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Everything posted by FoxyBride

  1. I had someone get into my eBay account and post a whole bunch of listings for sunglasses. eBay contacted me to alert me because at that point I had never posted anything for sale so they thought it was suspicious and sure enough, someone had gotten into my account. They weren't really able to do any damage through since it was caught early. I suspect they were trying to get people to buy and then they would never receive their item and by that time, they would have gotten away with the money.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by HotTamale I'm glad I read this thread; I'm a 38 DD and I'm going without a bra...I also have a built in bodice that will hold up well...I think. Speaking of which (I should probably start a new thread), but I still haven't had my gown altered....I've lost 16 pounds, but still large at the chest. How soon did you girls have your gown altered? Our wedding is June 13th and we leave June 10th...Am I pushing it? Any suggesstions on finding a good alterations place? What should I ask or request? Any advice is greatly appreciated! I think most people start alterations 6 weeks out. They don't want you to go too early since there can be fluctuations in weight.
  3. It's getting close for me too! I still have so much to do.
  4. I'm having the same problems. I am looking for cheap Vegas picture frames because everyone will be taking photos and for a lot of my family it's going to be their first time out there so it'll make a cute memento. I was thinking of also doing a mini "Poker for dummies" book, sunscreen, Vegas map or guide book, personal fans, and personalized water bottles.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Adlergray Thank you sooo much foxybride....figleaves has the perfect bra Ultimo D-G!!! its perfect....thank you thank you thank you Glad I could be of help!
  6. 32DD girls unite! LOL. I'm a 32DD too, DDD if I really want to be honest with myself. My dress is strapless but actually already has what's essentially a long line bra built into it so I'm hoping that will be fine. I'm am going to start alterations in about 2 months so we'll see if I need more. I usually order my bras from figleaves.com - Bras, Panties, Swimsuits, and Full Figure Lingerie or Bravissimo | Big Bras, Lingerie, Swimwear and Clothing for D-KK cup women so that's where I'll go if what's in the dress doesn't work.
  7. My FI has the same problem. He wears a 52L suit. We've gotten sport coats for him at K&G before. Everything else has come from online. Ebay is a good place to look. For the wedding we ordered from Studiosuits.com, Custom Suits | Designer Suits. They do custom linen suits for $99. We want to see the quality first before we tell all the groomsmen to order but, hopefully it'll work out!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Dmitri_Markine What I really wonder is how they come up with it. I suppose someone one day just decided to pick the poo and roast the beans? In any case, I still love it. It is really the best tasting coffee I ever tried. I was wondering the same thing! Maybe they saw the beans lying around after the poo had decomposed and decided to try them? I dunno, all seems odd.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by latricej919 You are getting married on my Birthday! Last year I was in Vegas the week before my bday, and the day of my bday Janet Jackson was performing, I was sooooo sad to have missed her. I loooooooove Vegas! Vegas always has the best concerts. You can see just about anyone.
  10. They yanked the video. What happened?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by BlissfulMsMiranda Ooh these are really nice too: IKEA | SOLIG | Gardening bag From the same line!! And they're only $2.99! (In CDN dollars, so probably cheaper for your US ladies!) Oh those are cute! I searched the US site and they come up $2.49! IKEA | SOLIG | Gardening bag
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Dmitri_Markine It does sounds gross,but it's all washed and roasted and it doesn't smell like poo. As I mentioned, it actually has an amazing smell and taste. If you can drink milk and not think about it, then this coffee shouldn't be a big problem either As far as I know though... milk does not come out of a cow's butt! LOL! Interesting concept though. I think I've heard about it on the food channel.
  13. That's so cool. We don't even have a registry because I just cannot think of what to register for. The invitation are going out soon so hopefully I'll get it together by then.
  14. There are some cute shoes in here! I've had such a hard time trying to figure out what I want to wear. I'm known for having cute shoes so I know everyone is going to be dying to know what's under the dress and I think they pressure to be fashionable is getting to me! I'd like to have Christian's but that's so far out of the budget. I did show FI and he didn't say "That's outrageous." when I told him the price so that means if I show them to him 3 or 4 more times, he might get on board with them... until then though, I need a plan B.
  15. I would say try to get something together for them if you can. Maybe pick up a few things from Target, but don't stress yourself out over it. Plus the bags don't have to be the same as everyone else's. I doubt they will compare them like kids to Halloween loot like "What'd you get?" They know they only booked with a few days left and that can cause inconveniences like this so if their bag isn't as spiffy, they know why.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam Wow those are super cute -- you find the best deals girl!!! LOL... it comes with being super cheap... er frugal..
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Malisa My husband just bought me a super automatic espresso machine. You fill it with beans and water once a week. It heats up every morning at 6 and I just go and choose what kind of coffee to make. Sometimes I make a cappuccino, other times it's straight espresso. I usually add a splenda. This was very bad for my plan to quite drinking coffee. I need one of these in my life! I just got the regular kind of coffee maker that is programmable but you have to change the water and coffee everyday. I'd love to be able to do it once a week! And to have a variety of coffee drinks to choose from would be awesome! I just fill a travel mug in the morning with French Vanilla Folgers or French Vanilla Maxwell House (whichever is on sale) and put 2 tsp. of French Vanilla coffee mate.
  18. Just finished up the other 40 or so today. I ended up doing 96 since there were some mistakes and throwaways. I have about 20 more boarding passes but I'd have to buy more paper and envelopes if I want to use them. Hopefully FI stops inviting people!
  19. I saw these and thought they would be perfect for some of you girls to use or OOT bags. They are not available online so you'd have to live near a store but they do have the ability to check your local store's stock online before you go. IKEA | SOLIG | Beach bag
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by YoursTruly I know someone recommended it but why woul d you buy used unless you paid in full? If you finance a used car, your interest will be ASTRONOMICAL. Do the math and it would be better off buying new...Just my two cents.... Finance charges are based more on credit than new vs. used. FI used to work at a Toyota dealership and people get pretty much the same rate on a new vs. used car. I'd recommend getting a used car that's just come in off a 2 year lease. Since maintenance is included on most of the vehicles you're looking at they are very well maintained and the $5-15000 price difference will absolutely not be made up in the difference in financing. Even at a high rate, say 15% you would end up paying less for the used car. Here's a real world example. MSRP is from Edmunds.com New 2009 Lexus 400h Base model- $42,080 MSRP x 7.31% finance charge (current national rate) on a 48 month term loan. Monthly payment: $1013.72 2006 Lexus 400h AWD- $26,714 x 10.31% finance charge on a 48 month term loan. Monthly payment: $681.52 So while you'd pay slightly more to finance it, the original price difference is so much, it doesn't even compare.
  21. The paper I ordered for the ticket jackets arrived today so I got cracking on those! I ordered Poppy paper from Blue Dot Paper Shop | Paper Products to Inspire You. It was $5.99 per pack of 50. They are supposed to be $6.99 but I actually ordered another color that ended up being out of stock so I went with these instead and she honored the sale price of the other paper. I'm pleased with the way it all turned out. I also added a rhinestone sticker from the Martha Stewart Wedding Collection to add a little sparkle. The envelopes are from Office Max. They were 6.99 per pack of 50. My working area: Organized chaos. I used an old catalog to slice the jackets on. Completed package: Another view: Close-up of the edges. I used a heart shaped corner puncher.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Miss Florida What a good idea to get these printed by a printer. I was planning to print them all at home and then cut them etc. I think I will see if I can ring around the printers and see if its possible here in England. Great idea, thank you! You totally should be able to get it done by anyone who does business cards. Let me know how the search turns out!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by uspoiledme Great idea. I was dreading the idea of having 2 cut each one. Me too! That's exactly why I went with this option. I am not really much of a perfectionist so they'd probably just end up all crooked and I'd be like "Oh well, I tried." This way they come out straight or I'd be able to make them do it again.
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