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Everything posted by 42010bride

  1. ~Laughing~ Yes CaliaA07 that's what i meant. I have a rest day tomorrow and i'm almost at the end of the challenge. I know what you mean by the sore legs the lunges and squats are killing me. But I don't think i have felt so good in all my life.
  2. Did the Wii fit yesterday and today..tomorrow is my rest day but think i will work on my arms anyway.
  3. I did order the info packet and your right it doesn't tell you things you don't already know. I check out mouseweddings.com as well as the Disboards. I got most of the info I needed from them. ~smiles~
  4. Hi I am a fellow disney bride to be. We are looking to tie the knot in May of 2011.
  5. I am new to this forum. I have been using the Wii and using Wii active. Worked out 30mins today am proud of myself for doing so.
  6. In complete and total agreement. We purchased it on June 2nd and I have been using it ever since. I am doing the Wii fit challenge and its kicking my butt but so worth it. I am over weight and this is helping me build up some endurance. i love it.
  7. This is my ring its a total 3 carats and 18 k white gold Asscher cut.
  8. Frank Amodo-www.frankamodo.com Shawn Starr-www.shawnstarr.com Rachel Robertson-www.rachelrobertson.com Dulce by Visionari-www.dulcephoto.com Visionari-www.visionari.com Blufotografica-www.blufoto.com These are few I looked at. All are amazing.
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