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Everything posted by Geralyn

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Andilea Hey!! I am getting married at Riu Montego Bay on March 11th, 2010. Sooo excited!!! Are you finding it hard not being able to finalize any plans?? Nora was saying the the wedding coordinator does not contact you until 1 month before the wedding?!? I think that it is going to be a very busy month!!!! I am also really confused on the wwhole private reception deal. We got the Caprice package, but have to pay per person if we want private?? Doesn't make sense. Can anyone help with this?!!? Thank you!!! The reception for all of the packages are in the steak house...if you want a private beach reception you have to pay for it. We originally were going to do the caprice package but decided to go for the free package and just add the things we wanted. We had the reception on the beach and it was fabulous!!
  2. Yea I had no problem at the SS office either...I went with my temporary license and got my SS card very quickly...totally different story at the DMV...they would not do it with the temporary certificate and I didn't get my other one in the mail and on top of that we moved so who knows where the marriage license is...so i ordered a copy for $45 online last night...hopefully it gets here soon because i have been half way through the process for over a month and i never know which name to sign!
  3. You still have a lot of time...nobody booked their trips for ours until about 6 months before and we had people book the week before...so you never know
  4. Everything looks awesome!!! I may have to steal your idea for the thank you card collage...I have been a bad bride and haven't even started them!
  5. I emailed her before hand but it seemed like when i got down there they asked us all the questions again anyway of what we wanted
  6. That's weird...why did they get rid of the disco? We had the beach reception so I'm not really sure if there are any other options
  7. Thanks for the link...we moved shortly after our wedding and when I emailed the wedding coordinator our new address she said she already sent it to the old address....so who knows where it is!! I hope this works otherwise we're going to have to get married at city hall!
  8. Congrats!! I got married at RMB in July and we had the best wedding ever!! If you have any questions just let me know....I have plenty of pics to share too!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by amqueens Beautiful pics! Did you ask them to put the decoration, the white cloth with the lights? Was that extra? No we didn't ask for it...it is included. I saw another brides pictures somewhere on the forum and she had it also
  10. yes you can downgrade. We originally booked the caprice and downgraded to the free package
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by angie8119 great thread!! How far in advance can you book the private reception? We booked it 2 weeks before we went down there because we weren't sure if we were going to do it or not
  12. Aww glad to hear your legal day turned out so great...everything happens for a reason...if the court house wasn't closed you wouldn't have gotten married at a lake. I am a teacher and all the schools here are closed for yom kippur
  13. you look so happy! I love your dress and hair flower...gorgeous!!!
  14. Great job!! Love the wine glasses for the moms and I love love love your dress! You are going to have an amazing wedding!
  15. I can't wait...I love thurs nights just for this reason...a nice glass of wine and grey's and I'm happy!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by SSNM Okay found a brief article on it on cbc.ca: Expedia Canada faces consumer protection class action Is it only in Canada...I have used expedia a bunch of times during that time frame....how do I know if I get money back?
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