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Everything posted by Soon2beTWells

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by mexicanbridewithquestions Amy I can't believe your wedding is in 2 and a half weeks. That's great! Hope everything is going well How exciting I hope that the day is everything you wanted and more...Can't wait to see pics of the first wedding!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by heather hunder Hi We were thinking of doing a "Trash the Dress" photo shoot the morning after we get married at sunrise(so like 6 or 7 am) Does anyone know if the $500 for the outside photographer is charged twice? If so does that mean if we want the photographer to take pictures at the bar after midnight, would that be considered the next day or is it for 24 hours? Thanks I think that is a one time fee, plus the beach (if you walk a little) is public...they can't charge for that. I am doing the same thing and in my emial is made that clear to Fabio and in his "offical in writing response" said that it was 500.00 it did not say anything about 500.00 a day.
  3. I felt the same way, I am the same exact size as you. I bought a dress and was so upset looking at it I sold it on Ebay and refuse to get one until January....I say that we keeping working out and eating right and we will both be in the dress of our dreams.
  4. It looked like the tables were set for 8. I just went back to look at that pic..
  5. I am right there with you..I can leave curlers in my hair for hours and the second I take them out my hair is pin straight again...and any kind of volume is out the window. I will be in Mexico and I think the humidity is going to get me...
  6. You need to talk for sure, this can not be something that he can continue to do during the marriage....it will work out, I know that is not what you want to hear right now, but things always find a way of coming together. Is there some kind of low % loan you can take (since you paid off your student loans) and make the same payment you were making on them...it seems that you would be able to pay if off next year as long as he stays away from best buy...good luck!!
  7. I am not wearing my dress, but we are having some of the best pics blown up and incorp. into the AHR. We are also showing our video...I will am wearing a cocktail dress...and it will be white.
  8. Good job, your day is almost here so enjoy and try to get some rest!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by heather0618 What info from the hotel are you all usnig for Save the Dates? My TA told me they don't have a brochure yet Is that possible? I just put my TA's info, our wedding website, and the hotels website. I figure between the three they will get the info that they need. My TA said that she has had a lot of calls, and the hotel website list everything for them. I also added the video of the sensatori to our wedding website to give the guest a better idea of what to expect. The details will be in the passport invites that I am doing, and some with the bag tags as well.
  10. I know how you feel, when you have something in mind and it is not exact....but they look great
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl My colors are hot pink and bright orange..I wanted cheery and tropical colors! I went with the same colors..My fave is hot pink and the orange just looked so good with it, and tylersgirl is right they are cheery and tropical! (Lots of flowers are those colors as well)
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by PammyP I'll be attending a webinar for travel agents tomorrow morning specifically on the Sensatori so I will post the info I get after that! I am excited to see what you find out. I am hoping that since you are a TA that they are going to be a little more straight forward with you. It seems like everyone gets a different answer. Thanks in advance for sharing
  13. Oh no, I need to light a fire under my guest to get their deposit down. I am not until June of 09, but new hotels book fast....
  14. Welcome. I'm an Azul Sensatori bride and I am also from Texas...Dallas, what part of Texas are you in. I am not sure why it did not open for you I was just there and it was working just fine. Sometimes it is a little slow
  15. Hurry up...now you have us all wanting to see pics of it...Maybe I need to try ebay...
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