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Everything posted by rdhbride

  1. congrats, you looked amazing, and pics are great. awesome detailed review:)
  2. i think in the end its going to be more fam than friends, i have 2 bro's and he has 5 bro's and sis. his fam is way bigger than mine. we both have a small circle of friends.
  3. whatever your heart desires you do:) if we were stuck on traditions we all wouldn't be doing a destination wedding
  4. they are gorgeous! i'm having problems putting the wording over the clipart for some reason. lol technical difficulties
  5. wow, i would definately want more info before giving any money.
  6. lol never enough hours in a regular day to take care of little things.
  7. welcome, i 2 am narrowing it down to dr or riviera maya, have you picked any hotels yet?
  8. don't let them rush you !!! take your time and do your research , you would hate to make the wrong choice for you and your guests. good luck!!!!
  9. anyway for them to charge more money they will. nothing we can really do but suck it up and pay it, unfortunately.
  10. i'm also concidering dreams dr, i have heard very good things about the resort. and they say once you have a place and date things get better:)
  11. thanks for the breakdown:) when are you taking your pics? i'm definately hitting the gym hard core before this, i still have awhile:)
  12. thanks beachvows, i saw mariann's site from blue daisy. but she was the only one i could find. how are her prices? and what made you choose her over the others?
  13. hey ladies:) calling all ny brides, i'm looking for a photographer for a boudoir photo shoot. any suggestions greatly appreciated:) ty
  14. hey ladies:) anyone havin a live wedding on line at their destination wedding for the people who couldn't make it? or has anyone done this. curious about the process and wondered if any specific resorts offered this option? thanks in advance! mary
  15. they are really nice i am def thinking of wearing a flower in my hair, how big is your biggest flower?
  16. i too am getting married in 2010. although not right around the corner , much closer than you think! i'm in the search right now for our place. very long and tedious process. can't wait to be done with this part to start on the fun stuff:) good luck to all!!!!
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