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Everything posted by Jess

  1. this happened to my friend...she ordered 2 sizes larger than her pre-pregnancy size. That way if she needed to get it taken in, it wasn't a big deal. She ended up just wearing it as is...I say order larger, it's easier to take it in than it is to take it out.
  2. you can't post that with no pics!! teaseeeee! ;P
  3. you look great in all of them - I love Dress 3 on you though
  4. We're taking ours...we went to Cabo last year and I didn't bring my e-ring out of fear...all in all it was dumb, I would have been absolutely fine with it....I was stressing over nothing...mine will be on my finger at all times!
  5. Nadine me too...peanut butter and mayo...BARF
  6. I'm pretty sure these photogs will do it for cost only: at least when I was looking I know they would have: www.ablphotography.com
  7. Good luck EDRBride! And Autumn so sorry for calling you Annette earlier! So we are on day 6 of the diet - no workouts left, and I have lost 7 lbs somehow...wasn't even trying to! I think it's just water though, because that is a lot to lose in just 6 days on the diet alone...workouts start monday though!
  8. Kathy - syrup on bacon or sausage is so good!
  9. Contact one of the BDW travel agents on the forum - they are great and specialize in this all day! Click the logo at the top of the page
  10. My bachelorette is August 21st weekend what about yours?
  11. yeah just take the magnesium when you get a headache...at least that is what my cousin does...not every day
  12. magnesium! I told the girls on the shout box this before and it worked for Stacey. My cousin got horrible migraines...now she takes 2 magnesiums and they go away or at least are very faint headaches and not migrains...you can get it over the counter in the vitamin aisle
  13. you actually don't...you can get an exception from your local Priest to marry a non Catholic and you are okay...at least in PV.
  14. I heard this on the radio also...she cracks me up...hope it isn't true
  15. I have the same shoes (not for wedding shoes, just for fun shoes) - good taste MarieSam as always ;P
  16. Good luck! Shop around...you would be surprised at how drug pricing differs between pharmacies...do you have a Costco near you? Also, I'd find out to see if they have a generic version of the medication which would cost you a lot less. I hope you feel better...If worse comes to worse I definitely think $150 is an amazing deal if it works.
  17. I'd price out them compared to one on the forum...the ones on the forum will have better prices most likely. I've heard some bad stories on destinationweddings, so just be careful
  18. It looks like the long one is pretty easy to cut down and hem...I'll look for you still though
  19. I was looking at it but its pretty pricey for how many people we have...looks fun though
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