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Everything posted by Jess

  1. I'm thankful for my friends, family (this includes FI), health and all you lovely nice gals!
  2. Yup - we met at a bar/club when I was in college up in LA - I spilled a drink all over him!
  3. Thank you girls so much - you are so helpful!
  4. P.S. Maybe I just watch to much of "The Girls Next Door," but when I read the title before reading the thread I thought you meant you girls used to be old Playboy Playmates! haha
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle WOW!!! that is beyond disgusting!! if i got paid for all the drama in my life lately being on tape i think i would be pretty damn rich (i think you know about the drama im talking about Jess! lol) haha yes - if you made a show I would so watch it!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle ok well on the topic of houses in the Hills....how the hell do Lauren and Audrina have the money to buy their respective houses? they are 21!!! my age! ummmm hello there is no way they have that much money oh they get salaries - nice "reality show" huh? Read below - Lauren gets 75K per episode!! MTV “The Hills” Salary Dispute: “The Hills” Salaries Revealed
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by gossip girl I am wondering if it is even a legal wedding. I read that they were on vacation in Cabo and it was a spur of the moment ceremony. Now we all know about the blood tests and other requirements necessary for a legal wedding in Mexico. It just makes me wonder. Which makes it all the more just a publicity stunt as they are getting soooo much press for it! They sold their photos to US Weekly magazine already! And just think they might not even be legally married! yup I was just thinking the same thing Lori - I'm sure they did a symbolic ceremony and I doubt they will get the marriage papers in the US - so basically it won't be legal in Mexico or the US
  8. yeah I vote she is just plain stupid too
  9. OMG I just read this online - I do not like him at all!!
  10. nice! Is the Four Seasons in Costa Rica your typical expensive Four Seasons or is it less since it is in Costa Rica?
  11. I think you definitely have the right to be upset. I would probably have your FI talk to them and let them know how important it is for them to be there. Is it about cost or what is their reasoning for not wanting to come? Maybe you could get their flights if the case is the cost aspect.
  12. thanks Ashli! I haven't even heard of that one I will definitely check it out.
  13. I just saw a commercial for the new Bachelor while watching the AMA's last night. It starts January 5th! It does look like Ty might be on part of the show - he is such a cute little boy
  14. Has anyone bought a new Dell Mini laptop? I'm wondering what they think as I really want to get one and they seem very reasonable - about $400. The problem is I typically hate Dell laptops - I've always had problems with them...of course the last one I had was a few years ago, so they could have changed. If you do have one of the new Minis, can you tell me what you like and don't like? Otherwise, anyone know of any light/small laptops in the under $500 range?
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