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Everything posted by BachataBride

  1. In light of the forum being shut down tomorrow I think we should deem tomorrow Internation Work Day...since I know I will be the most productive at work tomorrow than I have been since I joined almost 2 years ago!!! As I'm sure will be the case for many others! Seriously tho...what am I going to do tomorrow!?
  2. Absolutely Kat. Totally your fault...seriously what were you thinking!? LOL
  3. Kat - your mistake was not saying to him directly "honey, I have a headache. Could you...put the coffee on/let the dogs out/make lunches/etc". I have learned that men are stupid, simple minded creatures that have to be given clear instructions on what you want them to do. When they say they are not mind readers, it's true...and along with not being mind readers, they don't think at all!! But don't be surprised if by "asking" him to do something you get the "stop nagging me" remark. It's a lose, lose situation for us women...I've just accepted it.
  4. booking AHR venue : didn't have to
  5. 2-4 times a month?! Wow...that's a lot!!! We're in the once a month club....maybe if it's a special occasion it will happen twice in a month!! I think its just the reality of getting older....seriously. We started off like bunnies...but as you get older & things get in the way then I think you just slow down. You learn to express your love in other ways. (Or at least that's what I keep telling myself! ) And as for rings...you are not "stuck" with your e-ring forever. Hello.....anniversary upgrades!!!! I got a beautiful e-ring...and I still love it! But it doesn't match the wedding band I got - we couldn't afford a custom band to go with my e-ring at the time we got married so I got a sapphire and diamond band with the intentions that I will get a custom band for a 10yr anniversary thing. Now I have changed my mind...I actually want a e-ring style ring to match my wedding band! I think the band is the most important of the ring sets...that is the ring he put on your finger & promised to love you until the end of time...so that is the one that means the most to me! Right now, I wear my band on my left hand where its supposed to be, and I wear my e-ring on my right hand!!
  6. I think the little balls welded inside the band would be the best solution - even if it only brings you to a six it will still be better than a seven! Good luck!
  7. WOW! My books are here!!! Seriously! I ordered them yesterday & they are here already!!! I know what I'm doing this weekend!! (ugh, I'm a loser! lol)
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by mrs*j*2011 I'm kind of torn about this too. We're getting married in January and my mom wants to plan a summer time casual AHR. Aside from not even being sure if I want to have an AHR at all, 6-7 months seems like too long after the wedding. Ugh, why can't getting married be simple?? This is EXACTLY what we did & it was awesome!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by *Rachel* Eat, Pray, Love- I'm surprised it's going to be a movie and I was intrigued by that thought. Here's my honest opinion- maybe I'm not a very deep person or not analytical enough (which is bullshit cause I am....lol!), but I didn't get past Eat. When I eat, I devour and go yep, that was good. I'm not a palette washer- roll it around in your mouth- eater. Not that's what it's about, but I don't think about food in that regard. So once she got to spirituality and started to dig into that deeply, I was like ok, moving on. I know lots of people that really love the book though! LOL So long story short, I hope you enjoy it. lol This is so me too!! I'm not an overly spiritual person either, but I'll let you know how it goes! I think I'm more excited to read the man's version! lol
  10. Sounds good Nikki! Even a week night would be cool...except for Thursdays which are ball, right? And now back to your regularly scheduled book talk!
  11. Two weeks. She gets here Aug 1 & is leaving again on Aug.15.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Or we use it as an excuse to get together more often!! Exactly!!! We definitely have to do that soon!!!
  13. Tammy - you rock!!! The update sounds awesome! Now what am I going to go without all my emoticons!?? I'll have to actually express myself with words I guess!? hahaha
  14. at home wedding : too much planning!
  15. Oohhh Nikki - if my mom weren't coming up & wanting to read that book you could totes get it from me! Only problem with swapping with you Jenn would be the shipping!! It would probably be cheaper to buy the book! But we can definitely look into it!
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