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Everything posted by Soon2beTWells

  1. I agree, and I would say the same thing to my guest if this were the case. You can't change last min, and expect the other person to pay for your choice..
  2. The first two tripadvisor reviews are up!! Puerto Morelos: Azul Sensatori by Karisma - Traveler Reviews - Gourmet at the Sensatori! - TripAdvisor
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] I just joined this forum today after noticing that a few of you might be there at the same time we are. I thought it would be nice to chit chat and trade ideas etc... Congrats and good luck to all of you. This resort looks beautiful. My TA just sent me some new pics yesterday of the grand opening and the first wedding last weekend. I will share if you are interested. Welcome!! Thanks for the pics, it is always nice to get new info!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jhawkev We're staying a week at the Resort and then a week at a boutique hotel in or around Playa. Has anyone been getting responses from Fabio or Nancy lately? Or have you been getting the automated response..... It's kind of difficult to ensure your reception time and choices when they don't respond to emails! Let's hope they do make an effort to keep the wedding parties separate. I'm just starting to worry about their organizational skills. That is what we are doing as well. I have not heard back from Fabio in over three weeks. They last automated response said he was out until yesterday. My guess was they were at the Grand Opening of the Sensatori. I am getting a little worried about the organization, and communication between them and us (and the onsite WC)
  5. Mrs.StephP.2Be I wish I would have asked, but not going to worry about it, like you said it's booked what are you going to do!! Welcome and congrats on the date!!!
  6. Welcome, and congrats! Quote: Originally Posted by 27 desses We finally got our date confermed!! May 5th 2010 at 4:00pm. Now comes the fun part...no more badgering about the date.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be I think this is my biggest frustration and concern right now. And who knows if you pick your selection first, if you'll really truly get it. Gosh, I have no faith!!! I'm pretty sure the resort is small enough that you will come across the other wedding at least once! I'm ok with it, it would have been nice just to be informed up front. Also, how many of you are staying at the resort for your HM, and how many are going to a different resort?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Polina So if we can't have it at the restaurant. What are our options besides the beach, terrace and that center outdoor location? If there are two weddings the same day and both have a private reception that only leaves a choice of 1 out of 2 for the second bride. That doesn't seem fair at all. That is my point that I have with Fabio, and he said that the choice goes to the person that booked first. I have a HUGE problem with that since I was not told in advance that there was another wedding that day. I would have been willing to do it the day before or after or even a week later....I am just annoyed right now and want to get things set in stone, so that I can send out update letters to my guest. There is another wedding on my same day and we both started at 5:00, so I asked to change mine and the only choice I had was 6:00....I really wanted a cocktail recpetion and I am talking to Fabio about this. I should be allowed to have my private event until 12 since they book two weddings at the same exact time.
  9. This first question I asked again, because you guys have been saying that they only have two weddings a day a few hours apart. When my wedding was set for the same exact time on the same exact day as one of the brides on here. I am starting to get a little annoyed with this resort...I switched my time and delayed it one hour in hopes that it helps. How many weddings do you hold in one day, and how many onsite WC's do you have to ensure that each bride feels like they are the only ones having a wedding that day? What is the new bridal suite, and if you have more than one bride getting married on the same day how do you ensure that all parties have access to this particular suite? What is the time frame for Lomas to send a quote on a custom table set up not offered on their website? What are the chair choices for ceremony, and reception and cost? (ie: chiavari, wooden, ect…) How much is it per bow for the chairs? Can we have them premade and bring them with us, and how much would it cost for you to add them? Is there a DJ at the hotel that would speak English? I read somewhere that they guest could not take a piece of cake back to their room with them. This is one thing that I really wanted to do and have boxes already made for it. If we paid for the cost of the cake and it is all inclusive why is there this policy? Is it possible to have a canopy for the reception on the beach as well as the one for the ceremony? Where can you find the linen color choices for the tables, and canopies? How far in advance can you reserve your location for ceremony, cocktail hour, and reception?
  10. I was on the webinar, and I too wanted the beach/pool butlers. I still want to know how far down the line. I kida want to switch to the Azul Fives....I also wish tha they would have spent a little more time on the wedding details. I felt like I knew most of that stuff already.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 I try to eat between 1500 and 1600 calories a day. My workouts are usually like this: Monday - spin 60 min and WT back and bicep and abs Tues - bootcamp 60 min and WT chest and triceps Wed - Run 5 miles and abs Thurs - Spin 45 min and WT shoulders Frdiay - either bootcamp or spin and WT legs and abs Sat - if I am up to it 5 mile run or 75 min of Zumba My goal is to loose about 10 - 15 more lbs so I am currently playing with my workout and food habits to see come changes. Do you mind me asking how much you have lost so far?
  12. Last second I know, but I am signed up for the azul sensator Webinar that starts in 45min, if anyone would like me to ask a specific question plase let me know.
  13. They have bands like the one you have that have a bit of a curve to them so that they slide under the setting, and when you get them bonded together they close the gap so that it looks like it was made for your ring. I would go to a jewler and try them on if you are wanting to order it.
  14. I will take the tags and the orange, and ivory pashminas if the others do not take them. I will PM you. Thanks!
  15. Thanks for the post. What did you think of the progress on Azul Sensatori, and what was your opnion on Excellence Playa Mujeres (we are going to go there for our HM)
  16. I would like to know that too, and how are they going to ensure that each bride feels like there wedding is the only one taking place?
  17. Sounds like it is almost done, thank you for posting this. I can't wait to see the final product, and pics of the first wedding.
  18. I would call and have it set up ahead of time. You never know how many staff they have for that and how many brides that day.
  19. I love everything, your guest are going to have such a wonderful experience.
  20. Your work is wonderful...My soon to be MIL is moving to St. Lucia on a three year contract. We will have to come and get some pics down for the holidays!!
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