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Everything posted by rdhbride

  1. thank you ladies for your kind words and prayers:) lord know we can use as many prayers as possible!! i am thankful for any xtra days we have together as a family. i am definately taking the high road with this situation. if we could change it we would have!! everyday is precious. xoxoxo to all of you
  2. just wanted to let you ladies know how wonderful you all have been! you have provided me with such great ideas and def was wonderful sharing in a lil part of your special day! unfortunately we have to cancel our wedding because my mom has been diagnosed with cancer and its a poor prognosis so unsure if she will be able to travel in may. and a lil nervous even if she can god forbid we had an emergency so we are now having an ahr. we will be having it on her bday in aug. i have emailed sharron about it so my day and time is up for grabs, may 21st and it was at 4. hope this helps someone out if they wanted a change:)
  3. we were planned for a wedding for may in dr. unfortunately my mom has been recently diagnosed with cancer with a very poor prognosis. she is unable to travel. we will be having an ahr. we are in the final stages of picking a place and are hoping to do it on her bday in aug. we are unsure if she will be here but are hopeful. we now have to send out info to let people know of the change. everyone pretty much is aware of whats going on right now. this is where i need your help ladies. do you think we can send a letter ? we really didn't want to spend alot of invites again since we did message in a bottle. i would like it to say something like a celebration of and love and life...... any help is greatly appreciated!! thanks:)
  4. wow it all looks do great!! i love your diy table numbers!!!!
  5. congrats!!! you and everything look great!!! its wonderful to hear you are doing better and your guests will absolutely love their bags!!! enjoy your day!
  6. congrats on the flowers tam!!! i didn't realize i needed to decide how to arrange the tables too! urghhhhhhh another thing added to the list!!!so many little things to think about!
  7. ok ladies, this question is for a friend. and i didn't have the answer for her but i'm sure some of you can help. so her daughter is getting married in july and sent out the save the dates to 250 people . now after really breaking all her finances down she can only really afford like 150. how do you properly downsize without hurting people's feelings? and also doing it tactfully. i did some research but really didn't find any info for this , so any help is greatly appreciated:)
  8. happy venting ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glad you have a place to do it!!!! i know my fiance is tired of hearing me complain lol
  9. tam- i really don't feel bad at all for people not knowing. my lil bro and his wife are our witnesses and its only cause we were in their wedding so wanted to add them some how to ours since our wed party is so small. hope everyone had a fab weekend!!!! still trying to decide on centerpieces really didnt want to lug xtra things but not loving the photos for the centerpieces they offer. decisions decisions!! anyone doing group excursions?? we were thinking maybe spilting men and women up for a deep sea fishing trip and a snorkel booze cruise.
  10. nsbride, the detail on the dress is gorgeous!!! its a beautiful dress, you will look fab on your day!
  11. tam- if you could send me the flowers would love it! [email protected] and we are doing a civil at home , secretly so no one will know, i def want my dad to have his moment:) and i hate paper work! lrdavies- i love the shoes!! i;m thinking of fuschia for me
  12. tues oct 13th, 10:28, just sitting her thinking about how i hate work and wish i was off tomorrow!!!
  13. have a great time!!!! can't wait to see the pics!!
  14. i say go for it! if that makes you both happy!.people prob won't even realize it anyway so no worries.
  15. kuteliya:) i would love your list if you don't mind. my fi is hispanic but so not lol. we've been asking people for music suggestions for moths lol. he has no clue and i;m helpless lol. i love marc anthony and that congo vibe:) luv it!!!!thank you so much!!! [email protected]
  16. that would be fine, the men prob wouldn't use it anyway.
  17. i second the wtf thread !!!! lol
  18. some guys are real assholes!!! i would have loved to hear the ending was you rolling over his car with your beasty truck!! lol the look on his face would have been worth the rise in your insurance!!! glad you were ok!
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