I decided to do these 2 sided to save a few bucks on printing since my FI is trying to invite the whole world to this wedding. I think they came out great (besides one typo: no space between "We look") and since no one that we know who has gotten married even does STDs, they will all be super impressed. I made them in Photoshop. I posted my template earlier but here it is again for anyone who missed it. I had them printed by a company that usually prints flyers and business cards for me. They cost $60 for 125 double-sided, full color prints on 12pt cardstock. It was an extra $12 for rounded corners and $7.95 for shipping for a total of $79.95 and most importantly, I didn't have to spend hours cutting them! I also ordered paper to do the ticket jackets but they sent me the wrong color () so I have do wait to post up the complete package.
Front: YouSendIt - Send large files - transfer delivery - FTP Replacement
Back: YouSendIt - Send large files - transfer delivery - FTP Replacement
When I posted this I was still planning on doing two seperate tickets instead of front and back so the "Save the Date" is on the left side instead of the right as it is in the photos.