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Everything posted by Jess

  1. I never got the superstition...I think it is fine to let people try on your e-ring and vice versa
  2. oh my gosh - how horrible. I will definitely say a prayer for them
  3. thanks Katie! I just saw your alice link....FI and I are obsessed - we love alice!
  4. I'm so sorry - I would not replace her - it would be okay to have an uneven #.
  5. eeek that is scary...thanks for letting us know!...i hope you feel better you should contact them and let them know for sure.
  6. have fun!!! listen to the song "Sexy Chick" - it will make you feel super sexy! ;P
  7. there are a BUNCH on Etsy :: Your place to buy and sell all things handmade - here are a few - and since they handmake them you can ask for them in diamond white: BONZIE Handmade clothing with vintage appeal by bonzie on Etsy[]=tags&includes[]=title SHIPS IMMEDIATELY French Lace Ivory Bridal by trendyknitting[]=tags&includes[]=title SHIPS FREE THE SPLENDID ALLURE Victorian Inspired by TianaCHE[]=tags&includes[]=title
  8. Lisa - we are all here for you and we love you. You are too sweet
  9. shutterfly is super easy and there are tons of coupon codes you can use. snapfish as well but I think Photo Books, Cards & Stationery, and Photo Share Sites | Shutterfly has more to choose from
  10. yeah I say the same - but we got around this by having the groomsmen wear yellow and FI is going to wear a gray shirt.
  11. Welcome Nicole and Charles - we are having ours at Dreams - feel free to ask any questions!
  12. woo hoo you are famous Autumn!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by mellowyellow I am going to take a wild guess that it was Dazzling Details who gave you that quote. I got a response (and rough estimate of their fees, all WAY under your quote) from every WC I emailed in PV, except DD. I assume that was only because my budget was not high enough for them. I kind of resent the fact that they didnt even bother to get back to me. I read in another thread that DD charged double the price for dinner than what the caterer actually cost - a girl used the same caterer as DD but did not go through DD to book them. I sincerely hope this isnt the case anymore. I don't think this original quote is DD actually... I'm going to stand up for them here though as I'm using them and they have been nothing short of amazing. Of course they charge more than the per plate fee...they include decorating, flowers, favors, etc in their quotes as they put a lot of detail into your wedding. You can just using the normal resort coordinator if you just want the per plate fee. Now I am surprised they didn't get back to you but after meeting them I highly doubt it was because your budget wasn't large enough. I can only assume they did not get your email or forgot to reply because they are super busy...they are definitely not like that. Anyway I wish you luck, just wanted to put in my two cents here. They never try to hide costs or anything like that.
  14. there are some cute ideas on here - try a search and a bunch will come up
  15. i know there are a bunch of resellers online that have cheaper dresses and they are real....I know Discounted Wedding Dresses, Bridesmaid Dresses, Flower Girl Dresses and Mother of the Bride Gowns is a good one...haven't heard of this one though
  16. yeah I agree Amanda - and your guests won't even notice - so keep it simple ladies - this is why we are doing destination weddings - to be as stress free as possible, right?
  17. Mel - I'd skip the chair sashes - any little thing to make it easier on you I'd do!
  18. E - you are getting smaller and smaller every time i see you! The dress looks great and I can't believe how awesome your nose is looking already
  19. yeah I'd wait to legally change your name - make it easier on yourself!
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