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Everything posted by rdhbride

  1. those minor details cou;d have been so much worse! glad your day was awesome , pics are perfect!!
  2. i'm going in jan to hopefully set a date but i'm leaning towards aprilish 2010.
  3. all looks so good, your going to have an awesome day!!!!
  4. i'm a lil consumed also. how could you not be its on every channel!
  5. awww, beautiful pictures!!!!!! you all looked amazing!
  6. i'm looking at dreams, but my bff is actually going to majestic tomorrow for vaca:) i'll keep you posted on her review of the resort.
  7. wow i def would fight back , you have a contract!
  8. wow i def would fight back , you have a contract!
  9. that really sucks , why are people so difficult?
  10. mederma works so well , to moisturize i would aqueaphor very goos for severe dryness, its in any drug store. also aloe plant.
  11. good for you:) great stuff!!!!!! congrats your going to look amazing!
  12. see you ladies get it:) glad you found it funny, i know i'm on this site evryday for hours, i can't help it , there is so many useful ideas and pointers, i'm really thankful i came across this site, a true blessing!!!! thank you all so much !!!!!!
  13. thought you girls might get a lil laugh, my fi , when he comes home of course i'm always on the comp doing or searching for something and his comment is always "myspacing again?" but now today his comment was "bride spacing again?" lol i was laughing to myself for a good 10 minutes. i'm always on this site, lol. hope you girls get laugh from it, i was amused:)
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