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Everything posted by BachataBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Oh, that is so awful! That poor girl! (and yet I'm trying very hard not to laugh!) I'm with you Becks...it's funny...yet not if it happened to you!!
  2. White bikini tops...sunglasses...big smile from the ladies...little grin from the boys...head to head pics....oh my! Anything else? Sorry for the hijack Allyson!!
  3. Its beautiful...and looks like it fits you perfectly!! Boobs optional!!
  4. I am flying with Skyservice from TO as well. I am going to get my TA to look into it...she's fantastic!! I'll let you know what I find out!
  5. OMG!!! Only 99 days until the wedding!!! And only 94 until we leave!!! Still so much to do!!! FI has nothing to wear...and neither does his BM. Hopefully he is ordering it by the end of this week! We don't have wedding bands, our docs still have to be translated. I have NO details/info from the WC!!! I need to find shoes, a couple more gifts for my MOH, gift for photographer (a friend!), FI has to get gift for his BM, DIY personalized pens, DIY welcome books to complete (need info from WC), music, lingerie, book salon, picture list for photographer, and I'm sure there are a dozen more things that I am forgetting!! Is anyone else in the same boat I am!??
  6. This is a great idea!! I'm so stealing!! (Like everything else on this forum!!) Who needs to be creative when all you girls are around!! THANKS!!!
  7. There is no rule stating that just because you don't have a "reception" you have to change!! I plan on wearing my dress all night long!! I plan on having a wedding reception/party at the disco...it will not be private, but all my guests (plus others!) will be there & I plan on bringing a CD with a few songs that I'd like to hear. Typically the DJ will play them...especially since you're the bride! Maybe you could touch base with the WC and get reception options. I've heard that people have had the reception at the restaurant, but I"m not sure if it was this resort or not! PM me and I"ll give you the WC's email addy.
  8. YAY!!! Another RIU Puerta Plata bride!! Keep in touch and I can forward you some info as I get it!! What location have you picked for the wedding ceremony?? Congrats & happy planning!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by syl1115 You can have my other one. I'm still mad at her for not showing up at my reception! No thanks!! I want the good one!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by kerryjbrown As for the labels working on pens...the clear would work if it is not a glossy slick surface. I wrapped them around a pen in my desk and it seemed to work. Big issue is the edges (maybe you could seal it with tape and it would be fine). I can send you a sheet if you want to test it, PM me. My big concern is I don't know how long they will stick as my tubes unrolled within an hour, yet they were super slick. I bought the avery (non see through, so it has a silver back) white ones and they stick GREAT! Thanks for the info!! I'll just buy a small pack of labels & see how it works! I'll let you know!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis Dear Mr. Harper; Please don't screw up our country too bad this time around. There's a reason you didn't win a seat in Newfoundland, so think about that and try to treat us a little better from now on and MAYBE we'll vote for you in the next election when your minority ass is overthrown. Thanks, Me I second that!! (I'm a displaced Newfoundlander!)
  12. Well...I'm more than happy to change my name...I think Amanda Merrigan sounds really nice!! Plus my last name now is my Dad's who is kind of a weiner! My FSIL just got married in August and her husbands name is Foote...she wanted to incorporate both last names & the two of them change their name to Merrifootegan!! She's such a nut!
  13. MOGroom... Thank you for your concern!! I know that we are not really getting a "free" wedding! As mentioned above the judges fees are extra - $560 + an extra$50 for him to walk out on the point to the gazebo!! (no extra charge for a beach wedding!!) And some decorations are included...but barely the basics. But I'm ok with that! It is listed online what is included with the free wedding package as well as the other packages. And I am prepared to pay for an extra few decorations/bouquets/etc if necessary. But that is an option...not a must! My TA is great too & she is coordinating everything with the WC at the resort...asking LOTS of questions & getting all the answers IN WRITING!! I am a very organized, detail oriented person (FI likes to call it anal!) so I definitely gathering all the information I possibly can! I have been googling and emailing strangers about this resort & it's weddings for over a year!! And yes, I know that it's cheaper because it's January & Puerta Plata. We planned it that way so that as many family & friends as possible could make it & it wouldn't be such a burden! We also looked at the RIU Macao in PC and we also looked at February but both were too pricy for our liking. Again, thanks for the concern!
  14. Thanks girls for all your help!! I just ordered the necklaces... mine: Sterling Silver Jewelry - Palm Tree Pendant MOHs: Sterling Silver Jewelry - Sterling Silver Engravable Palm Tree Heart Charm Pendant with the date of my wedding engraved on the back. Both for a total of $77.70 including shipping and engraving!! I used a 10% discount code too...find10. One more thing crossed off!! YAY!!! Thanks again!!
  15. Looks great!! Do you think the clear labels will work ok for pens?? I want to do personalized pens to go with my Welcome Books, but I can't find any that I can buy for less than a qty of 100!! I"m thinking of buying plain barrel pens & printing clear labels to stick to them. Let me know how you make out with the alcohol. Thanks!
  16. Beautiful pictures!! Seeing everyone's pictures is making me soooo excited!!
  17. Interesting.... Love the second half of them though!
  18. I have chosen RIU Bachata in Puerta Plata...but if you're looking for a white sandy beach wedding this is not the place for you. But it has a beautiful wedding gazebo location... I am flying out of Toronto & paying around 1500 taxes/fees included. My TA is FANTASTIC if you're still looking. She's based out of St. Catharine's & specializes in DWs. If you're looking for more info let me know. I am in the process of working out the details with the WC at the resort now. Oh...and also, the RIU Bachata offers a free wedding package - just pay for the judges fees!! Good Luck!
  19. I think I like the square one better, but I like that you can put 2 lines of personalized message on the round one. Sorry..not much help I guess!! I did just come across this website though...Engraved Gifts to say thank you... it's from the UK but they ship overseas. Oh...and I found these on ebay if you're interested! Wedding 5 Bridal Party Personalized Tote Bags - eBay (item 200262832476 end time Oct-19-08 07:36:55 PDT) Good Luck!
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