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Everything posted by Geralyn

  1. Very pretty! I think it was def a sign...congrats on finding "the one"!!
  2. Congrats and welcome...there is tons of info on here! Happy planning!
  3. haha that's awesome...it's so true!!
  4. that is such a sweet story!! The Rockefeller tree is def awesome...so glad u got all of those pics!
  5. huntington beach: never been there
  6. Welcome...there is a ton of info on here! Happy Planning!
  7. Ana I don't know how I didn't see this sooner! I love love love your pics!! You look absolutely stunning and you and DH look so happy! I love the guys socks...so cool!
  8. What is your first name? Geralyn How Old are you? 30 tomorrow Where are from? New York What is your occupation? Teacher Do you have any pets? Daisy (american pitbull terrier) Mr. Boots (cat) Buddy (lovebird) Where is your destination wedding? Montego Bay, Jamaica What is your FH/Husbands name? Steve What is your favorite fruit? pineapple What is your favorite movie? The Notebook, Forrest Gump, Ferris Bueller's Day Off What kind of car do you drive? Nissan Altima What is your favorite book? Any Nicholas Sparks, Many Lives Many Masters, The Shack, Tuesdays with Morrie...so many more What is your favorite season? Summer What kind of music do you like? many different types but mostly rock Any siblings? Awesome Sister! Where is your favorite place to travel? Anywhere and everywhere What year did you graduate high school? 1997 What do you do for fun? Paint, snowboard, softball, volleyball, read, wakeboard, beach When is your wedding? July 11, 2009
  9. seen them in concert: Jimmy Buffet
  10. congrats and welcome
  11. congrats...you're in the right place
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Perplexy I have a burning question for you Geralyn... HOW DID YOU AVOID TAN LINES I think that may be the biggest stress of the day...you looked so fantastic! Sans tan lines! I bought 2 strapless bathing suits (even though I'm not really a fan of then b/c of my large chest) and I didn't wear anything but those until after the wedding. Also I made sure I had a nice base tan before I left. I was really worried about the tan lines too...but it all worked out!
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