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Sensatori Bride

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Everything posted by Sensatori Bride

  1. Just wanted to tell you guys that we decided to postpone until June 18th. Still a little sad but everything will be fine! I still get to have my beautiful wedding at our beautiful resort! My ticker sucks! Today would have made 10 days but now it's 1 month and 14 days. What a bummer!
  2. Hi Girls, So after much thinking we have decide to postpone our wedding until June 18th. It was a very hard decision to make but we're still going to Mexico and our beautiful resort! I'm not sure at this point who will make the trip but FI and I will be there and at this point I am sooo good with that! ~Mesita
  3. Thanks girls for being so supportive. No one from my FI's family will be there. His mom was afraid to fly in the first place so this gave her a convenient way to back out. Part of me still wants to go and I'm like the hell with everyone else but I just don't know. So we have looked at a Plan B to do something small here but I'm like why compromise and do something here for all these people who aren't being supportive in the first place? And then I have a great photographer that we paid to go with us and it's like if it's just us we still get beautiful pictures but when we look back in a few years there will be no bridesmaids, no dancing, no memories of the people who were there b/c no one will be there! So what is a girl to do? I am soo upset, sad, frustrated, angry, mad as hell! I hate the swine flu and the media for blowing it all up!
  4. You guys all of my wedding guests have bailed on me!! We already were having a small group and now no one wants to go. My mom and dad will be there and our very expensive photographer but no one else! I am sooo hurt. I have definitely learned a lot about people who I thought were my friends. My mom has a friend that works for the CDC here in Atlanta and this guy said that my wedding in not an "essential" reason to travel to Mexico. WTF
  5. Yeah I agree with you but what makes it worse now is that FI's mom won't go now. I am so pissed. How can she do this to her son??
  6. I think that I'm just going to go for it. We will more than likely loose a few people but at this point we are just way too close and I really don't want to postpone. This thread has been great and even though I'm stressed I am still looking foward to my beautiful beach wedding!
  7. Yeah, I sure do hope so! We are coming up with a Plan B but some of my guest have already cancelled.
  8. Oh no that's just horrible! I am so sorry that you are by yourself. I've been pretty quiet but I am soooo scared and my mom is really stressing me out. She thinks we shouldn't go and I just can't change my plans with just about 2 more weeks to go.
  9. You guys I am so nervous about this swine flu! My guest and my mom are freaking out. My mom doesn't want us to go anymore...today has definitely been stressful! Traci I need your email address to send cake and flower pics. Mesita
  10. Oh and thanks for the kind words regarding my guest!! Has anyone created a welcome brochure yet? I hate DIY projects!!
  11. Are you working with a travel agent? They can sometimes get info quicker than we can. Yamina does take a long time to respond. Just keep emailing her until she responds is what I suggest. It might be annoying but whatever! Or maybe try calling?? There are 18 days until my wedding and I am still waiting to finalize details with Yamina!
  12. I have their cake options...not sure how to post so if you want to give me your email address I will email them to you. Mesita
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by cowman1999 ERC is having a huge sale through the end of April! We rebooked our original plans using the travel insurance and saved around $1200. Have you received your refund from your original trip? Just curious to know how long it takes the insurance to refund the money. Was your trip paid in full already? Thanks!
  14. Awww thanks girls! You all made me feel a lot better. Today was a day full of tears but I'm okay now! So on another note...I also learned today that Excellence has a 35% off promotion. We are trying to get out rate changed because it would save us like $1000.00. One other thing I learned is that if you are staying in an Excellence Category room for 7 nights you can get the $850 package for free and then if you want to upgrade to one of the other packages you only pay the difference! Did you guys know that?? ~Mesita
  15. You guys I'm sad today : ( People are dropping like flies! When I first started planning I thought we would have about 50 guests. That turned into about 20 people who said they would go and now all of a sudden people can't make it and its just like 8 people!!! WTF! I wish that it was just the 2 of us. What fun is a wedding with only 8 people well 10 including us. I'm starting to re-think whether or not I want to pay for the wedding package with just that many people going. Maybe I should just do the free package now... Well that's my vent for today... ~Mesita
  16. OMG! I almost decided to pick the same bridesmaids dresses and you look so pretty in your dress! I went for my first fitting. I didnt take any pictures but I LOVE my dress! I thought it was going to be too small but it was actually too big. Bootcamp definitely helps! The only bad thing is that i am having to pay $400 in alterations.
  17. Hey! I live in Atlanta too! What is his contact information? Maybe I can join you...but I'm not sure if I will be able to get the pics before my wedding. Let me know.
  18. My dress finally came today!! OMG it took forever. I'm going to try it on at 9:30am first thing in the morning! I am soooo excited.
  19. No, not yet. I will probably go to hobby lobby this weekend. I think if your dress is ivory you should get ivory but you probably wont be able to tell if its white! Im just buying whatever I can find at the best price. Im running out of time!
  20. Hey. I wanted to share these pictures with you guys. They are the best I've seen so far! Mexico
  21. I want the original one too! It is definitely better than the new one.
  22. Hi! Thanks for the link. My bridesmaids will still have flowers but I want the parasols for the pictures.
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