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Everything posted by Jess

  1. oh i like the zebra but i love the damask!!
  2. haha i got this in an email yesterday! I was cracking up...the bride doesn't seem amused in the water but I think if it was me I would be busting up at that point.
  3. Okay I'm super pale - probably way more than you! I've done the spray tan and the mystic. The spray tan by a person looks great when you are out and about - but in photos - I looked so orange because of how pale I really am. I would recommend waiting till the honeymoon so your wedding pics don't turn out orange. Good luck!
  4. good idea! 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? wrapping paper - rarely gift bags 2. Real tree or Artificial? artificial - although I miss the smell of a real tree! The artificial is so much easier 3. When do you put up the tree? Usually after Thanksgiving, but this year I'll do it this weekend since I will be gone next weekend at FI's parents house 4. When do you take the tree down? after New Years 5 . Do you like eggnog? Love it - try it with rum it tastes like a banana split! 6. Favorite gift received as a child? those baby dolls that you didn't know if they were a boy or a girl until you opened the package - I loved those! Totally forget what they are called though. 7. Hardest person to buy for? hmm my Dad - he buys everything he needs 8. Easiest person to buy for? My sister 9. Do you have a nativity scene? no - I was thinking about getting one 10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail for sure 11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Shirt from my mom when I was 15 that said "so many boys, so little time" - embarassing at that age! 12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I love Christmas movies - hmmm Elf is cute 13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? After Thanksgiving 14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No 15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? everything! 16. Lights on the tree? yes - all white 17. Favorite Christmas song? Santa Baby! 18. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? go to my parents house - local 19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Rudolph, Donner, Dixon...umm maybe not 20. Angel on the tree top or a star? I have a big silver star 21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We open one present Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas morning 22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? traffic at the malls 23. What theme or color are you using? for what? - umm my Christmas tree is burgundy and silver with white lights if that is what this question means 24. Favorite for Christmas dinner. Honey Baked Ham, mashed potatoes - I love food on Christmas! 25. What do you want for Christmas this year? a Dell Mini laptop, an iPod touch, for my FI to move down to San Diego ASAP 26. Who is most likely to respond to this? hmmm? 27. Who is least likely to respond to this? not sure either
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by hamster627 Ok, I did a search for travel medical insurance and read lots of posts (thanks ladies!) Several relatives of mine are retired or semi-retired and are cardiac patients. They will get travel medical insurance, so no problem there. I know they'd get the all clear to travel, but I'm a bit worried about once we've arrived. I would like our families to be able to go to a facility like Amerimed Hospital and get immediate medical attention without worrying about the cost. Is that even possible? Can anyone recommend a specific insurance provider? I have a lot of experience with this as I am an independent health insurance agent and I sell all the carriers in California. Any of the big name carriers are good. I personally sell all my clients HTH Worldwide. I was in Italy last summer and got very sick - my HTH worked wonders - it paid for everything. Also keep in mind if you are in US and have medical here - they will pay for emergency situations abroad (EDIT: just realized you were in Canada - will your universal healthcare cover you in emergency situations abroad?). Now emergency situations are not breaking an arm (even though I would consider this to be so!)....anyway good luck! If you have any questions - PM me - I'd be happy to answer them for you.
  6. yes I agree! Call her up - you are not a bridezilla - she is just cutting it too close and maybe she doesn't even realize it. Good luck!
  7. awww I'm so sorry Ra'Shunda - this economy is the pits!!
  8. I'm sorry Caroline - I would be upset as well since it is only 3 weeks notice. I know it is hard, but try not to worry about it - it is your day, and you will have fun no matter what! If you are worried about photos - I'm sure your photographer has experienced wedding parties being uneven before - and he/she will know how to work with it and make the pictures look good.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by *Casey* Anyone have ideas for an All-Inclusive, Adults Only resort where you can have a private suite, butler, and plunge pool? Any of the Sandals resorts if I am thinking correctly that it is adults only - some of the ones on their website look amazing!
  10. this is so much fun - my friend did it at her wedding in Tucson, Arizona - it was great and very unique!
  11. I just received some sample STD's from them and they are very nice. I think I'm going to go with them.
  12. I just read this article, and I swear it is one of my worst nightmares! NT woman wakes during surgery but is paralysed and unable to scream | Northern Territory News | News.com.au This woman in Australia woke up during surgery and couldn't scream because she was paralyzed by the anasthesia. She felt every cut it says though. Ugh I can't even imagine - poor thing! So scary!!
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