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Everything posted by dolfinluck

  1. Hi All, I saw this on Seavis website (I plan on using them for private tour before the wedding) and wanted to post as brides and their guests in the upcoming months to the DR could greatly help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Seavis has set up "LEAVE UR CLOTHES" ACTION If you are heading down there soon there is a current need of the following items: - medicines and medical supplies (especially antibiotics, needles, pain killers), wheelchairs, tables/ stretchers, water purification tablets / filters, - buckets and rope (there are wells but no means to get the water out), flash lights, batteries, megaphones, plates and cutlery, tarps to make shelters (plastic car covers will do as well), soap. If you go to their website they have a list of different drop-off locations but basically said most hotels will take items and send them to a group that will deliver the items. I will be contacting Alexander (the owner of Seavis) before I leave as needed items might have changed by May and will be letting all my guest know what to bring to help them out. Please post to your other social network groups (other forums, facebook, twitter, etc.) Thanks!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by BridgetDLRBride I'm pretty sure they haven't set up the webcam yet. For anyone that is interested - Tiara told me yesterday that the Silver chargers will be $6/charger. Thanks Bridget! I think that is a little too much since you can buy them for cheaper and then even sell them when you get back.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by rach220 I purchased my freezedried petals from flyboynaturals.com. I ordered 60 cups and put them in gallon sized ziplock bags. I put one in my carry on, one in my suitcase, and one in my mom's suitcase, hoping that if one was confiscated I would still have some. Honestly, I don't know if they are considered plants. I didn't claim them on my customs form though. On one of the bags I even went at far to write "fake petals" on the bag. They all got there safe and sound. My carry on was searched but the petals were on the bottom and they didn't even go that far. One bag went in the flower girl's bucket to be used down the aisle and a second bag was used for the toss (17 guests). We didn't need the third bag and I brought it home and used it the decorate tables at my AHR. I paid $60 with shipping for them and thought it was well worth it. It was way more expensive at the resort for a small bag. They looked fresh right through till my AHR a week after we returned too. Thanks so much, i have heard of others getting their taken away. i think i might try and bring them down as well as the resort is quoting $200 for down the aisle.
  4. Thanks so much everyone!! Quote: Originally Posted by ~Angela~ Would you be willing to share your template, if you used one? They look awesome! Sure i dont mind, hopefully this works and let me know if i missed any of the fonts you need as well. Mods could you put a note on my first post to say templates are on post #18, thanks! Boarding pass template.doc
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart You know what really helped was making an inspiration board. The easiest way to do it is here - Mosaic Maker: A world of creative photo possibilities. Just upload pictures of what you're thinking and seeing everything together really gives you such a better idea of what looks good as your color scheme and theme ideas OMG this site is great!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amygirl1169 Heather, are you placing the lantern right on the table as the centrepiece? Hmmm...I actually think that's a GREAT idea! Yeah, ignore the puff balls that are hanging, so it will be paper lanterns down the center of the table. I'm thinking ill bring down some small sandwich bags and fill them with sand and put them on bottom to weight the lanterns down so they don't fly away with the wind and use those battery tea lights so they dont catch on fire. I'll be doing a mock-up once i get some more shapes and sizes and I'll be sure to post.
  7. First i want to say thank you to all the BDW ladies for their inspirations and templates!!! I got the card stock for the boarding passes and jacket from paper-papers in Stardream Metallic - 8.5 x 11 - Cardstock Paper - 105lb Cover in Crystal and Azalea. They had the best price for the amount that I needed. Note: always google for coupons before buying, it saved me $10. Their shipping was really fast and the great thing was they sent some free samples of different colors of the stardream metallics. I got the the envelopes from envelopemall in silver. The problem I had with the envelopes were that i wanted to do a postcard RSVP so I had to order a little bit bigger envelope to fit the size of the postcard and boarding passes but it all worked out in the end just took some time to figure it out. Lastly got the RSVP cards from vistaprint and just used one of their templates and tried to make it look it was written in the sand. Plus with postcards RSVPs is you can save on the postage as they only need 28 cents. all three pass with the RSVP postcard Back of RSVP postcard everything all wrapped up
  8. hjack thanks so much for all the answers!!! Quote: Originally Posted by nsimpson My latest centerpiece idea is to use 12" round or square Chinese paper lanterns (green and blue) surrounded by little tealites (green and blue from Ikea) and use 3 battery operated tealites (from Dollarama) inside of the lanterns.to create nice and safe glow. I'm really liking this idea because I can get the lanters for about $3.50 each in China town, they weigh next to nothing and they fold flat! Nadia Nadia, i will be doing something similar, i got the idea from the below picture and will be having all different shapes and sizes of Chinese paper lanterns in orange and hot pink and might throw in some small glass vases as well but not to many. We will not have too many ppl right now at 14 total (maybe go up to 20) so we will just have one long table.
  9. When i last spoke to them it was SunsetTour on luxury catamaran is $750 plus us$15 per guest for the cruise + drink/snacks option. And us$750 + us$22 for the cruise + cold buffet option. Sunset Catamaran cruise to Saona. Price indication without the costs for the dinner: us$1400. Sunset tour by speedboat to Saona:Price indication without the costs for the dinner: us$900. Also i believe when you book certain tours thru the hotel you actually go with them. So it would be like cutting out the middle man.
  10. I just put mine in the mail today and will post pics in a couple of days but I bought the cardstock from paper-papers. They had the best prices plus I found a coupon code online. I bought the AZALEA for the jacket and CRYSTAL for the boarding passes. I used a laser printer on the crystal cardstock and they were fine except it did curl the paper a little bit but just put something heavy on top of them and they flatten out. Also I bought A8 size for envelopes as I had a postcard as the RSVP card (only 28 cents for postage) so I had to buy a little bit bigger envelope so it would all fit.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Yes, corset definitely gives much better shape! I agree i love a corset back. they were the only type of dress i would try on.
  12. Wow those are so cute! would love to get one for my little girl but she has chewed thru too many collars
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 i like how it comes out like that, it gives you a nice shape I agree, i love it as is!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by litl_april Yes, it was a lot of fun having that! Everyone that it was so cute! Here's a picture of ours. I love it! its so cute plus its such a great keepsake!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by La Romana Stacey Did you decide to go ahead and book it or are you still waiting? We havent booked him yet as we are not sure how many ppl are coming, right now we are at 14 ppl total if we get 10 more ppl we will most likely book him to save me the stress and time of getting everything together. but who know this might be something the FI would actually enjoy doing since he did it for his sister's wedding.
  16. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a happy new years! Just about finished up my invites and plan to sent them out this week! I really need to get stuff done with just over 4 months to go but it's so hard when you dont know how many are coming!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by litl_april I'm planning on having our pup included on our cake topper. We've only had him almost 4 months but he was our baby from day 1! I'm thinking of ordering through Lynn on Etsy who a few girls on here have used. For our AHR he'll definately get to be there! I was planning on not having a cake topper at all but once i saw one of Lynn's with the couple and their dog on it i fell in love with it and decided it would be the perfect way of having our little girl with us!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by kaitlin422 I went for the blaire! It is really light and flowy - I can't wait to get it!!! congrats! its beautiful... would love to see a pic of you in it.
  19. We only have 10 booked (including us) so far and the wedding is in May. FI's brother and sister should be booking soon so that's 4 more but ppl always wait till the last min. I just hope not too many decided to come after the RSVP date in March otherwise they might not have an OOT bag. Quote: Originally Posted by Janelley100 So the rates have gone up since we booked AND they are stating that the lowest priced rooms are Sold Out (which I don't believe since we can still find them on Orbitz). I would be careful, and read this thread orbitz-expedia beware. It says Orbitz will keep offering rooms even if they are sold out and when you get to the hotel you might be switched to another hotel. I would hate for your guests to be sent off to another hotel.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by elifrigo Hello Brides!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited to join you as we are planning on changing our resort from punta cana to La Romana... I've just started planning with Dreams and I was wondering if any of you had information, pictures, etc for this resort as I haven't received yet an email from the WC. My email is [email protected] and THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHHHH for taking the time reading this and congratulations to all of you!!!!!!!! Welcome Elifrigo!! I just sent you an email with some information. You live pretty close to me, i'm in flemington but grew up in Warren Twp.
  21. If you guys have not contact they yet, i just want to let you know that Alexander from Seavis just told me that they are now offering a sunset cruise from 6pm-10pm on their catamaran that will sail around the bay. There is an open bar, dance floor and music on board, so now i am thinking of doing this for the rehearsal dinner.
  22. Just wanted to let you guys know, Alexander from Seavis just told me that they are now offering a sunset cruise from 6pm-10pm on their catamaran that will sail around the bay. There is an open bar, dance floor and music on board, so now i am thinking of doing this for the rehearsal dinner.
  23. Wow niki your dress looks great and cant believe how brave you were to buy without trying it on. I could never do that, i even called over 35 stores to find two of maggie's dresses so i could try them on first.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by amygirl1169 Wow that's stunning! Where are you buying your non-breakable vases from? And how is everyone planning on bringing all their stuff down? When we bought our luggage not to long ago we also picked-up a couple of these nautica duffles that fold into them self when empty, if you click on the "click to enlarge photo" they have a picture of it folded down.
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