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Everything posted by rdhbride

  1. its her job and if she wasn't a people person she should have def done something else!!! hope it all works out:)
  2. i love the red dress. what ever color makes you feel beautiful thats all that matters:) go for it!
  3. you look amazing!!!!, he's def going to need some tissues stuffed in his pocket enjoy your day!!!!!! and try to step back and soak up all the little things!!!!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Anthony'sGirl We started dating in July '07 and moved in together August '07. We got engaged October 11, '07 and we got pregnant November '07 and had our beautiful daughter August 13, '08. We are getting married May 4th, '09 So, by the time we are married we will have been together 1 year and 10 months!! When you know you know.. I am happier than I have ever been and my life is so blessed!! On top of our little family we both have wonderful families that absolutely love and support us.. I couldn't ask for anything more. lol i'm with you ant'sgirl:)when you know you know! i met my boyfriend july 02' in a bar and i was the bartender, slipped him my number and told him don't be scared to use it:) he called that night(of course)moved in together aug 02' and have been together ever since. fam and friends thought we were crazy but we didn't care . we were sitting and taling one night and decided what are we waiting for its time to take the next step:) i too feel very blessed! see ladies bars are not just for 1 nighters lol
  5. sorry to hear, i have no advise as to i haven't even picked a place yet , but i do hear alot of brides having this problem. sorry.
  6. love the pics! you looked amazing, and i just love the ring box so cute! congrats
  7. ok before you totally bug out, step back from the situation, as much as you want to hunt the bitch down if she is even thinking of messing up YOUR DAY, remember , your family and REAL friends will be there and would never let that bitch get any where near you or your perfect day . so as much as you want to beat the bitch out of her , this reaction is what she wants, so don't give it to her but def give the ok to your girl crew if they do see her anywhere they can't beat her down:) thats why we have friends they go above and beyond for you cause they love you!
  8. lovely!!!!! you can always get him to cave
  9. the pictures are great , wide selection definately saved some for my ceremony:) thanks , great post!!!!!!!
  10. lol i'm going to look for the penis bottle opener:) great for my bridemaids!!!! they'd love it!
  11. this sounds like a common prob from most of the brides on here, i'm so not looking forward to this part, this can def turn me into bridezilla!!!!!
  12. i am so borrowing the candlelit theme, i love it ! it looks awesome in pics!!!!!!!
  13. i can't understand why we can't get married by a priest on the beach but can get married in a gazebo? whats up with that ? not fair!!!!!
  14. thats awesome i can't wait to book my date!!!!!!! check that off the list !
  15. i definately think teh quote is pretty on. you are traveling internationally and feb has alot of holidays, you may want tp make sure its not a school break. good luck!!!!
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