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Posts posted by Bridget810

  1. Ha, I had the opposite problem; everything that I found seemed like it was meant for elopements and not weddings with guests! (i.e., the wedding package was always for just 2). I know Sandals offers packages for elopements, and I found a lot of such packages when looking at St. John and St. Thomas in the USVI. Good luck!

  2. Other than cost, what else is important to you when picking a location? For instance, do you want it to be at an all-inclusive resort? do you care more about food than night life? etc. etc. Think about what matters to you the most, then start researching! Good luck :)

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ddiinnyyeell View Post
    I have a confession!!

    I feel like my brother and his wife (well, his wife mostly) are always trying to one-up me!!

    First, we were both engaged but they had to get married first. They had to have the big expensive wedding and invited 100000000000 of their closest family and friends. While we have the small wedding with 20 guests. Then we get our wedding planned and I find out today that they are pregnant. And having their baby ONE WEEK BEFORE OUR WEDDING.

    My sister did the exact same thing to me! I was really annoyed for awhile, but now I'm really, really excited to meet my baby niece! :) But, boy, did I need to vent when I first found out!
  4. I forgot to mention; by doing a non-traditional toss, I meant that I would have everyone--single and not--participate.


    I think I'm going to give a gag gift to whoever catches the bouquet... Perhaps making a shirt that says "I went to Bridget & Ryan's Wedding and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" (or something to that effect) with a picture of us in our wedding gown & suit--except that we are wearing our snorkel gear. :) What do you think?

  5. I forgot to mention; by doing a non-traditional toss, I meant that I would have everyone--single and not--participate.


    I think I'm going to give a gag gift to whoever catches the bouquet... Perhaps making a shirt that says "I went to Bridget & Ryan's Wedding and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" (or something to that effect) with a picture of us in our wedding gown & suit--except that we are wearing our snorkel gear. :) What do you think?

  6. I did a whole bunch of internet research, and supposedly Olay Regenerist Serum is supposed to be the best "inexpensive" product... we'll see! Oh, and Kelly--I was so busy noticing my eye wrinkles I hadn't noticed any other wrinkles until I read your post--ends up I have a huge forehead wrinkle too! Yikes! Anyways, I would really love to hear some feedback on wrinkle cream--even if it's just what NOT to use--after all, anti-aging stuff is expensive, so I'd love to hear what to avoid too!

  7. So, I need some "filler time" at our wedding.. To make a long story short, our ceremony is at 5, but we're not allowed to play music until 8:30pm, so we need to do some of the "events" that we originally weren't going to do, to fill up time after dinner. So, bouquet and garter toss it is. The problem is, there are only like 4 single people TOTAL at the wedding--and all but 1 of them is in a relationship. Soooo, I was trying to think of a non-traditional toss. Here are a few of my ideas:


    Whoever catches the bouquet/garter dances with the bride/groom

    Whoever catches the bouquet/garter gets some sort of prize


    I would love to hear feedback on those ideas, or other suggestions. Would also love to hear ideas on how to fill up time with no music!! Thanks in advance!

  8. Ultimately it is up to you. However, keep in mind, that some people will not want to (or be able to) come if they can't bring their kids. I toyed with the idea for awhile, but ultimately allowed kids--but it looks like we are only having 2 come. Seems like a lot of parents (in my case) are looking at my wedding as a second honeymoon! :) Of course, if you have your heart set on a resort that doesn't allow children, I would stick with the venue.

  9. There are many islands that offer simple ceremonies for just the two of you. There is no "One" answer to your question. My advise is to research all the islands, and pick a few of your favorites (think about what you're looking for--food? beautiful beaches? snorkeling? night life?) and then see what type of ceremonies/venues are offered. This site will be a great resource for you!

  10. I think as long as you get beach-y parasols (as in, non-frilly parasols) it doesn't look southern at all. Of course, I'm biased because I'm using parasols! Did your friend actually see pictures of bridesmaids carrying parasols? Because when I first heard about it, I though it sounded silly too, until I saw some pics. Also, when I realized that I was going to save $500 by using parasols, I was definitely on board!

  11. I just wanted to ease your fears about the sushi, caffeine, etc. Most girls don't know that they're pregnant until a month or so after they've conceived, so most have drank caffeine, ate sushi, and done all sorts of things like that. My sister just found out she got pregnant on her wedding night--and she had spent her 2 week honeymoon binge drinking and eating sushi! She freaked out, but the doctor laughed it off, and said it happens all the time, and there was absolutely nothing to worry about. So, congratulations! And definitely wait to tell your fiance in person! :)

    PS I'm always an advocate of taking the home pregnancy test twice, just to make sure--so yes, I would go ahead and take it!

  12. I'm trying to decide how long to book our DJ for. We can't have music until 8:30 pm, so right now the DJ is booked from 8:30 until 10:30. But I'm wondering if I'll regret only having 2 hours of dancing, so maybe I should book the DJ until 11:30 instead... Then I started worrying that since we only have 35 guests, it won't be enough people to dance for 3 hours, so maybe I should keep it for 2. I just don't know what to do! I thought about just playing it by ear, and if all is going well, then ask the DJ to say longer, but then I remembered that we'll be having a limo picking us up at a particular time to take us back to our honeymoon suite.. Any advice or suggestions would be really great!

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