So we finally choose the Grand Oasis Bavaro because we've been there and we had a great experience....
So we decided to booked last june for may 5th 2010. They send me back an email saying: Today i'll confirm the date with the minister....
So i send an email back asking if her if that's meaning it was confirm or if she will come back to me when it's done....Because english is not my first language i just wanna make sure...
So to this day, NOTHING...I try and try to email them asking fo an answer ASAP and still no answer....I'm kinda of freaking out right now because everythin is book (plane tickets, rooms, guests) so if they can not book my wedding date i'm in big big trouble....
So does anyone who planned a wedding with them have email adress, or something that can help me.....
A future bride who is helpless