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Everything posted by Jess

  1. Casey I've flown United and British Airways and both were great!
  2. this thread is similar to what I'm looking for - We are looking for a location for an inexpensive welcome dinner (as inexpensive as possible). We will have about 75-100 guests...any ideas??
  3. this thread is similar to what I'm looking for - We are looking for a location for an inexpensive welcome dinner (as inexpensive as possible). We will have about 75-100 guests...any ideas??
  4. hey girls - I started this thread below to post your Dreams PV wedding date - so post your date on it! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t35742
  5. can anyone help? I think my colors are going to be pale yellow, gray, and white which means FI and GM's attire will have to be gray. Any ideas for this? Everything I see is beige for destination weddings.
  6. ohhh i love your dress especially the back! good luck
  7. oh nice! yeah we want to get out of town for a few nights as I figure we will be partying a lot with our guests. Any reccomendations would be great! That new Dreams VillaMagna does look pretty incredible though!
  8. Okay I'm stealing this from the Dreams Cancun thread since we don't seem to have one yet - so thanks girls!: Thought it would be nice for all the Dreams Puerto Vallarta brides (& grooms? Do they read this forum?) to be listed in one place for ease in finding out who shares your wedding date in the case of multiple weddings per day, coordinating meetups with other BDW members during your stay, etc. So I snagged the list from another thread and deleted everyone but DC brides! It would be especially helpful if you all could add your BDW screen names so we know who you are! Please quote the LAST post here and add your date! I know there's a lot more of us out there! January 2009 Februrary 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 *Jess* - November 28, 2009 December 2009
  9. Anyone have any more hair and makeup reviews for the Dreams PV spa?
  10. Mel did you decide what you are doing? We are trying to figure it out now. We are hoping to go to a really nice hotel and just stay in PV area - anyone have any recommendations?
  11. yes I think you are right. We are getting married on a Saturday and the only English mass time is 3:00 my WC says.
  12. Awesome thanks Kathy! My grandma use to have a house in San Pancho area so we used to go all the time when I was younger - we never really went downtown though. It's a bit tough choosing a resort without being there but I'm crossing my fingers we made the right decision!
  13. eeek that is hard...i'm not sure but I would like to know this as well. I think you can make custom ones on stamps.com?
  14. Wow huge differences! I'd save the money and have your wedding at Dreams and your honeymoon at One & Only. Based on the pricing I got, your wedding at Dreams will probably be 1/4 of the cost than if you were to have it at One & Only. A honeymoon at O&O looks incredible!
  15. I'm having a Catholic ceremony in PV. They only have one ceremony a day in English at the Church downtown (I don't know the Church name though, I apologize!). Anyway, my WC is doing everything - if you need a WC she is great - her website is The Dazzling Details and her name is Kristin
  16. Thanks Jill. We may meet you then! I think we are staying through Monday and then off to another hotel for our honeymoon. Thanks Kathy! I was reading in one of the threads you are using Dazzling Details as well - me too - so excited!
  17. Costco had a pretty good selection when I was down there for New Years...I'm guessing they have some wine stores also down there, I just don't know where
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