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Everything posted by BachataBride

  1. So...how was it?? Anyone able to share?? Oh...I'll search for the original thread too!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Amarillis Sam, I really think you are right on one thing... take a break, go to see your BFF and go to the Oprah show, afterwards have some quality girl time. I really think that eloping could be the best idea that anyone has suggested. If this man is the love of your life, and if you are sure that you want to be with him forever, it is between you and him. Not your families. Let them throw you a reception afterwards, at their expense and trouble. Have your DW. Even if it is just the two of you. I'm with Amy on this one! FI and I considered eloping, but my mom & I are too close to do that. If you feel this way too, what about you did it with just immediate family?? (parents only?) I think at this stage in the game you & FI have to sit down and discuss what it is that YOU want!! In the meantime, enjoy your girl time in Chicago & breath!! Try to not think about this (as hard as I know that will be!) Good Luck!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I did this like 5 times and our kids weren't very cute! And they are all blonde? I'm sad! How did you save a picture of your baby? mine won't load to photobucket. I think at the bottom (under the pic) there is the option to email, save as jpg, add to facebook, & add to myspace. I just saved it to my desktop & loaded it to photobucket - no problem. Petals? How did you get a girl!!!!? She's cute!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by FoxyBride I'm glad everyone is having fun with it! Here's my baby. Too cute!! So...I guess we're all having boys... I want a cute little girl!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by bakerisacat Bachatabride? Want to come be 'anal' about my wedding too hehe? Just kidding! Your bags are too cute!!! Can't wait to see your shoes! I haven't picked mine yet, or my jewelry... at least I have a dress I will definitely plan the details if you like!! I LOVE doing it!! (as long as things go my way...or else I get nasty!! ) Thank you...they look a little cheaper than I would have liked, but hey...they were cheap compared to anything else I came across!! So you get what you pay for right? Here are my shoes....ebay had some really nice ones!! WHITE Turquoise Rhinestone Thong Shoes NEW Flip Flops 8 - (eBay.ca item 190242945712 end time 27-Oct-08 11:53:36 EDT) Here is the thread where my jewellery is posted...if you need inspiration! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...5-3#post570288 I've also posted a thread for a link to a sandal necklace...http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30945 Good luck with the details & if you need help remember we are all here for you!!
  6. yeah...he's something else!! Cracks me up most of the time!!
  7. Sorry to hog this thread...but I just had to post this picture!! He loves his yogurt!!!
  8. OMG...she is adorable!!! She looks so snuggly!!! I'm jealous...but don't tell Killick (my chocolate lab)!!!
  9. My issue is wavy frizzy hair!! And with the humidity I know it's going to be a mess!! At least your wedding is early! (mine is at 3!) Like you said, you can put it up later on!!
  10. I didn't even notice the date!! I was just so happy I found mine!
  11. Sara (saraece) just finished getting hers done with the Dominican consulate services in Ottawa and she had her long form bc, but the person there said it wasn't required. (She's getting married at RIU Bachata like me!) But apparently they keep the original down there (DR) so you should have another one anyway (long or short!).
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Ellipse22 To top it all off I now have to worry about the fact that I have cut my finger on my left hand (beside ring finger - you know the bad one). I cut it so bad that I lost a chunk of skin..let's hope it heals in time for tips and hopefully I don't have an awful scar!!!!! I swear by Polysporin Complete. It is a very fast acting healing medication, plus it minimizes scarring (sp?) & has a pain reliever in it!! My advice is don't pick at it!! (that's always a hard one for me...I'm a picker!! LOL) Quote: Originally Posted by Ellipse22 I have hair trial pics...I can post them here or email them to you when I get home. The hair trial is obviously before the highlights. Ohh I did post them in the wedding attire forum...if you can find it..might be on page 2 now. Let me know. I'll have a look! Thanks!! ...found them http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30854 I love it!!!! I'm a major sweat-er though, so I'm looking for something up off my neck!! But not pulled too far back either. I"m so freakin picky!!! Maybe I'll just go with my classic messy ponytail!! LOL
  13. I got home last night & my tote bags were in!! YAY!! I love getting "presents"!!! One says MOH (like shown) and the other says Bride...both have our names & date on them!! http://i390.photobucket.com/albums/o...d/DSC00971.jpg (I posted the direct link, because for some reason I couldn't resize the picture!) Oh...and my shoes were shipped today! I will post when I get them in!!
  14. I need a DVR or PVR...or some sort of recording device!!!
  15. I think that's what we'll do too!! But I don't think that will happen before January 18th!!!
  16. Oh no!! I have Zumba tonight!!! Will it be available online you think? Maybe someone can post the video...or link to the video!?!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by *Casey* Maybe he's getting desperate for some attention. Hahaha That's usually how it goes!! Look at Dancing with the Stars! Toni Braxton is on the show...and I just heard a new song of hers on the radio...I guess anyone looking to make a comeback does reality TV too!!
  18. YAY!! Everything looks awesome!! Have a great and safe trip!! I can't wait to see pics & hear all about it when you get back!! xoxo
  19. I am a complete Big Brother nut!! And I really like the Bachelor (ette)!!! But to be honest I will watch any of them!!! FI hates them so I try to cut it down so I can spend more time with him! (and right now we only have 1 TV!) Have you heard that 50 Cent is coming out with his own type of Bachelor?? I guess kind of like Rock of Love! It's supposed to start in November...I can't believe he would do something like that...doesn't seem like him at all! LOL
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by michellepicksbrent Welcome to the forum Andres! I wish my FH took as much interest in planning our wedding as you are taking in planning yours! Good luck and happy planning!! I second that!!! If only that were the case!! I can barely get a grunt out of mine! LOL
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Ellipse22 Thanks Yari! Btw I love your sig pic! What it photoshop'd or taken like that? So...12 things to do..I'm hoping to tackle 4 of them this saturday...Highlights..engraving on wedding party gifts..trial run of wedding suitcase...pre-pack my suitcase (it's too cold for bikini's anyway) lol Cold is right!!! It's really cold at 6am when I have to take the pooch out for a walk!! Brrrrrr!!! I hate winter! You'll have to post pics of your hair when you get it done! Are you doing a hair trial for your wedding too?? I haven't really decided if I'm doing one or not yet. Probably when I go get my hair colored after Christmas I'll give it a try!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by selina Oooh awesome! Is it a wedding convention? I'm hitting up Windsor Bridal on Orfus Road, apparently they have the biggest selection in Ontario. I just hope I can squeeze my ass into that dress. LOL!! I went to Windsor Bridal...the lady that served me was AWFUL! Even if I found the dress of my dreams that day I would not buy it from her! I just thought the whole experience there was very...ummmm...I don't know the word I'm looking for....but in any case I didn't like it there!! She was going to stay in the change room with me while I tried on the dresses - and this is not a large room...it's a closet!! I am not shy, but I didn't feel comfortable having her right there while I got practically naked. I'm a big girl...I can put a dress on all by myself!!! And yes, I did need her help with zippers & clamps (for ones that didn't fit!) but I let her in after I was decent! Plus...she had to check with her manager to see if is was ok to let me be in the dressing room without her! Can you believe it?? I said to my friend that was there with me that "if she comes back & says that she has to come in with me I'm leaving!!". Anyway...it was not a pleasant experience for me. But you might have a completely different experience (I hope you do!!). Keep in mind that in the same building just around the right side is a $299 bridal gown shop. This is where I found my first dress!! There are no designer names, and there is a lot of beads & lace but you might find one that you like. I ended up changing my mind and selling my first one...but it was a beautiful gown!! Wow...that turned into a long one!! Sorry so winded!! LOL
  23. Yeah...I don't think I;d go either. Or show up late, throw a couple of digs in & then leave early! I don't have the time for people like that!! Grrrrr...
  24. Can't help you with the envelope question, I didn't get the oversized postcards - but I paid for slow shipping (21 days) and got them in less than 14. Keep in mind it is getting closer to Christmas so they could be busier. If you need them sooner than 21 days I would pay for the quicker shipping just to make sure!
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