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Everything posted by Geralyn

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle6114 Anyone who's destination wedding was monopolized by their MIL's raise your hand!! Ok, I'll go first. Mine followed us around the entire 6 days, whining that we had to spend every minute wth her. Took control of all the dining and seating arrangements, placing my family at the end of the table so we couldn't converse. Ignored my mother and disreguarded her and every person in my group. Wore the gaudiest dress ever to my wedding, and was swimming every day in shorts and a white t-shirt, no bra (the sunburn hurt her back, she says. Oh and her toast was "may all of your up's and down's be in the bedroom!" Did I mention she didn't even give us a card? Come on ladies, tell me about your MIL's!!! OMG that is terrible! So sorry she put you through all of that at your wedding!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Scott-Pierre I just wanted to update that I was able to change my social security card and my driver's license with the certified copy of the marriage register that the minister gave us after our ceremony at the ROR. The DMV sort of questioned it since it didn't have a raised seal, but once they saw it was from out of the country, they just accepted it. Insurance was also super easy, they didn't even need to see any documentation! I am glad I tried to change everything now rather than wait the MONTHS the official license is going to take. I feel officially married now! The SS office let me do it with the certified copy from the minister but the DMV would not...they went online to see what the actual license from Jamaica looked like and would not accept it....sooo annoying!
  3. Congrats Mrs!!!! Hope the wedding was everything you dreamed of and more!!! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness!
  4. Heather~ You did an amazing job with everything! Can't believe it's time....enjoy every minute!
  5. Everything looks awesome!!! I love the boutonnieres! Have an amazing wedding!
  6. Congrats once again...everything looked awesome!
  7. I'm so sorry for your family's loss. I know how hard it must be for you
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Perplexy One question that I never thought to ask before: Was there a way for people to perform speeches? (i.e. was there a microphone setup and pedestal or something like that?) I really want this beach reception, but it's of utmost importance that my dad can do his speech. I think he has been writing it for years! Yes they had a microphone for speeches...my sister and DH's brothers gave speeches. They set a TV and DVD player so we could watch a video montage that my cousin made
  9. Congrats and welcome...there are other men on here but you guys are defiantly the minority
  10. Happy Thanksgiving to all you Canadian chickies!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Scott-Pierre The wedding coordinator from the ROR told me it should take 2-3 months for us to receive ours. Does anyone know if we can use the Certified Copy of the Marriage Register that you sign during the ceremony to change your name? It does say it is a certified copy? I really wanted to get on my hubby's insurance before the end of the year. I tried to use it at both the DMV and SS office. It worked at the SS but not the DMV so now I am waiting...it's so annoying!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by 2010bride Hello Everyone, I am also booked at the RMB. My ceremony is on June 4, 2010. I am sooo excited to finally have settled on a place. My only concern is, what is there to do when there is such a gap between the ceremony and dinner? I am searching around for ideas. What time is your ceremony? Our ceremony was at noon and our reception wasn't until 6. We took pictures after the ceremony with everyone then our guests went in the pool or napped and they all had fun...DH and I went back to our room with some of the bridal party and ate and drank and cooled off. At 5pm DH and I went to the beach to take pictures by ourselves. I was afraid that the gap was too big but it worked out perfectly
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