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Everything posted by sunsetbride1

  1. I haven't even begun to consider men's attire yet!!! But, a few off the girls on here have gotten theirs from Island Outfitters; which is where I will most likely get ours from.. Men's - Island Importer
  2. Ooo.. hang in there!!! I agree wth everyone else so far!! Be a supportive friend and know that your wedding is about you and Fh! We lost 2 GM's already.. and my sister backed out too. I just keep staying focused on the fact that this is our day.. if our friends and family can share it with us that's wonderful; if not, it will still be perfect bc we are there celebrating our love and life together.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I I would send a nice e-mail to all of the girls telling them how much you appreciate their hard work and are so excited. But, ask them to please not include you on e-mails, etc. because you want to be surprised. I completely agree.. send them an email as said above by Erin!!! You are absolutely not being a bridezilla. It's completely reasonable to not want to be involved with planning your bridal shower! Just take a deep breath... and know that these are your closest friends and family. They just want you to be happy and will do whatever makes you happy! Email them and forget about it...
  4. Sorry, I just saw this now!!! How unreal... sometimes I honestly wonder what is wrong with people?!?! Anyway, I agree with most everyone else. Go forward with your planning as soon as possible! Make your day perfect and nothing else will matter. I like the idea of letting the brothers talk about it; but beyond that, I wouldn't personally talk to her or other family members. That will just cause unecessary drama on an allready tough situation. At the end of the day, you will all be family when both weddings are done. Yes, she is being a selfish brat; but some women turn into royal bridezilla's when they get married. All I can say is hang in there and plan yours and Fh's dream day!! Focus on that.. everything else will work itself out.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Anna83 It's all up to you, it's your wedding, you can do whatever you want! Personally, I would have the ushers wear the same color shirt as each other, but they don't have to match the groomsmen. I would have the ring bearer match the groomsmen. That way, people will be able to tell who is in the wedding party easily. I agree!!!!!!!!
  6. Ok.. so for a pear shaped body (I have one too .. Im a xsmall, or size 0 or two on top and a 6 on the bottom); you are supposed to wear a-lines to balance out your body and camoflague anything YOU DON'T LIKE! I am going through the same thing as you are ... should I go for the a-line or empire waist dress or get something more fitted. If you love your curves and Fh loves your curves, go for it!! If you feel sexy, you will look sexy. Both dresses look stunning on you.. so you really can't make the wrong choice!
  7. I am also considering a non-white wedding gown. If you feel comfortable in it and it makes you happy; then go for it! I love the idea.. Here is my thread with the dress I am considering.. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t31787
  8. There are a lot of threads if you do a search on this subject that you may want to check out. If you had a good experience w/your first vendor or someone on here has had a good experience with one..then give it a shot. You have time if it comes and you are not happy.
  9. Orange would be beautiful.. Blue is the opposite of orange on the color wheel and will really "pop". But, if you dreamed of red; that has to mean something. Red would also be beautiful and dramatic.. although quite patriotic American. White would also be beautiful, but I would also add some kind of accent. Perhaps a red or orange colored ribbon? Good luck, let us know what you decide!
  10. I looked today at the store near me and they didn't have any!!! =(
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Our GMs were barefoot but what about sandals like these? They are casual but still cover the toes. I've seen similar styles at Target for $25. I agree.. either have them go with something like starchild suggested above or have them go barefoot for the ceremony and they can wear some kind of casual loafer or sandal for the reception and beyond.
  12. I have never, ever heard of such a thing! I think I would feel strange if my friends or family eloped and sent ME a gift! You are supposed to be recieving gifts!!! If YOU WANT to send a pic announcment; thats very nice. If you WANT to do favors at the AHR, then that is also nice. You are under to obligation though... Sorry if Im being to blunt.. but I am honestly shocked that anyone would even suggest that!
  13. I am so glad that you are feeling better Amanda and that you have another option for photography! If Erik is a close friend; def talk to him and see what's going on. I agree with the others; there is more going on than 'meets the eye'.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I agree...I think just a simple thank you note would be sufficient. Maybe you could just mention "I hope you enjoy the accommodations we have chosen" and leave it at that...don't mention that you've paid for it...like you said, they already know that! If you're anything like me you'll want some kind of favor with your names & date on it so maybe you could do the letter as a scroll buy personalized ribbon to tie it? It is relatively inexpensive. If not, I think just the letter is sufficient. Maybe arrange to have it in their rooms when they arrive? If you really wanted to get into it you could make all the letters personal. "Dear Aunt so & so & Uncle blah blah, thank you for coming all the way from whereever you are from to celebrate this joyous day with us." Hope this helps some! I completely agree with Amanda!! I love the idea of the letter as a scroll with a personalized ribbon on it. Those are super cheap and all over the internet.
  15. Oh .. I never thought of giving out flip flops!!! FI is going to kill me as I keep adding to the list of stuff in the OOT bags, etc. But such a cute idea! Thanks for posting this!
  16. Everything looks incredible all together!! You are going to have such a beautiful wedding!
  17. Don't be so hard on yourself!!! =) I hate to sound redundant.. but I agree with everyone else!! Get what YOU like.. most bridal stores will work with you on timing. If you want the blue dress, then get it. As long as you love it, you can pull it off. Hang in there and good luck!! You will find something that makes you feel amazing!
  18. I haven't gotten married yet either... but, we planning on having FI and the groomsmen wear brown flip flops and the girls are doing barefoot jewelry with above the knee dresses (most likely). I am going barefoot. Most guests know the wedding is on the beach. If you want to buy them flipflops; then go for it. Maybe have an area out of camera sight for them to leave their shoes. Honestly, the girls who have already been married can answer better - but I am assuming that my guests will be intuitive enough not to wear 4 inch heels in the sand. =)
  19. I agree with the majority! It's a beautiful dress and the back is just so amazing!! I would go to a local bridal store and try to find something in a similar style to try on. There are tons of empire waist dresses out there very similar to that (believe me, I think that I have tried them all on!). If you like the style on your figure.. then go for it!!! There is very little risk with such a good return policy! Let us know what you decide.
  20. I would be so upset with your friend for putting you in this situation!!! And I agree with Michelle.. why should Erik have to pay more $$ just because 2 ppl want to hook up?!?!? The realistic and more reasonable part of me though.. agrees with the other suggestions. Either all three should split the cost someway or maybe you can suppliment part of Erik's cost as payment for the photography. Either way, good luck!!!! Your friend really needs to hear how much this is stressing you out and how this is not the right thing to do!!
  21. Thanks ladies!! I know in my heart that she is just excited about her new boyfriend! It just gets to me somtimes bc I was never like that with FI! Either way, I was on the computer with her today and I told her I missed her (thanks for the advice gals).. and that it would be wonderful if she could meet me for a few hours tomorrow night to help me decide on my gown. And.... she agreed! So, thanks ladies!
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