~Laughing~ Yes CaliaA07 that's what i meant. I have a rest day tomorrow and i'm almost at the end of the challenge. I know what you mean by the sore legs the lunges and squats are killing me. But I don't think i have felt so good in all my life.
I did order the info packet and your right it doesn't tell you things you don't already know. I check out mouseweddings.com as well as the Disboards. I got most of the info I needed from them. ~smiles~
In complete and total agreement. We purchased it on June 2nd and I have been using it ever since. I am doing the Wii fit challenge and its kicking my butt but so worth it. I am over weight and this is helping me build up some endurance. i love it.
Frank Amodo-www.frankamodo.com
Shawn Starr-www.shawnstarr.com
Rachel Robertson-www.rachelrobertson.com
Dulce by Visionari-www.dulcephoto.com
These are few I looked at. All are amazing.