Quote: Originally Posted by mellowyellow I am going to take a wild guess that it was Dazzling Details who gave you that quote. I got a response (and rough estimate of their fees, all WAY under your quote) from every WC I emailed in PV, except DD. I assume that was only because my budget was not high enough for them. I kind of resent the fact that they didnt even bother to get back to me. I read in another thread that DD charged double the price for dinner than what the caterer actually cost - a girl used the same caterer as DD but did not go through DD to book them. I sincerely hope this isnt the case anymore. I don't think this original quote is DD actually...
I'm going to stand up for them here though as I'm using them and they have been nothing short of amazing. Of course they charge more than the per plate fee...they include decorating, flowers, favors, etc in their quotes as they put a lot of detail into your wedding. You can just using the normal resort coordinator if you just want the per plate fee. Now I am surprised they didn't get back to you but after meeting them I highly doubt it was because your budget wasn't large enough. I can only assume they did not get your email or forgot to reply because they are super busy...they are definitely not like that.
Anyway I wish you luck, just wanted to put in my two cents here. They never try to hide costs or anything like that.