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Everything posted by BachataBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by *Linds* Confession: I slept great last night...Thank you wine and finally getting some bootay! hahahaha Glad my suggestion worked!!! lol
  2. I get to see my DH finally after him working the last 3 evenings!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by khomac In my city there are things called "Playgroups". Someone is in charge and rents the local community center or a nearby hall. It's for all ages (babies who can't even sit yet, usually up to 4 year olds). You sing songs, do crafts, and have the kids socialize with other kids. I'm actually excited to have a baby just so I can go to one of these and meet new friends. You must have something like that in your area? No? I'm sure they are around...now all I need is a baby to go with!!! lol Quote: Originally Posted by *Linds* confession 2: DH and I are passing a bottle, yes a bottle of wine back and forth...haha I heart you!!! xoxo
  4. So you think Kathy marked herself? Hmmm...I don't know...I don't think I buy it. But who knows! I just like to watch! And I'm a little disappointed that they are going to reveal so early in the game who the sab. is....
  5. Just thought of something Ang...what do peacock feathers look like in water? Do they "go funny"?? I was thinking you could do the limes & peacock feathers in the vase with water. Would they hold up ok in what would turn into lime juice!?? lol
  6. I'm thinking Annie or Ragan, because both were in teh room when Kathy & the other blonde girl (small town girl) were talking (Kathy telling other girl that she failed...) and then the sabateur marked the 2 of them...I'm kind of leaning towards Annie... And no...showtime & BBAD are not available in Canada!! Oh, and if anyone has spoilers can you make sure you put ****SPOILER ALERT**** before sharing!!? I know some people love them, but I don't like to know what's going to happen!
  7. I agree Ang...something just isn't right...maybe use less limes & water. I'm not sure how you would get the feathers to stay in place though - maybe you would have to crazy glue them to the bottom of the vase?? I'm so NOT a DIYer!!! lol Good luck hun...and I'm sure whatever you come up with will look great!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Ellabaja1983 So, although I really dislike Jake... I also couldn't imagine dealing with someone who interrupted me EVERY single time I opened my mouth. I feel it could go either way, he could be ticked off because that's how she always is, or she feels she had to constantly interrupt him because he's going to tell another lie. I agree he is a "fame whore" and although I did not watch Dancing With The Stars, I was talking to a friend of mine today who was telling me how awful he was on there. Personally, I think they both got what they deserved!! He didn't get rid of her when he had the chance on the Bachelor... that's his problem!! Totally agree! I would yell at her too! He couldn't get a word in!!! I don't have any feelings either way, for either of them! You get yourself in this situation, you get yourself out...this is what you signed up for afterall!
  9. I REALLY want kids! And honestly, cannot imagine NOT having one! But I totally understand a couples choice not to have kids...it's a HUGE commitment & responsibility & it definitely restricts your life enormously! My confession: I only have 2 girlfriends in the area (long story short I moved recently) & neither one of them want children...so I'm afraid of being friendless when I have a kid because I won't really have that in common with them
  10. Linds - you guys have been so busy!! It's not surprising! And (talking from experience) it seems that once you get out of your "groove" it's tough to get back into it! It will come back though! Just hang in there! (Or maybe you should both get drunk! lol)
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by **Kat** I confess that I really could care less about my job. I wish I could quit. Ditto...I just want to get KTFU already so I can get 12mths off for maternity!!!
  12. Neither one of you are fat!!!
  13. today after work : date night with the hubby!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by jennster_04 I hate when people ask you what you want for a gift, if i wanted somthing i would buy it, Surprise meand im sure ill love it! SO.NOT.TRUE. My feeling is, if they ask & you do not give them an answer, then you cannot complain about what they do give you! When they do aask though, (and you're not too keen on telling them exactly what you need) it's the perfect opportunity to say "well, we really do have everything we need"...then cross your fingers for cash!! (I know...I'm terrible!! lol)
  15. Nope! Just shower a few hours ago : not me
  16. Welcome to the greatest forum EVER!!! You will find everything you need to know about planning a DW & then some right here!! How long you book before your wedding really depends on how flexible you are. If you are set on a certain resort on a certain day at a certain time you should book sooner. Plus the longer notice you give your guests the longer they have to save money to go with you! (Or procrastinate in letting you know whether they are going or not...as most of us can attest to!!) There is a thread here that lists "things you should know before planning a DW" or something like that...search for it...it's a huge eye opener!! Also, keep in mind, some resorts have different requirements for getting married so check their policies for any time constraints. Although if you keep it 12-9 months you should have no problems!!! Good luck & happy planning!!!
  17. had one for breakfast : Subway breakfast sandwich
  18. Some pretty funny gifts here!!! I think our worst - even though it's so sweet! - is a wedding gift from my grandma. She hand made a huge 11x17 (or bigger!) cross stitch & framed it for us. It has two doves on the top, with some verse about being in love & married - then our names & wedding date on it. It is not our style at all...very country...and I have no idea where I'm going to put this thing!!! I have to keep it, because she made it just for us...but I definitely don't want it displayed anywhere!! I think I might just have to put it in a box & put it away...
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