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Everything posted by BachataBride

  1. The things we stress about!!! So glad your mind is at ease now...that's the reason this forum and all these ladies are so wonderful!!!
  2. I think its great and not tacky at all. If you plan on an AHR then you can add that to the announcement.
  3. YIKES...that is early!!! Can you get your makeup done before your hair? If so, then ask your BM to do your makeup at 8am then she can do her own at 9 when you are getting your hair done.
  4. OH NO!!!! That's awful...I can't offer any suggestions but I just wanted to send my condolences!! Good Luck!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by syl1115 Sometimes I want things back the way they were when people trusted each other, respected each other and your neighbors were allowed to help guide your children onto the right path. Well said!! I second that!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Ha, they didn't put any pics of the kitchen online because it was soooo ugly! None of the bathroom either. Its teal with dark red accents. Really hot! lol I'll have to take some when I can get in there again. OMG...you definitely have to post pics when you get them!!! Can't wait!!!
  7. YAY!! Registering is fun!! I am doing a wedding/housewarming registery at the Bay & Home Outfitters as well! I say you can't for wrong with sheets & towels! But you can also throw in those few items that you wouldn't normally buy for yourself; things you want but don't need. Maybe an espresso machine or a margarita or popcorn maker! Spoil yourself and have fun!!
  8. I just found the trailer for it on youtube...but that's it. YouTube - "True Life: I'm Getting Married 2" If anyone finds the entire episode online can you please post!
  9. WOW!!! $50 for final product!! That's incredible! Can't wait for pics!! (obviously - I think that's what keeps this forum going!!)
  10. Doesn't he know smoking is bad for you!! But...if that's his thing then the cig pack is great!! I was thinking cuff links too for my Jeff!! But he eyed a watch the other day when we were looking at bands (his eyes always wander to the watches!) so I might get that for him. We weren't planning on getting gifts, but I think we are now...I don't know where I'm going to get the money...pull it out of my @$$ I guess!! I think he's going to get me a piece of Larimar jewellery when we get down to the DR - It's the local stone. It's so beautiful!!! And I guess we can wait for 3 weeks for pics...but you know what pic whores we are!!
  11. So...how'd the list go today?? What did you manage to cross off?? Oh...and hair pics please!
  12. Sounds good to me!! The only thing I would be concerned with is the hair appointment. It all depends on the hairstyle you want, what your hairtype is like. Maybe you could send a pic of the hairstyle you want with your hair type to the hotel stylist in advance to see what time frame they think. How flexible are they? Maybe you could get a trial done here to see how long it takes and then update your timeframe. Hope this helps!! Good Luck!!!
  13. Oh...its awesome!! LOVE the pink tree!! But where are the pics of this yellow kitchen!! LOL I mean come on...I love yellow, but having all the appliances yellow is a bit much!!
  14. I'm surprised that I haven't seen a thread like this yet!! If I missed it please let me know! Well...here goes! Attention all Ghosts, Goblins, Bounty Hunter Beths, Pageant Queens, Vampires, Cheerleaders, etc, etc,etc...please post pictures of your costume!!! I did not dress up this year, but I can't wait to see everyone else's great costume ideas!!!
  15. Hmmm...this is a typical "Newfie" wedding (I'm from Newfoundland). The time in between is usually for the b&g to get pics done with immediate family & bridal party. But if these people are "high class" like you said I find it weird that they would not have something arranged for the guests in between (ie, a cocktail hour). In the meantime, maybe you could go to a nice pub/restaurant for a cocktail hour of your own!!
  16. They all look awesome!!! Some people are so creative...I definitley did not get that gene!! LOL
  17. WooHoo!!! Congrats ladies!! You are both awesome!! (and so are all the other nominees!! You'll definitely have another chance at it!!)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by weneedhelpforwedding Thats good to hear that the food was good i know what u mean about some people always complaining about the littlest things!! I just wanted to make sure no one has got sick or had diarrea from the food. I cant wait im getting excited PPC or PPR still trying to decide!! Oh...and FYI...I would say a lot (if not the majority!) of people who claim to have gotten sick "down south" forget to include the fact that they drank from sun up to almost sun up again! And probably drank too many pina coladas (and we all know what that coconut milk can do to your system!!) Granted there are some legitimate illnesses.
  19. I've had lots of people say "oh...your going to DR?? The food is (or I heard the food is) not very good/terrible". FI and I went to Gran Bahia Principe Cayaco (in Samana) last Feb & the food was FANTASTIC!! All we did was eat! We'd get up in the am, go to the buffet, go to the pool, go to the buffet, have a nap, go to the beach, go to the buffet/a la carte!! I swear there was even one night that we had a late a la carte reservation so I went early to the buffet and then to the a la carte (I hated to miss out on what the buffet had that night!!) Sorry...that got a little off topic!! Back to it...like previously said, unless ALL the posts are negative I wouldn't worry about it!! And don't go by the trip advisor star rating - it's bogus! I do love looking at the traveller pics on there though!
  20. Maybe you could do a mini glam bag...with lipstick & polish. This one is actually foil wrapped chocolate...pretty cute though! Handbag Favor Box Kit :: Bridal Shower Favor Kits :: Bridal Shower Favors :: Occasions :: Keepsake Favors
  21. Great review!!! It was just today that I was going through your pictures again...they are beautiful! I could watch them over & over!! I think my fav (or one of them!) is when you are first coming out of the building about to walk down the aisle & you're crying! It's so moving!!!!!
  22. YAY!! How exciting!!! Everything looks fabulous! I am stealing your hair inspiration pics!!! Have tonnes of fun & remember to relax & breathe!!
  23. YAY for Amanda's!!! to the forum!! You will definitely find lots of information to pick the perfect location for your DW!!! Happy Planning!! (So...does your FI call you Mander too??!!)
  24. Well...my first dress cost me (well...my mom!) $299 (+ tax) and then I sold it for $200. My second (and final!) dress cost $620 (+ tax) and alterations are included!!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Thomasjsgirl Hi Amanda, as a fellow Canuck who's been burned more than a few times on shipping and duty costs for ordering from US suppliers, I was just wondering if you had pay duty on your Vistaprint orders? LOL...I know!! I try to avoid it at all costs!! (pardon the pun!) Nope...no duty for Vistaprint! I would double check both CDN & US websites though to see which is cheaper!
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