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Everything posted by FoxyBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam oh yeah and how much did the shippng end up being? Shipping was $20. It says it takes 2 to 3 weeks to be made and then 3 to 7 days to ship and they send you a tracking number when it ships.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Oooh I'm definitely looking forward to hearing how it turns out -- which color and style did you order by the way? We ordered the "Linen Suit - 6 colors" in the Wood Linen. I hope he gets it and thinks it's too dark and goes for the beige linen for the wedding but he kept saying he thought those would be too light. We'll see how it turns out.
  3. We just put our order in today! From ordering I can tell that the company is located in India so the price totally makes sense now. I will let you know how it turns out!
  4. I say get it because anyone who knows him will totally get why you got that band for him. If they don't get it, well, then then don't "get" your FI either so screw em!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Adlergray I have this exact photo cut out from a magazine and in my wedding planning binder! I love it's simplicity but then it has the detail with the flowers.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk your guests will be VERY impressed.. those are so cute!! and 125 invitations? your DW is going to be huge! ..and in Vegas, how fun! Thanks ladies! I only think about 40-45 people will actually be coming but that's still a nice crowd! If we had in in Detroit where I'm from or Cleveland where FI is from it would be like 300 people coming! He's in a fraternity and they all use weddings as an excuse to party!
  7. I decided to do these 2 sided to save a few bucks on printing since my FI is trying to invite the whole world to this wedding. I think they came out great (besides one typo: no space between "We look") and since no one that we know who has gotten married even does STDs, they will all be super impressed. I made them in Photoshop. I posted my template earlier but here it is again for anyone who missed it. I had them printed by a company that usually prints flyers and business cards for me. They cost $60 for 125 double-sided, full color prints on 12pt cardstock. It was an extra $12 for rounded corners and $7.95 for shipping for a total of $79.95 and most importantly, I didn't have to spend hours cutting them! I also ordered paper to do the ticket jackets but they sent me the wrong color () so I have do wait to post up the complete package. Templates: Front: YouSendIt - Send large files - transfer delivery - FTP Replacement Back: YouSendIt - Send large files - transfer delivery - FTP Replacement When I posted this I was still planning on doing two seperate tickets instead of front and back so the "Save the Date" is on the left side instead of the right as it is in the photos.
  8. Yay another Vegas girl! I look forward to sharing ideas with you!
  9. I didn't know a NJ one was coming out! I like the NY season better this year, but my fav is still the OC girls. I didn't know LuAnn was getting a divorce either. That's crazy! They kind of allude to the fact that they might be having problems because the Count is gone so much but I didn't know it was a divorce status. Scandalous!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by aimee&ted that is awesome!!! hopefully the wedding-fever your FI is experiencing is contagious & will spread across the forum to our men. I hope so! He is super grumpy about all things wedding usually so whatever this is, I hope it lasts!
  11. Yes that was not a typo, 79 cents! FI texted me all excited because he went by the CVS this morning for tissue and they had a huge clearance bin full of stuff. They had these clipper sets for only .79 so he bought everyone they had! He thinks he is having 8 groomsmen but he bought all 13 they had "just in case." I'm super excited that 1. He's bragging about getting something on sale. That's usually me and he never understands why and he would actually do the opposite and brag about how much he spent on something. and 2. That he thought to get not just one for himself, but one for all his groomsmen as well! I don't know if I've posted about this here before but my FI is very anti-wedding and would probably rather pick he own fingernails off with a dull butter knife that talk wedding so I was excited he even thought about it on his own. He also picked up a Homedics neck massager for 1.29, bowls and mugs for .89 each and a neck pillow for 1.09. He asked the clerk was it all CVS or just that one and she said it was just that one but I'd recommend you ladies check out the ones near you as well. Just hope some other crazy FI hasn't come along and cleaned them out! LOL Here's some pic of our .79 clipper set. They were usually 9.99. We are still thinking of what else we will be getting the GMs. Front of box Back of box
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by tdmitchell Foxybride, You always find the best deals! Thanks, I try! I feel like retail is such a rip off in most cases. Patience & a little luck will get you almost anything at least 20% off.
  13. I purchased coral dresses from Marshall's for my BMs (http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t39802) so finding a dress to match for my 13 year old niece serving as junior bridesmaid was going to be hard but the next day I spotted this dress on eBay and snatched it up for $35 and it arrived today! I am so excited! I took a photo next to the BM so you can see the difference. I took a photos with the flash on and one with it off. It's slightly more pink but I think that will work fine even though I'd prefer it was more orange. Also, she is going to need it taken in but she's my height now ( ) so the length shouldn't be a problem. No flash With flash
  14. I got mine from Marshall's because I did not what a traditional BM dress. You just have to catch them when they are just changing inventory so you have get multiple sizes.
  15. Oooo those are so cute! I may have been tempted if I didn't DIY boarding pass STDs already!
  16. If anyone happens to see another one of these dresses in a 2, 4, or 6 in this color I will gladly reimburse you if you pick it up and send a little extra your way.
  17. I really want to go! I found this package that I think would be so perfect but FI says he needs to be "attached to land" so no islands. Beqa Lagoon Resort (Marlin Bay) - Prepare your journey: Rates
  18. My original plan was a cobalt blue and orange but then I found these amazing coral bridesmaid's dresses, so I'm adding some aqua/coral accents to tie it all together.
  19. The hair and dress look great on you! I still have no idea how I'm going to wear mine so I've been looking all over for ideas.
  20. I know a lot of photographers from doing make-up work in Cleveland so I can see what I can find you.
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