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Everything posted by Geralyn

  1. Awesome planning thread! So excited...your wedding is going to me amazing!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by staceysbride For those who have already made theirs, did you put in a business card, cardstock, what? Also, did you glue it in, or leave it free? I'm not sure which direction I want to take with this... Thanks for sharing the template Geralyn! Nikki I printed them on cardstock and then just slid them in...didn't glue them
  3. I finally got my marriage certificate and it was not from the resort it was from me ordering it from the website...I think the original must have gotten lost since we moved after the wedding and it was never forwarded
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by diane.callaghan Has anyone gone (or knows of someone who has gone) to Nick's cafe - cliff diving? I have been there...it is called Rick's Cafe...I jumped off the highest cliff there...a lot of fun!
  5. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!!!
  6. The bottom of my dress was filthy after the wedding day but we did a TTD and it was really clean after that
  7. Defiantly go and see Dunn's River Falls...we took the Cool Runnings Tour and you go on a boat, snorkel and then climb the falls...so much fun! On other trips to Jamaica we went to the Appleton Rum Factory, YS Falls, and swam with the dolphins at Dolphin Cove.
  8. E~ I have said this already but I totes heart your book! Once I get my butt motivated I will make ours and will prob have a million questions for you , Andi and Yael!
  9. Aww Kathy I'm so sorry to hear this...big hugs to you and your family!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Perplexy I have been watching this thread for months now, and there's always new information available! I think, after searching and thinking about the options for making our wedding memorable we're going to end up doing the beach reception. It costs a bit extra regardless (of so I hear) but think about it: who has a reception on a beach in the evening where you can see the moonlight and hear the waves crashing? As long as no one gets too rowdy and tries to go swimming in the middle of the night, it could very well be the time of our lives! Loved our beach reception! And some of our guests did get rowdy and did go swimming but it made it so much fun!!
  11. Nic~ It goes to show how little anything else matters......no matter how much you plan or don't plan your wedding is still amazing just because you are in paradise marrying the love of you life! Your wedding was amazing not because of anything material but simply because of love. Congrats again!
  12. We had the steel drum band for the ceremony and a DJ for the reception...it was a nice touch to have them during the ceremony
  13. Also the minister is pretty flexible...you could even write up your own ceremony and have him read it...or just let the WC know before hand that you don't want him to talk about already being married
  14. I think the more time you give your guests the better
  15. OMG Yea!!! It's your turn...everything looks awesome! Can't wait to see the pics and hear all about it! Have a great trip!
  16. I'm bumping this because I know there have been a bunch of new Mrs in the last month....come on ladies let's see your happiest photos...this is one of my favorite threads!!
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