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Everything posted by DRod0214

  1. everyone has some great thoughts. I am going towards doing it just becuase im not having a traditional wedding and won't have the unity candle, so if i can substitute it for a sand ceremony, why not. And we both love the sand, so it's another special touch i can add to my wedding. What i just thought about was how i can bring it home without ruining the whole thing, lol. any thoughts, let me know
  2. Hi, I am a November 09 bride. I am getting married at the Occidental Grand Xcaret on teh 6th. I am little behind, still can't pick a color scheme ( i like turquise, melon, yellow, jade; see my dillemma lol). My guests keep buggging me about this whole swine flu. Is anyone else getting questioned about it. I want to look for things that are different and unique so if anyone has any ideas please shoot them my
  3. congrats and welcome. you found a great place to start. lots of great ideas. I am a RM Bride and getting married at the OGX in Nov09. Depending on your preference of beach, OGX is nice with a small cove-like beach(not mile long sand looking beach). Way out your preferences first and that will shorten your list of resorts. There are alot of great ones out there.
  4. great, has anyone also added the sand ceremony. how does that work
  5. congrats and welcome to the forum. you will find great ideas.
  6. wow, im so glad it all worked out. I too am worried about the music. that is like one of our top three concerns. we are definately bringing more than one backup. thanks for the great suggestions
  7. Yes it is much cheaper and hassle free. When i began searching, it was much more complicated when you get legally married in another country. They require you to do everything there before you get married, nothing can be transfered from where you live (i.e bloodwork, court documents, etc.) That's whey we are deciding on getting legally married before we leave and do a non-legal ceremony in Mexico. good luck hope this helped.
  8. i don't think it that much of a big deal, years wise when it comes to celebrating it won't be the same. Now when it comes to throwing a party and because the two dates are from the same side of the family it might get crazy as to whose party to go to (if i dont sound confusing)
  9. I too was hesitant on their beach, but it does have advantages to them(you feel like your on a private island) it isn't that bad. As for the gazebo I liked that the best, many places we went to had it directly on their beach in the middle of where guests where tanning and i didn't like that. At the OGX you are on a cliff overlooking the ocean and the beach is down below also. Guests sit behind you on a grassy area, and there is a resturant too. (thats where im hoping to have my reception). I might have a pic if you want.
  10. congrats and welcome. You will find alot of helpful ideas. I picked the OGX and was very happy with them during my site viist. I looked into cabo, but didn't want a desert feel, more of a tropical feel. Good luck
  11. i like the dry erase board idea. My sister also incoprorated her theme (fall apples) and had everyone write a message on an apple(fake of course). For my beach theme, i want to incoporate shells or starfish.
  12. wow, they look awesome so far, can't wait to see and here the rest. diane
  13. i too love turtles. What is the purpose or symbolizism behind it. Please let me know. Diane
  14. i too am interested in the lanterns too. If you have heard of anything from anyone elkse, just let me know. diane
  15. wow, great job. i know, mine took along time too. I'm just glad its over. Now for the next part, lol.
  16. wow, they came out nice. I too did my save the date (boarding pass style). We put our own twist on them and added the pics we took in mexico. Once i figure out how to post it, i will. Everyone loved them diane
  17. you can never go wrong with white calla lillies. You can even add a little turquise good luck diane
  18. I am looking for a photograher and videographer for my wedding in November 2009, if anyone has pics please send them my way, i would love to see them.. thanks
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