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Everything posted by BachataBride

  1. We have a family photo session on Saturday!!! Me, DH & our dog!!
  2. Definitely a lot of tricky situations there! As for the flower girl thing. Are you going to an adults only? That might be something you want to look into so ensure no kids at your wedding. And with your invited guests inviting uninvited guests - you cannot control who goes on vacation where...but you CAN control who attends your wedding. Just simply let those guests know that due to your budget, only people who have been specifically invited by you are able to attend the days events. Express that there will NOT be a chair set up for them at the ceremony, nor will there be a seat for them at the reception. And for the people inviting themselves, gratiously tell them you are having a small intimate affair & you wish they could attend, but your budget simply doesn't allow it & thank them for wanting to share in that special day with you. Let them know that there will be an AHR that you would love for them to attend. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  3. bad for weight loss : potato chips
  4. I really enjoyed the book as well. I sometimes found it hard to follow the author's (ie, Jack's) grammar & descriptions of things...but I worked through it. And I think it helped you to form a closer bond to Jack since you were actually reading it as he would have spoken it. I was definitely one who turned on Ma when she turned her back on Jack. I was so mad at her for not understanding his needs through the whole "enter into normalcy"...I mean, he was seeing and learning it all for the first time. But I had to keep reminding myself that Ma was just a kid when she was abducted, only 19 or 20 right? She was forced to grow up in certain ways, like taking care of Jack...but she also missed out on a lot of "growing up" as well. I still think she could have taken more responsibility for helping Jack adjust, but I also understand that she went through a very traumatizing time too...being abducted, raped, having a still born child, having & raising a child in that type of environment. All in all, it was definitely an enjoyable book & I would recommend it to others! Thanks for the great suggestion! I'm excited to pick up & read Sarah's key next!
  5. It's discussion day today right!! I've never done the book club thing so I'm not quite sure how this works!
  6. As frustrating as it is, you can't expect everyone to book with your TA...especially if they can get a better deal elsewhere! I had people book with & without my TA...and I came VERY close to losing our free trip (that we gave to DHs sis because she couldn't afford to go!) But honestly, what seems like such a big deal will not be after the fact....when all is said & done, you will just be so happy that they could make it you will not be so concerned with missing out on that free week. I'm sure you didn't budget for that free week, so really you are not out money. As much as it would be nice to get the free stuff...in the end it's having people there who care about you that is really important. I hope you don't lose too much sleep over this - and maybe you will be lucky enough that someone else will come along & book so that you do get that free week. But if not, you will still be a beautiful bride marrying the man of your dreams!!!
  7. What is your friend G saying about it? Does she completely hate him? Do they think they could be civil with each other? Like this girls said, this is definitely a tricky situation...but if you think they could co-exist & not ruin your wedding (or make you feel uncomfortable) then I don't see the harm in still inviting him. Unless he's going to be a dick & bring a new gf...or something like that. Good luck hun...I'm sure it will all work out & I'll cross my fingers that he won't even go & it will be a non-issue!
  8. Good luck ladies!!! You are all so deserving!
  9. Wow - barely any votes in yet! I guess it will pick up today with the weekday crowd! Good luck ladies!! I wish I could vote for you all!
  10. Oh...& for B2B I want to nominate Dubs!! (FuturesMrsWagner)
  11. Mrs - Calia (not sure the screen name, but it's some variation of her name!)...I love that she's organized the book club!!
  12. I'm down with whatever Calia...I'm just thinking that a month will give people lots of time for getting married in that month maybe, or any other personal things that might come up. And for the speed readers...well, we could just wait until closer to the discussion time to read it! A month is typical for a Book Club isn't it?? And if everyone happens to have the book finished early then we can discuss it early...play it by ear maybe??
  13. Absolutely Calia...I don't want to rush anyone either!
  14. Just wondering - is there anyone that hasn't read Room yet?? I'm just thinking that if we have all read it, then we could discuss it earlier?? At the rate we are going picking books we will be finished them all in 3mths & have to re-read them before the discussions! lol
  15. the new Sherlock Holmes Movie : haven't seen it
  16. Just finished!! OMG...loved it! GREAT suggestion!! And I just read the "about the author" and she's Canadian...and only lives about an hour from me! I will definitely be looking to read more of her books! Â Has everyone read it now? If so, can we discuss it earlier than the 12th?? No pressure for those that haven't read it yet, I was just wondering! Â I'm very excited to get started on the next book...in the meantime I will finish the one I put down to read Room!
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