Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl I can't stand the Enzyte commercial with Smiling Bob! Also, I don't think they run it anymore, but I hated the commercial for a toenail fungus prescription where they lift up the toenail and those little critters were dancing around and coming out! I can't even look at the t.v. when it is on-even though it is animated. It would always creep me out when they would lift up the toenail!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO The one commercial that totally irritates me is the one that at first glance you think is an official commercial from a government agency or some authentic mortgage company, but its not. It's something about interest rates dropping on mortgages & how there are people standing by to help you refinance your rates. It has a "breaking news" tone to it. I can only imagine how many people call in thinking its an official government agency then they find out its not! I wish I knew the company but I don't. All I know is that I absolutely hate it. Sorry for the rant but I can't help but feel that its a shiesty commercial.
I hate how misleading this commercial is.
The one I really hate is the nuvaring commercial!!! I had to do a project for work testing a bunch of commercials. I must of heard it 30 times in one day! That song would get stuck in my head for days and then i would hear it again at home watching TV!