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Everything posted by LadyZak

  1. We registered with home outfitters, the Bay (which were both very easy and cusomter oriented - at least that is what we thought) people can actualy buy something online and you go pick it up at your home store.....which is nice for us as alot of our people are in Ont and we are in BC. We also registered with Sears, we didnt find it the best service....but works I guess. We tried Walmart and all I can say is DO NOT DO IT - actually I dont think you can anymore they are canceling thier registry program. Their is no one to help you - as none of them know how it works, and when we finished it wouldnt download. We spent and hour or so and ended up with not even doing it.... Good luck
  2. Good Luck it is very achievable goal, but do rememeber you are wieght training, and muscle wieghs more then fat, so you might have lost fat and gained muscle as well, which might explain why you have only seen one pound come off. Are you watching your BMI and Fat index (if forget what it is called but if you are part of a gym they can measure it - there is other ways too but not sure what they are) Good luck
  3. Welcome, Glad you found a place - I am also a Sandos Bride - which one are you at? Happy planning
  4. This book is amazing - I read it a few years ago, when I was still single, it is definalty a great book no matter where you are in your life. Now both Shane and I are reading it and talking about it togther and how we can apply it too our relationship. I am definalty Quality time (though words of affermations are pretty high as well) Shane is Words of affermation and Physical Touch - You would think since words of affermation is high for both of us, we would get it right? Nope we speak different dialects - but at least we know it and are working on it. Another book I had reccomonded to me and I actually just won it at a bridal show yesterday - is Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs...so that is next
  5. Wow, that is so scary, we are living in Edmonton right now, and that feels too close. I am an Out of School care teacher, and it freaks me out what they have to worry about. I am sorry you and your family has to go through this.
  6. Those are cute...I am so used to having to settle for - some of the cute stuff at the stores I go too - but nothing like that, but does anyone know if the 34HH is equivalent to an 34I? Thank girls
  7. Those are cute...I am so used to having to settle for - some of the cute stuff at the stores I go too - but nothing like that, but does anyone know if the 34HH is equivalent to an 34I? Thank girls
  8. I would love too - If we were home in Vancouver instead of Edmonton I would probably be seriously considering it.
  9. We have finally decided on the Sandos Caracol Beach Resort (it also has sister hotels close by, that offer simliar things) but our didnt have max's on them. When I asked how many we could have for the dinner (if we stayed with the a la carte dinner - opposed to paying extra for pool side) I was told we could have up to 70. If you are unsure, ask the hotels you are wondering about, they are more then willing to answer questions (it can take a while, but they do get to it) Good luck
  10. Yeah when I worked in an office - we hated it when vendors shipped UPS the brokers fees were outragous...this is from Asia...so not sure how it works... Thanks girls, I will look into that....
  11. OH my goodness, well at least you got in I guess... Last time I did that was at 10 pm last year during the Dec "snowstorm" at lougheed walmart - with my purse, cell phone everthing in the car and the car was running and almost out of gas...so at least it wasnt winter Glad it all worked out in the end.
  12. Hi Ladies I know a few of you have used Kaersen Bridal for your dresses and seem to have had good luck - I have finally found my dress, but am wondering how you found the brokerage? I am in Canada, so not sure how it would compare to those of you in the States but would be interested in hearing. Also which option did you use to get it shipped? Thanks a bunch
  13. I am so happy for you, that is awsome. (your story actually made me a little teary eyed....not that it takes much these days)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 I totally have this problem with my FI. He doesn't realize how much work some things are or how long it takes to accomplish them.. Sometimes I think he thinks its like~poof, everything for your wedding is done. Can you make him a list with a timeline? Or, can you make one for yourself so you only go to him with what needs to be done right now, instead of a bunch of things. Sometimes I think men can only handle one thing at a time. lol Thank you, that is a good idea - Actually was just going over that with my SIL, who is also my MOH - she has calmed me down alot - helped me realize It will get done...just focus on one thing at a time. Thank you so much
  15. Hello Ok so I am freaking out right now....I just got engaged, and we decided to get married in Jan 31 2009 (very short time to get ready I know), And I do want a simple wedding, so was ok with it. But really starting to get overwhelmed now. Right now, just trying to get our guest list done, so we can get our invatations made up (I will be making them, I think) But I am having a hard time getting FH to get his list done (he is working alot ect, but I also dont think he realizes how much work it is - even when I do try to tell him) I know in the end it will all work out, but seeing what you all have done already I am FREAKING OUT!! Does anyone else have the problem of thier Fiancee's not understanding everything that needs to be done and it needs to be done now? I know once I get most of it done it will just be - lets wait time..but I am not there now, and I am giving myself a heart attack......
  16. Hey Everyone I am still trying to decide on a Resort (my wedding is only like 4 1/2 months away) and have been looking at the Sando Caracol? So far it is in my top picks, I talked to the WC today and she was by far the most informative one I talked and I didnt feel rushed which is a big thing. They do have dates of when we are thinking (well all the resorts do that we are looking at, so it isnt a it is this or nothing decision) But since it is a once in a life time thing I just want make sure we make the right decsion for us... Does anyone have any ideas or have your heard anything? Thank you so much for your help.
  17. They are cute. Are you giving them only to your bridesmaids or to all the woman who are coming?
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