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Everything posted by Jess

  1. oh yeah Erika - good call! I found this guy that makes custom titanium wedding bands so they are all one of a kind! Pretty cool: jewelrybyjohan on Etsy - Custom made Engagement and Wedding rings, etc..........
  2. I'd register because people want you to - but let them know that their "presence at your wedding is present enough" - put that on your website if you have one. This way, people who want to can buy you gifts still.
  3. Jill how was SD? Sad I didn't get to meet you Vegas was awesome - was drunk the whole time so I didn't get a hangover - highly recommend that! there are pics on facebook - are we friends on there?? They brought me to a nasty male strip club - the guys were gross. Otherwise, there were a lot of fun times...I think the pool cabana during the day was the best part. Oh and I met a groom (we crashed his bottle service) who was getting married the same day is me in Mexico! Crazy, huh? Autumn, glad I'm not the only one! - the sad thing is I work with my parents Monday through Friday! So it is not like they are not going to see me.
  4. new find as I'm obsessed with etsy! So someone posted a thread on DIY wet swimsuit bags. Thought they were so cute for my bridesmaids. Well, I can't DIY so I came across this great vendor: monkeyfootdesigns on Etsy - Profile and here is all her stock! Wet Bags - In Stock - a set on Flickr so cute!!
  5. how is it "disgusting" to have that many children? I think it is amazing (yes a little odd and not everyone could handle that many) that this family can do this. And I am pretty sure the last one wasn't planned based on that article. I think this family is doing the opposite of taking the amount of children they have for granted. And we are not overpopulated with people - in fact people are having less and less children these days
  6. is it just dinner or dinner and dancing? sounds quick if it is both. we have a 1 hour cocktail and then a 4 hour dinner and dancing reception
  7. haha my family is nuts Karen - they think that I'm leaving them forever since I'm getting married and they want to take one last family trip just the 4 of us, mom, dad, sis, and me. We decided, might as well make it a site visit and a family trip in one - so we found a cruise that leaves from LA - close to us so we don't need to fly - and goes to Cabo, Puerto Vallarta, and Mazatlan - should be fun as long as the weather isn't too crappy
  8. Love this show not that I'm into it - I can't believe the season finale was already last night! Crazy about the last couple minutes of the show! I wonder what is going to happen next season
  9. yeah I've had both as well - usually when we had outdoor/indoor cats they went outside later on and found their way back. Be careful with the country though - do you have coyotes? I know we did even not in the country. Now I have an indoor cat only - and I feel bad because I know she wants to go outside, but it is a lot safer. And she has a lot of allergies so it is better to keep her inside.
  10. Meg - that is impressive! We have so many RSVP's not in yet - my wedding is a lot later than most of yours though. Even most of the wedding party has not turned their's in yet - come on!
  11. ohh sorry girls - I'm an idiot I'll be there on September 10th - next Thursday. Leaving for my cruise this Sunday so won't have access online after that so if you want anything - let me know by this Saturday
  12. that is so weird the grandaughter is going to be older than her baby aunt/uncle...crazy!
  13. wow that is so many kids! I do give them major props in raising all those kids and using their own money instead of the medias.
  14. aww Joann I'm sorry about your BM - that sucks love your invites though!
  15. good luck! luckilly the hurricane is today and tomorrow...crossing our fingers the weather is better next week for you! I'll be on a cruise next week to Mexico, so I'm hoping the same
  16. Hi Judy - there are a couple threads on this already - here you go: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t36302 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30990 Check out ebay - I got mine there for $3.50 each and they were great quality
  17. oh don't worry I will! I heard the weather is supposed to be really crappy - kinda bummed...let's just hope the hurricane rolls through this week and not next week!
  18. Hey Annette! I'd do one color - either a color or all white - since your dresses are already so pretty and colorful - I wouldn't want to take away from that.
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