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Everything posted by Jess

  1. I love #2! It looks amazing on you! My next choice would be #1
  2. Karen no prob - I will for sure scope it out and take a pic for you! and I'll do the same with the bars
  3. Welcome Beth! I was born and raised in San Diego and still live here so let me know if you need any suggestions. I've never heard of your wedding planner - are they local here? If not, I would probably use a local one as we have a lot of great ones.
  4. I feel like I'm spending money on everything right now as well! Don't stress though - it only makes it worse. **HUGS!!**
  5. Ladies - I'll be at Dreams on September 10th for a site visit! Let me know if anyone needs me to check anything out
  6. I'm not seeing results yet - boo! I think Vegas ruined me...yoga last night kicked my butt though - legs tonight - I'll be dead
  7. haha I guess we can be laggers together on that then Nikki
  8. If he isn't close with his dad and he isn't invited - I wouldn't see any reason to use the Jr - especially since you are doing informal invites. Are any of his extended family invited though that would be offended by not using it?
  9. wow you girls are good...I'm really glad we don't have to write our own vows - phewww
  10. I voted!! Good luck to the pupps
  11. Great review - I'm so glad everything went so well. Congrats
  12. I'm getting these also Keira! And I never break out - what the heck? I think I'm going to try a facial
  13. ah Keira that sucks...why are they so weird in not wanting anything to do with anyone?
  14. aww - that is totally awkward if they work together
  15. yeah I agree - frustrating! I would call people I guess? I also put a pencil # inside each envelope like marryinghimagain and it has helped a lot.
  16. yes this is great - a lot of the bigger stores do this - I know Macys and Bloomingdales does as well.
  17. ok both mine have been nominated already!
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