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Everything posted by CaraW

  1. I understand what you are saying diamondpooch. FI and I had both gained a little weight a little while ago, and recently joined a gym to lose the pounds together. I also understand what you mean when you said that you are becoming less PHYSICALLY attracted to him. That does not mean you don't love him any less, or you think of him any differently. I don't think you are a horrible person at all. It's hard when someone changes from being an active, and fairly fit person, to not caring at all. I think sometimes we just get too comfortable in our relationships, but it does affect the physical attraction when there is a big change in the way a person is... not just looks. If he's going from caring about the way he looks, to not caring at all then that's hard. I can understand that. FI and I have always been active people, going on bike rides and hikes and always out doors. Until that time when we got too comfortable in our relationship and basically became couch potatoes and drank a lot of beer, and ate a lot of pizza and junk food... this started to become an issue for both of us, and that's why we decided to change our lifestyle back to the way it was. I think both of us stopped caring about our physical appearance because we knew we're here for eachother forever, but the fact that we stopped caring was the problem, not that we looked different. We were both still attracted to eachother, and still loved eachother so much. What I would do is approach him from the health standpoint. Tell him that fitness is a big deal to you and you'd like him to want to go for runs with you, and bike rides, etc. And tell him that it seems he doesn't want to do any activities now and that upsets you. Maybe he needs you to push him a little to be motivated? I know I need that from my FI sometimes. FI will ask me to come to the gym with him one night, and depending on how I feel that day, I will sometimes display complete disinterest, because I'm tired from work, and I have a million reasons why I don't want to go, but a little push from him and once I go, I love it so much! Is that the kind of dis intereste he's showing? When you ask him to go he says no, he doesn't feel like it?, etc?
  2. Aw Christina that is the worst! I hate the stomach flu! Especially getting sick anywhere but your own home.... ugh.. just awful. Hope you're feeling better!!
  3. PM'd you - interested in the turquoise candle holders, Tropical pocket calendars, sea shaped confetti, and blue candles. Thanks! Cara
  4. I am VERY interested in the chair sashes and table runners if greshle doesn't snatch them up first. Also the beach chairs for the tables, those sound cute - do they hold anything? Like a table number? Or photo?
  5. Sorry I'm so last minute also, just emailed you for 31 pashminas! just trying to decide between PA-013 or PA-034... my color is turquoise. I think 034 is closer to our color... Cara
  6. I'm sorry but I'm still feeling a little confused about the prices. I know lexibride asked this question already, but I still don't quite understand. So the pashmina's are $3.75 each right now if I order through the group email? Is it only because we are all ordering an assortment of colors that the prices are $3.75 instead of $3.16?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lexibride Hi guys, haven't posted in a while, but I wanted to add that I'm doing OOT bags and right now VistaPrint has free totes right now for those who are worried about your budget. Today I got an email that had free totes, hats, tshirts, pens and keychains. One set of those 5 things cost $5.68 total. I did 20 orders of this and it cost me $113 for all of those things 20 totes, 20 shirts, 20 keychains, 20 hats, 20 pens - not bad for 40 people! I just made sure that I used their fonts and pictures so no extra costs were added. There are cute palm tree and hibiscus pics too. I attached a pic of the tote I made - aren't they cute?!? Hi Jessica! Wow those are so so cute!!! Can I ask how you got the free stuff? Is it because you've purchased from Vistaprint before? I went onto their website and I didn't see anything about free totes or key chains, etc. If you could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it! Thanks, Cara
  8. I lucked out and found my BM dresses at Le Chateau. I was originally looking at dresses for $200. But these were $70. My girls were very happy, and they're a dress that they can wear again after the wedding. Which I really liked. I got some fabric to make a sash for around their waists, and to tie our 2 colors into the dresses. Cara
  9. Thank you for posting that!
  10. Good point Julie H, and I was thinking that every single person would need their own bag, but good idea to do one per room. That would make it less expensive. I do want people to know how much it means to me that they came so far for us, because that's a big deal!
  11. I was thinking the same thing Christina! I mean, we have 55-60 guests, and even if we go to a dollar store and find, say, hand sanitizers for $1 each, that's already $55 just for one item in the OOT bag. I'm sure they can add up very quickly.
  12. I also didn't have a good experience at Ethos. Guess I should've asked for Betty. I went with my mom and her & I were picking out dresses that we liked, and then the sales lady (don't know her name) had me go into the change room and start trying some on, then she put some of the dresses back that my mom & I had chosen. And she was pulling dresses for me that I disliked, and kept trying to tell her what I was looking for. When I was changing my mom pulled a few other dresses, and the sales lady took them from my mom's hands and said, "No this one won't work".... "she won't like this one"...., etc. and then put them back. Umm, pretty sure my mom knows what I like! lol And then after about the 5th dress that the lady had me try on, that I tried to politely tell her wasn't what I was looking for, she finally said, "Ok then.. why don't you tell me what YOU like then." lol, I was thinking, 'haven't I been trying to?' lol.
  13. Hello fellow Calgary brides!!! Great thread, good idea hopefully we can swap some helpful information. I am using Uniglobe Travel for our travel agent, and so far my travel agent has been so helpful. We are traveling with Signature Vacations, who have given us tons of headaches, but our travel agent has been there sticking up for us and keeping me sane along the way. We've decided not to have an AHR because about 99% of the people that we wanted to come to our wedding, are coming. Unfortunately there's a few that can't attend, but we don't have a lot of money to spare for the AHR for only a few people that won't be in Mexico with us. I bought my dress & veil from Blissful Bridal, on Macleod Trail by the Cactus Club. The lady there who found my dress for me was wonderful, her name is Calinda. She picked a dress that I never would've tried on after she saw a few dresses that I had picked for myself, and she got an idea of what I was looking for. I tried the dress on, and it turned out to be the one. it's perfect. I didn't have a good experience at the Bridal Center, I found that they treated me like lower class because I was having a DW. "Oh THOSE dresses are in the basement....", and no one even came with me. How do they know what kind of dress I would like!?!? Anyway, this is a long post. hehe. I would love to go for drinks with other Calgary Brides if anyone is up for it, it would be great to talk about what we've done, and what our next steps are, etc. I love talking about weddings, but I think my friends get tired of it sometimes. haha. Cara
  14. Thanks Christina, you're probably right. And I do need to take a breather. lol. I just worry because of all of my guests that have put down their deposits already, I don't want them to get screwed over. If it was just a regular vacation, I wouldn't even think twice. But what you're saying makes sense. You don't have a flight schedule either then? I feel much more at ease after your message. Thanks. We should all get together for a drink!!!! Cara
  15. I'm so nervous that they're going to come back to us saying they're not going to fly in May. But I've asked multiple times for them to provide me with our flight schedule and they say they don't have it ready yet, but they should just after Christmas. Because May is their summer schedule, and they only have winter or spring, whichever it is that is out right now. And also because they merged with Sunwing, they're just trying to figure out which planes are going where. Their prices were really good for us too, because they mis-quoted us. So it was about $600 cheaper per person than any other quote we got. Once they realized their mistake, they decided to honor it, but only gave us a month to put down deposits, and anyone who didn't would be re-quoted after the month was over. Everyone managed to get in on this quote, which is awesome, but if we don't have flights... well I don't even want to think about what will happen. But Signature hasn't been very good at all, they tried to back out of this quote at one point and my travel agent said "NO WAY" because they already gave us a contract. And then they said they were going to restrict the amount of people we could bring, but luckily our travel agent stuck up for us on that too, and now we have way more people than we originally thought. Anyway, to make a long story short, I too was crying at work one day like ChristinaP because of Signature, and I hope to God that they won't let me down next year when they say we should have our flight schedules.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by HereFishie We did think of that Melidell but unfortunately its Signature that's the problem because they don't have flights the week after back home. We may have come up with a solution for our guests coming from Kenora & Winnipeg though which is a great relief. They're going to drive down to the states and pick up a cheapo flight down to Cancun and just book the hotel instead of getting a package vacation. Now we just have to worry about our Comox guests... I'm also travelling with Signature vacations and they have been NOTHING but a headache. We are waiting on our flight schedule right now, but they currently only have up until the end of April. We are assured that there will be flights for our wedding though, in May.... but by the sounds of it they're saying that they don't? Or am I jumping to conclusions? We are flying from Calgary, maybe your departure location is different than us... I will try not to panic....
  17. You did such a great job on everything! And you got married on my birthday!!!! Congratulations, thanks for sharing. Loved everything.
  18. Wow! Amazing, I absolutely love that church also. That will be so gorgeous.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by KarenM Well you do have a lot of time, but if you really want to keep planning here are some ideas (there's a lot): -Do you have an idea of where you want the wedding? Will it be on the beach or in a gazebo, etc? Have you seen pictures of the set-ups? -Will you be adding decorations or just using what they provide? -You could work on a play list for your dinner/reception (are you having a DJ?) Are you & FI having a 1st dance? -What about the menu? You could have your resort send you options. -Do you have a photographer? -Have you picked out types of flowers/bouquets you'd like? (maybe make an inspiration board to bring to show your WC at the resort) -Are you planning on having favors at the wedding or place cards? -What about a cake topper? -Are you giving gifts to your bridesmaids/groomsmen? What about for your/his parents? -Your shoes, jewelry & hairstyle (if you're having your hair done maybe find pics of how you'd like it done so you can bring those with you). -Do you guys want to plan an excursion or welcome party for everyone? -Have you looked into buying wedding bands? I know that's something we felt really relieved about after buying them. -Have you booked your airfare? -You could def start on the OOT bags so you don't have to buy everything at once. Have you found bags that you like? If not search around so that when you have a final count you can just go ahead & get them. I only have a rough estimate of the # of people coming but started to buy things like mini sunscreens, advil & emergen-c packets, chapstick & some water guns. ok, I think that's enough! Wow!! Thank you, these are great suggestions!!!! I still have lots to do.
  20. Everything looks great!! We were going to get married at the RPRM at first too, I love that resort. Where did you get your sand ceremony frame? Cara
  21. Congrats!!! I'm also getting married May 2010. It'll come up faster than we know it! Happy planning!
  22. Has anyone had their reception in the Palmeras grill? Gabriela told me that it's quite large, but they will just put us in one of the "wings" and kind of section it off, even though it'll be a private reception and no one else will be allowed in. I don't want it to seem like it's way too big. And too much empty space. We are having around 60 people. Also, has anyone used the DJ from the resort? Their DJ is cheaper than DJ Mannia, so I was wondering if it's worth it to use them. If I used the DJ, and the mariachi band, the total of the two ends up the same as the price of DJ Mannia. Thanks! Cara
  23. I really want to plan right now, but I feel like there's not much to do at this point! I think I'm just stumped.... What's the next step I can start on? I have ordered my dress Bought my veil Bought BM dresses Sent STD's Working on invitations Booked hotel We're going on the weekend to look for FI & GM attire. What else is there? It seems like everything's done at the resort. Should I start working on OOT bags.... I kind of now wish there was more to plan with a DW.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Is anyone else having extreme trouble with invitation wording? I think I've been working on my invite wording since August... no I know actually, it's been in the making for awhile. Argggg. I'm having the hardest time! I am! I know exactly how you feel. We have been working on our invites for a few months now, and I can't come up with the wording I want.
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