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Everything posted by BachataBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jpitts78 K... I'm a geek and searched online. It can be a zinc deficiency, injury (tapping nails to hard, manicure, etc), or caused by nail biting or nail picking. I have these as well...but I am a nail biter/picker!! I know...terrible!! But it just happens!! They split, tear, crack and I can't help it!! I have a problem!! Now I have weak, gross looking fingers and want nice ones for the wedding...does anyone have any recommendations?? Gel vs. acrylic (or some other type?)? Thanks!! (I will search BDW for some answers too!)
  2. YAY!!! I like Matt...and yes...Shayne was a fake, attention seeking skank!! LOL Who is this Jason guy?? Was he on a previous season of Bachelorette?? Which season? Thanks!! I need to keep up on my reality TV!! It's been slacking lately with house plans & wedding plans!!
  3. LOL....very happy!! And so excited!!! Too bad I just realized yesterday that it's Puerto Plata, not Puerta!!! It's on my STDs & invites that I have sent out months ago!! I'm such a dummy!!! But I'm sure no one even noticed (or knew the difference!!) I'll get it right from now on though!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 So, we just got a counteroffer! FI wants to wait til after the weekend to respond. This is so exciting! YAY!!! I don't know if I'd be able to wait though!! Good luck!! Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB This is exciting! We were on the opposite end of the spectrum. From the time we offered until the time we closed, it was only 12 days! Everyone involved said this was the fastest closing they had ever seen! LOL And we maybe had the longest closing EVER!!! 6 months!! But it worked out for us because we didn't want to move until the fall anyway...and it just so happened we found the perfect house with the perfect closing date!! Meant to be I guess...just like FI & I!!!
  5. Only 5?? This could be tough!!! 1 - Sour candy (any kind!!) 2 - Wavy Lays potato chips & dill pickle dip (but only the Philly brand!) 3 - chicken alfredo (and not that calorie wise light crap!) 4 - three cheese spinach dip w/ deep fried pita bread 5 - chicken wings
  6. This is great!! I especially like the photo poses list!! That is my next task!! Thanks so much for posting!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 They have a week to get back to us. We actually expect that they are going to say no to this offer. We went in pretty low, but the house has been on the market for over 200 days with no activity and the other offer requires that the people sell their house before they can buy this one. We don't have anything to sell, have a pre-approval and cash to put down. We're hoping they come back with a counter-offer and see where it goes from there. If they take our first offer then they are really desperate. When I say low, I mean we went in REALLY low. lol A week!! OMG...I would die!! LOL We only had to wait a couple days & I thought I was going to have a breakdown!! LOL GOOD LUCK!!! (fingers are crossed for you!)
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Stephany@EyeSpy I bawled down the aisle. I was nervous that everyone was looking at me and I was blubbering, so I started walking really fast. Well, my mom was giving me away and she tried pulling my arm back so I would slow down. And I pulled forward because she was trying to tell me what to do on my wedding day. It was ridiculous. That's too funny!! Sounds like what my mom & I will be doing!! LOL
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by stephv710 Can someone email this spreadsheet to me? For some reason I cant open it and I would really like to have it! Thanks You don't have enough points to download it...that's why!! PM me with your email address & I can send it to you. But remember that you will have to be an active (meaning reply to lots of threads and upload helpful templates) to gain points so that you can download other documents in the future. A great way to gain points is to welcome newbies. Reading the Welcome message you received from Tammy should explain all of this!! Happy Planning!!!
  10. It is sooooo exciting!!! I remember being almost sick waiting to hear if we got the house!!! When will you find out??
  11. Well...I cannot really comment since I am not a health physician/asst and I do not have endometriosis. But I know that I was having some spotting (but not so much cramping) halfway between my periods. I went to my doc & after an ultrasound (internal too) showed that nothing was wrong she changed my BCP (from Tricyclen 28 to Tricylen Lo). Maybe you just need a pill change because you are getting too much estrogen. And maybe the cramping you are getting is a result of the endometriosis. But if I were you I would get it checked by a doctor. Even if others have had the same problems you have to remember that everyone is different. I have Crohn's disease so I know all about being "sick" and trying to figure things out! I hope everything is ok! Keep us posted! xoxo
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan We're flipping half the bill for both my MoH and his BM. I think that's gift enough, no? Sounds good to me!!! Need another MOH??!!! I'm getting my MOH an embroidered beach tote, flip flops, heart/palm tree necklace, gift certificate for on site spa, flip flop shaped pedicure set, MOH tank top...and I think that's it (until I come across something else I like!!!) FI has paid for his BMs clothes, and I think he's buying him a nice watch.
  13. Wow...your TTD/Legal Day dress is beautiful!! Congrats on the great find!!
  14. Oh...I'll definitely cry!! I just finished watching the show "Who's wedding is it Anyway" (a wedding planners side of it) and I cried at the ceremony part!! Oh my!! I'm going to be a mess!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl for all you brides who like "canon in D" i found a very cool celtic version of it: T Carter Music | Wedding Songs | New Wedding Music, This Ring and other original ceremony songs. Breathtaking classical music, Canon in D, Celtic Music i think it's so pretty ... worth a listen even if celtic's not your thing. flute and strings and just beautiful. OMG...it is beautiful!!
  16. I just received my jewellery (YAY!!) and they had coupon codes in with it. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...5-3#post570288 Eve's addiction (evesaddiction.com) $10 off any order over $100 (evebucks6689) & $5 off any order over $50 (evebucks8649) I also used FIND10 to get 10% off my order Oh...by the way...it says these expire Oct.31, 2008. They have some really cute jewellry...palm trees, starfish, hearts!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by nicoleandscott i second that! finding my fiance...well GETTING him to WANT to find clothes is like pulling teeth. still don't have anything...haha at least i still have 73 days, right? If you're pressed for time...order from Island Importer (if you're looking for the semi-casual look). We ordered ours on Sunday & received it on Tuesday morning!! (we paid around $70 for express delivery). And the clothes is FANTASTIC!!! I love it!! FI's going to look so HOT!!!
  18. Congrats!!! I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! We are closing our first house in 3 weeks!!! When we were in the offer stage we were up against another couple too. We had to go 3k above the asking price in order to get it but it was the PERFECT house for us...and when you think about it...3k over 25 yrs is not that much more money...if it's the house you really want! Good Luck!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis I think I should dedicate my wedding to Becks lol Your templates are amazing! Awesome job! I COMPLETELY agree!!! I love this list...and I used her welcome book template too!! It's AMAZING!!! Becks, you are the perfect match to my A/Rness (but not creativeness!) Thanks!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Helen_S81 I thought I recognized it My daughter's bridesmaids dresses came from there. They also altered my dress for me, even though I bought it elsewhere, and only charged me $10. The only advice I would have for you is that when you go in to be fitted for the alterations go in when the store is not busy. Like the morning of a weekday. Don't go on a Saturday when the place is packed and they don't spend as much time with you. Your dress is lovely! Thank you!!! Also, thank you for the tip - but I'm moving to Kitchener in 3 weeks (YAY!!) and will only be able to go for a fitting on the weekend! But I'm not going until the middle of December & they said they are really slow then, so it shoudn't be too bad! And I will also not allow them to loose their focus on me...I'm the bride afterall!!!
  21. Thanks everyone!! Amarillis, No...it's Bea Shawn in Brampton. A small little boutique...they include alterations in their price!!! Bonus!!! I actually found the dress in a VERY small shop in Deer Lake Newfoundland (of all places!!). I went "home" to visit my mom & took advantage of the visit to go dress shopping with my mom & MOH because I knew I wouldn't be able to again. I wasn't expecting to find anything since it is a town of less than 5000 people!! I loved the dress, but since it was my first time out I decided to wait because for sure I thought I could get something cheaper & better in the big city of Toronto!!! Well...I did find something cheaper! After a few trips to some shops (B&B in Miss. included!) I found a great dress at an outlet store. Paid under $350 for it!! Woohooo what a steal!!?? Wrong...I changed my mind!! It was very nice, but not "beachy" enough for me. I sold it on Kijiji for $140 less than I paid for it!! But at least I have the dress that I want now!! Wow...that turned into a long post!! LOL Sorry for babbling!!
  22. Search the threads "beachy music" & "ceremony music". There are LOTS on there!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by stephv710 Bachatabride..I agree with you...I know the ultimate decision is hers, I would just hate for there to be unhappy hot bridesmaids. I'm certainly not going to demand that she make changes; I was just hoping to "gently persuade". Tell the BMs to refuse to wear them!! LOL Or she could always go with different dress styles! some long...some short...depending on how many BMs she has. It might look odd if only one was short or long...but if they varied it might be ok. Or maybe the MOH couldd have a different style...just an option! A friend of mine did that since she had 8 BMs!! (yes 8!!) and they were all different shapes & sizes! Good luck!!
  24. Sorry to be so blunt...but I don't think you have a say in the matter. It is between the bride & her bridesmaids. Unless of course you are paying for them! But I do agree with you!! I would never chose black!!!
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