Quote: Originally Posted by msemi305 Hey - I booked the Royal Package - cause I was unsure of how many guests were going to be going - and I noticed after I booked it that you can go up in packages but not down...I am not sure if you can change to the free package with out a charge of some type...I would check with your TA - I would also be interested in knowing as well...keep us posted on how it goes...
take care oh man I hope this is not true!
Originally when we booked our wedding we booked the Caprice package (the most expensive) after thinking it over I really don't think we need to do that since we will be having our own photographer and most of the extras are spa services...I wanted to get the free package but then I was looking at the website and it said you need to book 5 rooms...now is that 5 rooms in your name? We have about 36 guests but only our room is booked in our name...so can I still get the free package
AT the end of last summer right after we got engaged I ordered 3 from VS on sale...then another 2 more during the winter from VS also on sale...then another 1 from target a couple of months ago...not to mention I already have about 6...I think I'm all set for the next couple of years!!
I still have to make the ceremony programs, pick all the music, wrap the fans in ribbon, finish the welcome brochures, Fi still needs to get his suit and the groomsmans pants!!! AHHH I still have so much to do and very little time!
I had my BD shoot this past Saturday...I had sooo much fun! I asked my photographer to sent me a teaser and this is what he sent lol!! I can't wait to see the rest!
FYI- Chantelle emailed me saying the minister who does the weddings at RIU MoBay does not accept emailed or faxed documents...guest I will have to mail them
It's tommorow and I'm super excited...I got a mani/pedi...I'm getting my hair and makeup done and i have tons of cute lingerie and accessoreies...and a bottle of wine lol
For those of you that mailed them...did you fedex them or return receipt or just regular mail...I'm worried somehow they will get lost. I figured scanning would have been the best way. I emailed Chantelle but she hasn't answered me yet.
Quote: Originally Posted by Jules Very cute! I'm trying to come with some kind of fun spin on the fact that we are getting married April 1! You know how many April Fool's comments I've received! It just happened to be the day the resort could book us! So I'll have to get creative like you did!!
This just popped into my head for an STD or something....
No Foolin (insert names) are getting married.
April 1, 2010
Resort Name
Just a thought!