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Everything posted by BachataBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by christenew Nothing says I love you, thank you for becoming my husband, like a carry on bag. LOL! Hey...I say if it's practically & he needs it then it is a GREAT gift!!!
  2. Another thought...if you're soon to be last name is not too long you could even put Future Mr. & Mrs. So & So - or just leave it at Future Mr. & Mrs.!
  3. Same...ours said Amanda & Jeff, then our addy. Or you don't really have to put your name...just the address if you like. The postman doesn't care what you're name is if he has to return it!!
  4. YAY!! Congrats Tara!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back! - and see LOTS of pics too of course! Enjoy the rest of your trip!
  5. Absolutely incredible!!! Did you ever consider wedding planning?? Seriously!!! You did an amazing job!!!! Your day will be perfect - and a day all your guests will talk about for the rest of their lives!!!!!
  6. A man is walking home alone late one foggy Halloween night, when behind him he hears: BUMP... BUMP... BUMP... Walking faster, he look back and through the fog he makes out the image of an upright casket banging its way down the middle of the street toward him. BUMP... BUMP... BUMP... Terrified, the man begins to run toward his home, the casket bouncing quickly behind him. FASTER... FASTER... BUMP... BUMP... BUMP.... He runs up to his door, fumbles with his keys, opens the door, rushes in, slams and locks the door behind him. However, the casket crashes through his door, with the lid of the casket clapping. clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... on his heels, as the terrified man runs. Rushing upstairs to the bathroom, he locks himself in. His heart is pounding; his head is reeling; his breath is coming in sobbing gasps. With a loud CRASH the casket breaks down the door. Bumping and clapping toward him. The man screams and reaches for something, anything, but all he can find is a bottle of cough syrup! Desperate, he throws the cough syrup at the casket... and, (hopefully you're ready for this!!!) The coffin stops . Sorry...couldn't resist!!!
  7. I am not having one. I really hope guests do not bring gifts & cards down with them. That seems kind of silly to me. Do they expect you to take it all back and paying for extra luggage!? Maybe you could send an email to all your guests saying something along the lines of you are not expecting presents, but if people insist then please give them before or after the wedding as you do not want to chance anything getting stolen. (or something like that!)
  8. Ooohhh...I LOVE board games!! Yeah...I think I maxed out my partying quota in college too!! But what fun!! What's a blacklight party?? Is it exactly like it says?? lol
  9. I'm not sure where I found this...but I think it's great! I am planning on writing it for myself. I can post when I'm done. Don't hold out too long for it - it's not at the top of my list!!! photographic-poses-checklist.pdf
  10. The RIU Bachata was my first pick! Although I did spend 4-5 months researching other places, but I came back to the original one. Funny how that works...should always go with your first instinct I guess! The same thing happened with my dress!!! Don't stress over it too much...everything will fall into place!! Do you have a TA? Maybe you could give her/him your criteria and have them narrow it down to 3-4 for you - then you pick from one of those.
  11. Go to Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket and register for an account. It's really simple to use!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Ellipse22 I thought of a watch but just bought him one for christmas last year. I can't wait to see what you get..lucky girl getting jewellery! Well...I'm not holding my breath for that. We'll see how much the move is going to drain us!! But I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I don't really enjoy going to parties anymore, so if it requires too much effort I don't usually make it out. That sounds so much like me! I just couldn't be bothered anymore!! But now to host a party (prepare food, etc) I love it!!!
  14. Great costume!!! Where is everyone else with theirs I guess it is only Sunday!!
  15. I posted the trailer above...but I'd love to see the full thing too!!! Grrr...the internet has so much crap that you don't want to see, but when something good comes up you can't find it!!!
  16. Sounds like a lot of work...but a lot of fun!!! I'm sure everyone will appreciate the info!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by heather007 Even if it came earlier and I had the tail end of it when we first arrive, frack, it sucks being a woman. ~~ I second that!! Gees...we get it all...aunt flo (and EVERYTHING that goes along with that), giving birth, putting up with men!! And what do they have to do...nothing!! LOL
  18. Ooohhhh...I want a bread maker!! Then I can make my own multi-grain or whole wheat bread!! Hmmm..can you make banana bread in them too??
  19. I'm starting to think more & more about doing this! Oh boy...decisions, decisions!!
  20. I would not deal directly with her anymore. I would seek legal advice as to how to handle this. PS...gotta love the handwritten response. WOW. So unprofessional.
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