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Everything posted by Jess

  1. Heather - I would look at Vacation Rentals, Vacation Homes, Vacation Rental Home, HomeAway or ..VRBO® is Vacation Rentals by Owner® Vacation Homes Rentals by Owner - owners are willing to negotiate a lot more on that than a management company like Sun Cabo or Cabo Villas. We got a villa for New Years Eve and I couldn't get one through those management companies since they wanted 7 nights - finally got one through homeaway who didn't have that nightly minimum
  2. Sounds like a blast!! Glad you had so much fun
  3. Welcome to the forum Amy! Yes you can - after you have 2,000 points you can go to the vbPlaza menu and change your username
  4. Jess

    the jaxll

    congrats and welcome
  5. yes I would say whatever you are most comfortable with - you are very close to the wedding now so it definitely would not be bad to wait until after.
  6. great review - thank you - and congrats!
  7. Congrats Chrissy! Good luck planning.
  8. I like the last ones - they can definitely wear them again
  9. Shanny - I truly believe everything happens for a reason as well. It is going to be great at the Finisterra! Congrats
  10. Congrats Jolee! This site is great - you will find lots of helpful info
  11. I know lets hope he finds one! there are some that lasted though Trista & Ryan - then that other couple, I forget their names??
  12. I know Jason is so cute - and his son - the most adorable little boy. I cried in that one episode where he saw him and they went running towards each other - and I never cry over tv shows
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jlj1176 Does anyone know how you can get the kharma icons? they are gifts that you can give other members - go to vbPlaza Menu on the top left of the page - then to "give gifts"
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