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Everything posted by BachataBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar yay -- was FINALLY able to see the site..haha:-) (I had been typing triple "w" before, but it's just a plain ol' "http" address...duh.) Think I'll order mine from there as well! (my FMIL lives in the States...poor woman has become my PO box!:-)) I've contacted her about sending them to me here in Ontario & she said no problem...and she's looking into the cost for shipping them to me here. I can let you know if you like. That way your FMIL would not have to ship them to you. No double shipping!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrsggrl BachataBride... since you have Crohn's you have to be really careful about anything that could have any kind of laxative effect. Personally, my bowels have never been better, since I was constipated and bloated all the time. But everyone reacts differently. Oh, believe me, I know! I don't even take so much as an imodium! Maybe a shot of pepto every now & then!! But I am really lucky...I have not been really sick since I recovered from when I was first diagnosed (about 4 or 5 yrs ago). I've had a few flare ups of course, but nothing too bad. I actually haven't even been medicated since April!! And everything seems to be fine! YAY!! I hope everything works out for you!! Keep healthy!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl yeah obviously kat is beautiful and radiant ... but i have to ask ... what's it like when a couple DOESN'T make it easy? i don't mean if they're ugly (haha that would suck) but for instance my fiance isn't very affectionate/huggy/kissy and really isn't a picture person. it's like he doesn't know how to smile for a picture. most of our shots together are so stiff and posed with either a cheesy fake smile from him or he looks totally disinterested LOL. and then there's his aversion to lipstick ... what's a girl to do? is he just going to be impossible for a photographer to deal with? should i give up all hope of gorgeous wedding photos? I'm a little concerned about this too! I already told him there will be LOTS of pics & he's going to have to suck it up!! I just hope that on our wedding day he will be more publicly affectionate than he normally is...if not I'll just feed him drinks to loosen his up!! YAY all inclusive!!!
  4. Thanks for the offer!! That's great!! I'll let you know! I'm sure there will be a bit of time before she can send them to me anyway...she does them all from scratch - there is nothing pre-made!! Can you PM me your zip code so I can check shipping cost?? Thanks again!! Your awesome!! I love all my new BDW friends!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by kerryjbrown I ordered postcards from Vista and though it was cheap, it was not the best quality. I won't be using them for the rest of the items. Really?? The quality of my invites/labels/magents/everything!! was great!! I will use them for everything!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar LOVE them! But for some reason the link won't open for me...anyone else having this problem...? Can I ask how much they were since I can't open the link..? :-) Thanks! $30 for flats & $35 for wedge...there are soooo many different ideas. You have to look!! Try this one... Bridal Flip Flops by FloppyJos... or just type floppyjos(dot)com!!
  7. Incredible pics!!! Question?? Were you still up at 6am from the night before?? or did you get up for the shoot?? lol
  8. If you want to be really naughty, you can always go purchase good speakers for it and then return them when you get home! I don't think I can get away with that though, with my FI being a police officer and all!! lol
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by younmebabe We picked the cheapest delivery & received everything in less then 2 weeks That's what I always do too...pick the "slow" shipping which turns out is not slow at all!! I ordered address labels (two different sets with custom pics) on Thursday the 18th and they were at the house when I got home from work yesterday...thats 7 days!!! They are great!!!
  10. Some great pics and ideas!! thanks for sharing! I love the one with the flowers tucked into the chair sashes!!
  11. Well..I have never used Kinkos - but I SWEAR by vistaprint!! I love them... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t29462 Don't forget to use the ".com" not ".ca" even though you are in Canada...it is cheaper from the US!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 You can always see if a BDW member could take shipment for you and then ship them to you if she wont ship to Canada. I know thats been done before. I wonder why she wont. Weird. That's a good idea!! I have to get my MOH's & mom's opinion on the first!!
  13. I like number 3 too!! But #2 is hard to see, can you post a bigger pic? photobucket will allow you to adjust the size of the image. Thanks!
  14. I LOVE this website, but I just noticed she does not ship to Canada!!! I am so bummed!!! I have emailed her anyway, just to make sure!! Thanks for posting anyway!!
  15. GREAT question...I'd like to know this too!! FYI...another option I am looking at is buying good speakers for my laptop so that I can have my first dance at the wedding gazebo (on battery life!) and then plug it in for the rest of the reception!
  16. Well...that's different. A little disturbing at the beginning...pretty strange! But I loved it! I might have get someone to take a video of my TTD!
  17. YAY!!! So exciting!!! I'm not expecting to get mine in until December (I think I may have left it a bit late to order!!) but I'm calling in a couple weeks when my mom gets here to see if it happens to be in! I think they just say 5mths in case its their busy season...which I don't think it is. Unless DWs in the winter/spring are taking over the trad. summer wedding?? (which they very well could be!!!)
  18. My fingers are crossed that everything is ok. Keep me posted.
  19. Not to freak you out more than you are, but my FSIL just had HUGE trouble with getting her dress. The boutique kept saying next week, next week (sound familiar?) and it ended up that the shop was going out of business so she didn't get a dress at all!!! She was left two weeks before her wedding to go find a dress!! Luckily they did give her her money back! And the dress she found to replace it was absolutely stunning!! Just thought that you should know that. Good Luck...I'm sure everything will work out!!
  20. I was just on the website. Is this one still available? Item Style: A2 Blossom Style: Half-blossomed Size: Cicumference of 2.5" Colour: Tangerine Clip: 2.75" bobby-pin Price: $7.00 How much for shipping to Ontario, Canada?? Thanks!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Becksy I PM'ed you about the fans. They are beautiful and exactly what I would like for my wedding in the Dominican. I ordered my fans from this website... Add to Cart You can order them with or without the box. I should have them in a few weeks and can let you know what they are like....but I'm sure I will love them!
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