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Everything posted by Chrissy86

  1. Hey, I'm sort of a newbie, and I am getting married in DR Punta Cana, in April 2009, at the Majestic...I was wondering if anyone has any advice on getting your hair and make up done there Any advice would be greatly appreciated....Thanks.... Chrissy
  2. we're getting married in Punta Cana, at the Majestic Colonial....any ideas on hair and make-up?or suggestions...thanks for eveyones help...
  3. We're getting married at the Majestic Colonial in Punta Cana....and I really need help on how I get my Make-up and hair done there.....I don't even know where to start looking for this info....Please Help....
  4. I was wondering, how do i find information on here, about wedding hair and make-up in the Dominican Republic? Anyone?
  5. Hey, I'm new to this website, so forgive me If I don't get the hang of this at first. I'm planning a wedding for April 2009 in the Dominican Republic(Punta cana), and if anyone has any advice on getting my hair done for the wedding in the Dominican, please let me know. I am really concerned about how I'm going to get my hair don down there, are there people down there that do that stuff? and make-up? I'm probably asking for a miracle I Know, but i figured it was worth a shot to ask anyways....hope someone can give me some advice..... Take Care Everyone Chrissy
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