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Everything posted by BachataBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Dear self, Please start working instead of being on this forum before you lose your job! and honestly, would a little physical activity kill you? No! Get up! Please send me a copy of both of these letters please!! Especially the first one...how will I pay for this wedding otherwise!! Also, Dear FI, Why is it that you think it's ok to spend money on concerts, video systems, and other things for you and then shit on me for buying wedding things (or better yet, tell me I can't buy it!)?
  2. Congratulations!! And Happy Planning! I love the falls!! We spend at least 3 or 4 weekends there a year!
  3. I am a HUGE fan of Vistaprint!! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t29462 And for all my fellow Canadians I would suggest using the ".com" as opposed to the ".ca" vistaprint as the prices are cheaper!! But that was a few months ago, so you might want to double check!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I know what you mean! I've gained weight since the wedding and I hate it so much. gggrrrrr .... Be sure to 'pose' properly so that you avoid double chin pics, etc. I always pull my tongue to the roof of my mouth when I smile for pics. It tightens the skin under your chin and really works to elongate the neck in pics. :-) LOL...I always try to elongate my neck to avoid that pesky double (triple!) chin...but then I just end up looking silly!! You can SO tell what I'm trying to do! LOL Maybe I should practice in the mirror!
  5. Its INCREDIBLE!!! I love it!! Your pics are amazing!! (Love the one of the shirtless guys with umbrellas!! too funny!) I agree with covering the white with a clear plastic...but I wouldn't change it to another color! The white looks amazing!
  6. I have had that picture for about 2 years!! The worst ones are of my best friend's wedding. I was MOH and although I looked really nice I also looked like I was retaining about 400,000 L of water!! Can you say puffy!! OMG. I was so disappointed!! But that was over a year ago & I have since shed a few of those pesky pounds...and not quite so puffy! But I'm still working on a few more so that I don't look like the michelin man for my wedding pics!!
  7. I think a friend of mine will be doing mine (not a pro) and I'll post them. Keep an eye out early Dec or early Jan (depends on how the exercising goes!!!lol)
  8. I'm planning on including my photographer & her assistant for dinner. I hadn't really thought about the WC...she works for the hotel & I'm not sure what role she will be playing throughout the day. Hmmmm...I guess I'll plan for it just in case!
  9. We haven't really decided yet. I think we're going to wait to see when we get down there!! I don't think it's necessary at all...its all up to you (or the FI!!)
  10. I'm a complete Mary Kay girl...I have Mary Kay EVERYTHING!! You can go to the website & search for a consultant in your area. They will come to your home (or you can go to a class they are having) and "do you up"!! They will let you test the cleanser, moisturizer, foundation & sample their makeup!
  11. I am a complete Mary Kay nut! I use the cleanser & moisturizer daily; microdermabrasion once a week; and firming eye cream daily. I also use all the foundations & makeup. (But I also sell it!! LOL). Even if I didn't sell it I would still use it - its the only product I have found that keeps my skin clear & believe me...I've tried everything!!!
  12. I used weddingannouncer.com. It's free and you can have guests RSVP...but I think you have to add them all first. Hope this helps!!
  13. Have fun!!! I can't wait to see your pics & here all the details!!
  14. I was surfing you tube today & came across this. I just had to share it with my BDW friends!! YouTube - Brian & Katie's Evolution of Wedding Dance
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE YES - they are a little see through. He will definetely have to wear a white boxer the other kind of underwear. FI has the ivory and you can kind of see through them. LOL...ok...good to know!!! Can you imagine??! Boxer briefs ok?? that's all FI wears! (not that you girls really needed to know that! LOL)
  16. Thanks for the advice...I think I will contact the resort...or at least check with my TA! I just think that its the name of the place we're going...so I put it on my invitations...why not put it on pens/shirts that are a part of MY wedding details! I don't know...I can see both sides. I guess that's why I'm asking!!
  17. We're considering ordering from there as well. Does anyone know if the white pants are see through!! That's what FI's planning on wearing, but that's my biggest concern!! How were they for size? Are they a small make, or is a large an actual large!!?? Thanks!!
  18. Thanks!! I'm just using the name. I have my own logo that I'm making up!
  19. Is is ok for me to use the name of my hotel on items like t-shirts, pens, logos, etc. Am I breaking any copyright laws?? For example, I would like to get personalized pens on them with our names, the date, RIU Bachata, Puerta Plata, DR. (I am also looking into getting t-shirts made too). Is this ok?? It crossed my mind that because the RIU is a hotel chain (ie, brand name!) then they would probably not appreciate this. But on the other hand it's free advertisement and I'm not selling them so?? Does anyone know the laws on this?? Thanks!!!
  20. YAY!!! Congrats!!! So, are you going to have two anniversaries now?? Woohoo...double presents!! LOL
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