, of which there are only a few in the US -BUT- if you don't happen to live by one, there's about 100 companies that do it for you for about a $200 fee. That's a small price to pay if they really wanted to come. However, it sounds like people are feeding you a ton of excuses instead of just being honest. I'm sorry you have to go through all this!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* I have 2 that are kind of similar - I'll have to check when I get home to my home computer. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for looking! Let me know what you find.
  15. Does anyone happen to have a old Vegas style font? Something like the "Vincent's" in the photo below?
  16. I've scoured the board but I cannot seem to find where anyone has used Photoshop to make boarding pass invites and where they have included a template. Does anyone happen to have one?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg Those look like pretty good bags...and for that price you can't turn it down. Did you actuall order some? I would love to know how you feel about them when you recieve them. I haven't yet. I've actually moved my date back (so I need to change my siggy) so I have no idea how many folks are coming yet.
  18. I stumbled across this site and they are having a sale on really sturdy boat bags. They also include a one color imprint for free so you can add a logo or date. I am thinking of these for my guests! Promo Force Net - Carry-On Boat Bag Tote Bags - SB-08
  19. Congrats! I got my dress at the ROTB in Cleveland and it wasn't nearly as crazy! You found "the dress" though so it was all worth it.
  20. Awesome! Another Vegas bride! Happy planning!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by soon2bePowers I teach in St. Louis, MO and 2-5 personal days are standard around here. I would love 15!!! Tell your union to get on their job! LOL. When I was part time and only teaching 2 classes a day at a charter school I got 3. You all are getting jipped! You should take a few days off in protest.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by soon2bePowers WOW!!! Teachers in your area get 15 personal days!! I get 2 and have already had to take them, one for a friends wedding and the other for my FI's grandmothers funeral (since we are not married, she was not 'family'). Getting a sub is not as easy as most think. My classroom would be wild if I had a sub the last couple of days. We have already had 4 snow days. I can have to 2 more and will be okay. So I am hoping February and March are quiet months!! There's a lot of things that suck about being a teacher, but time off isn't one of them... LOL. Guaranteed holidays, summers, and weekends off isn't bad. Some districts have regulations like you can't take a personal day both the day before and the day after a normal school holiday off period, but other than that, the 15 personal is standard for most teacher contracts. You also get days to use on Jewish holidays, graduations, death in the family, etc. A lot of diseases go around in schools so a lot of teachers are actually sick often, but some of them have wedding stuff to do. Are you in a small district? Maybe that's why you don't get as many.
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