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Everything posted by sunsetbride1

  1. Wow... that is crazy!! I am glad that everything worked out.
  2. All I can add is that I agree with what everyone else is sayng! You are not alone with the responses you were getting. Heck, my sister took it personally and thought that I planned a DW just to exclude her and show everyone that she doesn't have as much $$ as I do so she can't go. So, hang in there and finish planning YOUR dream wedding!!!!
  3. I didn't want a shower and told my girls that early on. I have been living on my own for over 10 years and bw FI/I we already have 2 of everything since we moved in together. My MOH and BP has insisted on throwing me one anyway.. so they are doing lingerie shower for me instead before I do my BD shoot so I don't have spend extra money on buying outfits for the shoot in addition to stuff for the honeymoon!!
  4. I think that it's up you.. maybe talk to you families to get a read on what they think is the proper thing to do. DW's are tough in the way that there isn't a formal etiquette. Personally, we are sending invites to everyone we want to attend; even if we know that they have previously stated that they are not attending so they feel included. That being said, we are only inviting 50 people max and we aren't doing anything in the wedding that we as a couple will be charged more for no matter how many people attend. As our wedding is at an all-inclusive and we are not having a private reception and only a private cocktail hour for the bridal party.
  5. Hi Ladies - Just a quick update.. I saw that Kristy! contacted the photographer that did their group BD shoot and she is also available on Feb 8th. I PM'd her and once I get the information I will post it on this thread. Once we get a group together we can decide which photographer to use and what dates work. Please post on this thread if you are interested; it will be easier for me to keep track this way.
  6. Hi Everyone, I just PM's Kristy! for the information.. I will add it to my thread when I get it from her: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t34839 Then as a group we can decide which photographer to go with and what dates work. Thanks!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by sstotz I really want to get them something from Tiffany's.. like the Blue Star penant necklace or the elisa peretti little blue sapphire silver ring..for my "something blue"..and you cant go wrong with something from Tiffany & Co.!! Oh... I love the Blue Star Pendant Necklace. That would go perfect with my color scheme and the price is good. And, yes I would love to see the looks on my girls faces when I give them a little blue bag! That's $80. And I am also going to get them garter flasks - http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php...ng_id=15944470 in my wedding colors; because if nothing else, my best friends in the wedding love to drink and party! Those are $38 each approx.
  8. Hi Kathy, I have been doing some research for the same thing... Not sure if you found anyone yet; but I just posted this if you want to collaborate: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t34839 Let me know!
  9. Hmm.. I don't know much about gemstones; but of course you want a ring that will be durable and beautiful forever. I would honestly do some research and decide from there. If the lab created stones you love fade over time; then imho that shouldn't be an option for you this time. The geuine stones are gorgeous and I am sure that you can get a band to match from the jeweler you buy the ring from.
  10. Hi Ladies, I know that someone else had this up before but it booked up quickly... So, in my process of trying to find an affordable BD photographer; I have found that group rates are so much better!!! I am currently speaking to the following and am open to having the shoot done either in NYC or NJ; whatever the concensus is... Kamila Harris Photography - Boudoir So far she has open March 13th and 14th for up to 5 girls. ****RECESSION SPECIAL!!**** Groups of 3-5 get all of the below for $400 per person Group sessions are individual private shoots staggered throughout the day. Room rental up to $150 Beverages and snacks Makeup artist/hair stylist Approximately 2 hours of photography An average of 150 photos, about 7 outfit changes Digital processing, editing, optimizing High-resolution edited photos on CD with print permission Password-protected online album Leather album with 20 5x7’s Brandi Grooms Brandi Grooms Photography ~ Liberating Portraits ~ Boudoir Photography, Photography for Women, Portraits, & Wedding Photography I am still waiting to hear back from her with her availability, but her package is: $565 per person .. 1 hr each with 2 outfit changes Hair and Makeup included Hotel Included Is there anyone that is interested in either one or has an alternate suggestion? I was going to talk to everyone at the BDW Get-Together on 1.19.09 in NYC; but figured it would be best to get it out there now.
  11. I found these: Lots of options and cheap- Just Married Magnetic Car Signs & Bumper Magnets - Buy Online And these-- also lots of options and cheap Product: Car Door Magnets
  12. I'm not either!! Part of our decision making process in determining to have a destination wedding apart from it being my dream wedding; was $$. Having an AHR absolutely defeated that purpose for us and we honestly never even considered having one.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by MarieSam I think it really depends on how much notice you're giving your guests. STD's are certainly not a necessity, but I think many people send them out as a way to give people a "heads up" or a nice reminder, especially when the wedding is say...about 6+ months away. I think the logic behind it is because most people begin planning vacations or big trips several months in advance, but they don't usually firm things up until later. It's also a nice way to tell people to start saving up the $$$$ It's perfectly feasible to just send out an official invite that serves the same purpose. But I guess sometimes people tend to lose wedding invites or they forget about a wedding date when it's too far in advance. Sending out a STD, and then a wedding invite gives you an extra opportunity to "alert" or remind your guests of the wedding. Doing both is not necessary ~ but it does make it more fun I 100% agree... I couldn't have said it better myself MarieSam!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie I don't think its to dark at all. I love the color combo. I decided to add chocolate brown into my color combination also I love how it makes things pop. I'd have your GM wear a light blue shirt. Also since you're not doing flowers for your girls have you thought of doing light blue parasols like these? That would add a splash of color and I think it makes the pictures more fun! I wouldn't change a thing though! Thanks Cattie!!! The parasols are super cute.. And thanks everyone.. I was just having trouble visualizing it all coming together but now that I posted it all; I guess its starting to look cohesive.
  15. I researched all of them and found Dreams to be the most cost effective for me and my guests. My TA got everyone a great rate; so I would def recommend finding a TA (there are some great ones on here) and having them help you do cost comparisons, etc..
  16. Congrats on finding your dress!!! I actually went to the Nicole Miller shop in NY and almost bought my dress there as well. I would call the store and ask if they have anyone they would recommend. Either way, I agree with JUSTUSTWO and take lots of pics before/after; then do your homework and ask around for recommendations. I did the same as JUSTUSTWO and ended up buying mine at RK Bridal for the same reasons.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Christinamaria22 It looks so nice! I think you are doing a good job with all the colors you chose... what are you gm wearing? Im not sure of that either.. LOL. FI wants to wear white linen pants and white linen short sleeved shirt. GM's maybe khaki linen pants and brown linen short sleeved shirts? Or.. maybe they could be the light blue color.
  18. Hi Everyone, So, we have finally narrowed down our color choices to coppery brown, gold and light blue accents. We were not planning on having the BM's carry bouquets; because honestly they are just a lot of $$ that I would rather use on other things. I want to try to incorporate the light blue color otherwise, I am fearful with all the brown it's going to be too dark. Should I incorporate more colors?!? Ugh... I guess the crux of the matter is that I am having an issue with trying to put this all together color wise.. HELP! So, here is what I have so far to give you an idea ... STD: Probable Invite (just waiting for the sample to come in; and I know they don't fit the same theme as the STD; but I found the STD first without realizing that the company doesn't do invites)- BM Dress: My Dress: Thanks so much!
  19. I think that overall .. you are going to be better off putting together your own money-wise than if you go with swellsweets or another company like that. I agree with Jacilyn... keep an eye out on here. I got a great tip on $40 bags from Bath and Body Works that were on sale for $5 over the holidays and bought out the store!
  20. I don't mean to sound completely clueless.. but where are you putting these adorable labels?
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