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Everything posted by BachataBride

  1. So, I just finished reading Water for Elephants & have to say I really enjoyed it! IDK how to explain it...it was just a really interesting story to me. And I loved how they ended it wrt the old man! But I kind of wished they would have left off the first chapter that tells you a bit about the ending of the book...not sure what that's called! lol
  2. necessary when you don't agree : talking it over
  3. LOL - no worries Miss D! She annoys the shit out of me too! I just tend to go for the underdog...that's the only reason I wanted them to win...because everyone seemed to be going after them. Oh, and I thoroughly enjoyed Andrew's speech as well! I can't wait to go watch the show now to see how much bitching there is going to be between Rachel & Kristen!
  4. My vote is in!! Good luck to everyone - you all are very deserving!!
  5. I second that Miss D!! And it's my bday weekend!!!!
  6. generally hate - except for buckleys! Beer
  7. jumped out of a plane : something you will NEVER hear me say!!! (kudos to you Cindy!! lol)
  8. They're ok. Other people's weddings
  9. I'll never forget it : my wedding day
  10. time for the weekend : birthday party time!!!
  11. should get ready for work : already here, but still not ready!
  12. ice ream : strawberry shortcake
  13. definitely something I want/need to do : find another job
  14. Ummm...neutral? I don't dislike it...but I don't really like it either! I just dont' do it! ketchup chips
  15. pay off debts : before baby time
  16. I think it might be a bit fake on Brendan's part, but Rachel seems totally into it! Like after the POV comp all she wanted to do was make out with him, but all he wanted to do was talk about getting rid of Kathy not Andrew. I thought it looked a little desperate on her part. And I agree...they could definitely tone down the making out...but really Hayden & Kristen are no better! Then again, they are stuck in this house 24/7...what else is there to do!? lol
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