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Everything posted by Myen

  1. Hi Ladies, I was just wondering if anyone had ever visited the Walmart or Costco in Cancun? I'm toying with the idea of purchasing our favors, decorations, OOT items, etc. at these larger retail chains instead of hauling huge amounts of stuff in my suitcase. Does anyone know of any posters here that have gone this route? Do you think that this would be good idea? Also, for anyone that has recently been to Cancun and visited these stores, would the selection be comparable to the items we could find at our local Walmart / Costco? Any help is appreciated. Thanks is advance!
  2. Thanks for sharing. It's a shame that they don't ship to Canada
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Fanny Your honeymoon sounds awesome! I traveled in those countries a few years ago and it was so much fun. You *have* to visit the Toul Sleng Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields in Phnom Penh. Our museum guide's family was affected by the Khmer Rouge and it was an unforgetable experience talking to her about it. If you are pressed for time, definitely the museum instead of the Killing Fields. Thanks so much, Fanny, for your input. I'll have add that to our itinerary as a must see.
  4. We had gotten engaged about 1.5 years after we started dating. However, we've had a long engagement and will have been together 5.5 years by the time we finally tie the knot!
  5. You look lovely in that dress! I wouldn't worry too much about your friend purchasing the same dress especially since you're adding a sash.
  6. FI and I are interested in the following tour for our honeymoon: Vietnam & Angkor Wat I was wondering if anybody has ever travelled with this company or if anyone has visited any of the places listed in the itinerary. Any info is very much appreciated. Thanks!
  7. I love all of Plumeria's bouquets and I'm thinking of ordering the exact same one. I can't wait to see pics of your actual bouquet when it comes in. Thanks for sharing.
  8. My old friend and I had a huge falling out a couple of years ago. We have one mutual friend and only see each other at the occasional function and I'll run into her and briefly chat with her on the train every so often. Anyway, I thought it would be a good gesture to send her and her family an invitation as we had basically grown up together. I had run into her on the train and gave her a heads up that I planned to get in touch with her to drop off an invitation. Well, later that week I call her house and the conversation went a little something like this: Me: Hi, its Myen. I was just wondering if you were going to be home for the next little while as I plan on dropping off an invite for you & your parents. Her: Well, uh.... ah.... um.... I'm right in the middle of something. Can you just leave it in the mailbox? Anyway, I was really put off by that, but I did leave it in the mailbox. She lives 5 mins away and I immediatly get home and notice on the our website under RSVP, that she indicated that she was not going to attend and the attached comment was "No" I thought the least she could do was wish us well or something like sorry I can't make it, but a simple 'No' She is just coming of as being rude about the whole thing. Ugh. I'm done with her!
  9. I planned to wear my hair like this for the wedding: http://s3.amazonaws.com/wedding_prod...cb8499700e53_m and I was going to adorn it with flowers so that it would look similar to this in the back: http://s3.amazonaws.com/wedding_prod...96a538a24644_m I really had my heart set on wearing a sheer cathedral or chapel length veil for the ceremony, but do you ladies think that it'll be too busy? If not, then I wanted to place the veil closer to the nape of the neck, but would it work with this hairstyle? Any input is appreciated. TIA!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by annouska July 30th Wedding Dinner 06:30 pm to 10:30 pm. indoor ballroom 70 persons ( dinner with surcharge enclosed prices ) enclosed picture example as standad decor that includes only white table cloths and whtite napkins. no centerpieces or aditional decoration included.( dinner for 70 persons 4 hours $ 3,220.00 usd. [/b] I would like to maybe book 2 more hours on the recption so it finishes at 12.30 instead of 10.30pm. You can have the ballroom up until 1am. The extra hours is 60 usd per table of 10 an hour. I hope this helps. Thanks so much for posting this. I didn't realize that there was an extra charge per hour to extend the indoor reception past 10:30. Although $60 per table of 10 an hour doesn't seem like too bad a deal.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by sdbtrflygrl Thank you girls! I needed this tonight. Myen your Yorkie is so cute...I have one too. He has been trying to cheer me up all night haha. Thanks! She's a lot of fun but can be quite a handful sometimes. Hope you're felling better about having a DW.
  12. Your quote seems about right. We were quoted $2249 (incl tax) as our group rate for 7 days at the Moon Palace for our May 2009 wedding. From what I've been told from several travel agents is that the Moon Palace always has a steady stream of guests throughout the year (low and high season) so that is why it is not as competitively priced as other resorts.
  13. I agree with everything the ladies have noted above. You have every right to be selfish (not that you are). Just remember that it is your special day and you and you FI should be able to dictate where you chose to celebrate it. Keep your chin up!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Anthony'sGirl Does anyone know the specifics on recieving a free private function? We had our flights booked online by my FI's uncle and he has time share at MP and is booking our rooms through that as our wedding present. Some of my family are booking through travel agents and some are booking online. As far as I know everyone is staying at MP and we will probably be taking up about 20-25 rooms. Do I need a booking number or something?? I'm so confused on this whole free function topic!! I recall reading somewhere on the palace resorts website that the free wedding option wasn't available to Canadians. We were also thinking of going this route ourselves until I saw that and then nixed the idea and went with the deluxe package instead.
  15. Hey Marie, I'm glad I was able to help. I'm still waiting for a response from Claudia, but I did throw out a lot of questions at her all at once. Hopefully, she gets back to me before the end of the week. Fingers crossed!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by amduran Now I am thinking I should have gotten a photographer from outside. I know it is VERY short notice, but can anyone give me some names to see if any of them are available? THANKS!!! Give Tammara of Tamm's Photos a try. There are a few ladies here, including myself, who are booking her & her husband for their wedding. Her prices are very reasonable. You'll have to book her a two-nights stay as she does a full day photo shoot on your wedding day and a honeymoon shoot either the day before of the day after. Which might also help you meet your room minimum for the free reception! You can contact her on her site at Tamm's Photos - Contact to see if she is available. Good luck!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by DWandMJ Is Claudia's email just [email protected]? Yes. Here contact info is [email protected] and her phone number at the resort is 1877-725-4933 press 3. I e-mailed her some of my questions yesterday, no word back yet with a response. I'll let you know if I make any headway with her. Good luck!
  18. Congrats Yari! Can't wait to see your Mexico pics.
  19. I guess I had been asking Marlyn too many questions that I've now been assigned an on-site wedding co-ordinator. Her name is Claudia Fonseca. Has anyone worked with her before? Any feedback - good, bad or otherwise?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by albertabride Sure, she's located in Drayton Valley I think that's about an hour south of Edmonton. I haven't seen them in person yet, so I will post pictures when I get them, and I'll let you know if they are as beautiful as the pictures on the website. She's actually a member on BDW now she posted a few replys back actually! She's very nice and so helpful, her website is Bitter Sweet Wedding Designs | Awesome, thanks!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by DWandMJ Does anyone know the rose petal policy at the MP? Are silk ones allowed to be thrown? Hi Marie, I don't know the official policy, but I've seen several photos taken by Tamm's at MP where petals and confetti are tossed after the ceremony, so I wouldn't suspect that it wouldn't be a problem. Not sure if this helps any
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