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Everything posted by Soon2beTWells

  1. The following items are free if you pay for the shipping! 2 pairs of orange old navy flip flops 10/11 (Mens) Mixed ribbon sizes Pink, Orange, and White Hot pink/Fushia linen table runner (went down a table that held 8 on each side with extra tucked in under.) I have some Bride tank tops that have only been worn one time...not sure when I would wear them again so free to a good home! Victoria Secret -- White "Sexy Little Bride" Large Vicotria Secret -- Blue "Just Married" Large Pictures by Twells62309 - Photobucket Hot pink tank that says "Bride" Large
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Chicken764 Hi, If still available I'll take all the Spanish books. Just let me know hoe to you want me to pay you. Thanks, Martine They are yours, I just sent you a PM!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by angruck I looked at the 2009 guide---supposed to be open car for that hour---I am definitely going to make sure this is done---otherwise it isn't worth it. It is open bar and the waiters are quick about getting the guest whatever drink they want. When we met with Anabel the day before I asked her to have drinks that matched our colors and some other drinks onhand. When the guest got to the cocktail area there were several different drinks offered, and some cute hotpink and orange drinks....they were even bringing over shots to us!! We loved it...no exta cost just ask when you have the meeting!
  4. Items that are left include: 2 pairs of orange old navy flip flops 10/11 $1.00 each + Shipping Mixed ribbon sizes Pink, Orange, and White $5.00 + Shipping 11 Spanish for Dummies $5.00 + Shipping Hot pink/Fushia linen table runner (went down a table that held 8 on each side with extra tucked in under.) $10.00 + Shipping
  5. Here is a link to photobucket with pictures.... Pictures by Twells62309 - Photobucket
  6. I have FS the following items: 19 Organza pink chair ties $1.00 each + Shipping 20 Fans $10.00 + Shipping 11 Spanish for Dummies $5.00 + Shipping Hot pink/Fushia linen table runner (went down a table that held 8 on each side with extra tucked in under.) $10.00 + Shipping 30 rolls of bright pink ribbon $10.00 + Shipping Shell for rings $3.00 + Shipping Large roll of Hot Pink ribbon $5.00 + Shipping 2 pairs of orange old navy flip flops 10/11 $1.00 each + Shipping Mixed ribbon sizes Pink, Orange, and White $5.00 + Shipping PM me I will send pics, because I am not sure how to upload them here if you would like to see anything. Tifani
  7. wahmsuzanne: I am so sorry that the weather turned so bad. We left yesterday (Sunday) and woke up to those storms...I am glad we were on the second floor, because the first floors were flooded. We went to get a quick breakfast to find that they world cafe no longer had a roof. I am sure it will get better I got married on Tuesday right after Lindsey I assume. It was perfect, I LOVE Anabel!
  8. Ok, I am getting a little upset. I have emailed 4 times in three days about the conformation of our menu, because I have been waiting on it to make our menus....we leave on Saturday, if she does not send them I guess I will make a menu for my choices (I had a few special request) and hope that it is the same.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by starlitk I believe our reception is 7 to 10:00 also, but I have heard that other brides have successfully gotten it extended a half hour or so. Has anyone else who is getting married at the end of June had really slow communication with the coordinators this month? We emailed Aurora on June 2, 8, and 11th and have not gotten a response from her. This is so frustrating because we leave on the 24th, and need to wait for her response to finish some stuff - including a mass email to our guests who have been asking us questions we don't have answers to. Plus, they have STILL NOT confirmed whether we have the Seaside Grill, and now we are less than 2 weeks out. Ugh. Yes, I have had the same problem. I have asked several questions...three different times starting back on the 2nd of June as well. I really need to know the conformation of our menu so I can get those printed up since we leave on Saturday... Also does anyone know if we can pay before we go down? One of our family members who can not go because of work wants to pay for the wedding as our gift...so I REALLY hope that he is able to do that... I am also bummed because we are not allowed to do the bonfire as of two weeks ago because of sea turtle nesting season. I have asked how to set up a privite event/ make resv. in one of the resturants and still haven't heard a word...STRESSED!! Lindz when are you leaving, I know we are getting married on the same day (So Exciting) did they confirm your reception location?
  10. Yikes my wedding is so close, I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the following locations for cocktail on Terrace Lobby and the Reception Dinner by the beach close to the Relax Pool?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by soon2bePowers Best news I have heard in a while...... My FI's uncle called today and said that he went in to see his immunization doctor. Prior to retiring he had a high profile job that took him all over the world, so he has been a patient with this doctor for a while. WELL, the doctor told him that he WOULD go to Mexico!!!! He gave him some suggestions for safe travel (which uncle is emailing me and then I will post!). I am so excited! His uncle is a very cautious person and in to me, him being willing to travel means a lot! Still sending good vibes to all!! I think that is great news. To me that just reassures the fact that the media has blown this out of the water. I can't wait to see what you post so that I can share with my family. Congrats that everything is working out
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Blkatz Ladies-I am back and everything was amazing. I really had such a great time. I could not have asked for anything better. It was a rough start of the week but Saturday was amazing. I will post a full review including how great Erik was from Claudia Rodriguez and how Natalia is so sweet. In the meantime, I will post some non pro pictures I am so happy for you that everything was as you would have wanted, and all that matters now is that you will have a lifetime of memories to make together.
  13. I love these, can you buy the smaller vases without the larger middle one? I love them but already found my center piece for the sand.
  14. You did a great job, and you look beautiful! I love your ttd dress, where did you get it?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by anacgarcia Here is a set of pink orange invites for inspiration: I LOVE the invitations......oh wait because they are mine!!! You did such a wonderful job I am getting everthing ready so you can make everything else I need....Thanks again Ana!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by yamille I did see the preview for next week. I don't want jill and bethenny to get in a fight. I like them together. This shop is such a guilty pleasure. I love this show and I agree with you, they are the ones that are supposed to be together. I can't stand Kelly so is so.....I really hate to be rude, so I will jsut stick with "I can't stand her!"
  17. Happy Wedding day Beth...I know it is going to be just as good with your best friends as it would have with all of your guest. Just remember you are getting married today in a wonderful location, to the man of your dreams. I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by MegaShay My heart goes out to all of you May brides! I just came across a bit of good news and wanted to share -- the WHO is not recommending travel restrictions! Reuters AlertNet - WHO not recommending swine flu travel restrictions I am getting married in June and must say am a little worried, but this was a HUGE help. I know that most of this is blown into something bigger than it really is. I also just talked to my TA and they are sending somone down to the RM area until this blows over just to see what is really going on. As of now the state that Tulum is located in has no known cases, there are more cases in the state that I live in (Texas) than there. So this also helped. All we can do is pray and hope that this will be contained soon.
  19. I have a question about good palces around the resort to host the cocktail hour, I don't want to hold all events on the beach, because I want to give my guest a break from the sand...even though its my fav! Also, I wanted to know what the cost is for outside vendors as well.
  20. Mine are Hot Pink and Hot orange Veary Beachy and Fun!!
  21. Quick question for past brides. What appitizers were good that you had for the cocktail hour? I was looking at the pictures in the planning book, but none really seem to jump out at me.
  22. I am not sure what size to get? We are going to string them from poles above the dance floor. Also, is there a good place to buy them from?
  23. I was just checking to see if anyone was getting married around June 23,2009 that would want to split a photog? I am not sure who I want but loved photos from Jean-Marcus Strole and Sol Tamargo from del sol. PM me so we can talk about it.
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