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Everything posted by sunsetbride1

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMRS. Yamille...what was the day like for you guys? You get there...start hair & makeup? What exactly did they do to your hair? Just curl it? I have been wearing my hair in a blowout and it doesn't curl when I wear it that way. I'm thinking I should wash it out...her boudoir website says champagne & snacks too. Did you guys have that as well? Thanks! For our shoot, when we first got there.. we chose the order we were going in. Michelle did the 1st gals hair/makeup and while she was being photographed; Michelle did the 2nd lady and so on... As far as hair goes, Michelle is really open. She will do whatever you like; in general, we all just let her do whatever she wanted which was big sexy curls. We were told to go with clean dry hair (no product) and no makeup. And yes, Kamila does provide some refreshments of the alcoholic variety. For ours, she did champagne and mixed drinks.
  2. Kristy I love that.. it came out perfect!! I love the picture on the cover; you look stunning. =) Thank you so much for sharing!!
  3. That is a tough one! I agree with Tammy; maybe ask her to only use the one's that don't show a front view of your face. A lot of shots can be done with a side profile, etc... Either way, it sounds like you have a good relationship with the photographer. I would explain your concerns to her and see if she has any suggestions as to how you both can work this to your mutual advantage.
  4. WOW!!! Casey you look absolutely amazing; what a great shot!! I have no words... =) I am not sure on timing; I think that she goes in order of your wedding dates. For example, my shoot on on March 6th and I still haven't seen my proofs .. but my wedding isn't until August.
  5. Wow... Yamille and Yolanda, you both look AMAZING!!! Yolanda I am so glad you finally got into do this!!! Here is another picture I wanted to share with everyone from my shoot with Kamila of one of the gorgeous girls who was in our group.
  6. Thanks Casey!!!! OMG... you look amazing in those pictures. You absolutely should model; you are stunning and the camera LOVES you!!!!! Carly/Jacqueline... it is the VS tuxedo lingerie!!! I never thought about trying it over jeans ; it is a bit poofy but its really comfortable. I have a short, small top and a big bottom - so it will probably sit different on tiny little Jacqueline. Thanks everyone.. honestly, I was not as comfortable in front of the camera as the other girls. I felt really awkward and strange; but for some reason you couldn't tell in the photo's.
  7. Holy cow Casey!!!! You look absolutely stunning.. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to add to this ... Kamila is spectacular!! I had my shoot in the beginning of March with Kathy (K&R Wedding); Kristy (Kristy 621) and Blondie25 (Olga). So far I have only gotten one teaser ... but the shots I saw on her camera and the teaser were great. I can barely believe it was me either.
  8. We listed 'Beach Chic' on our wedding invites and our website ... Our wedding will be small and casual; I am leaving it up to our guests to determine what that means (I know..dangerous). Those that have asked for further clarification; I have told to wear what they will be comfortable in a tropical locale in August (e.g. sundresses, linen, no suits or ties unless they really want to wear them but the groom won't even be wearing one).
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by BlissfulMsMiranda Maybe I'm just a n00b when it comes to searching on the internet, but I've had a really, really hard time finding pics of wedding inspiration hairstyles for women with short hair! My hair is quite short ... and "fine" (as my hairdresser says LOL) ... do you girls know of any decent resources? The pics that I have come across are so '80s and brutal it makes me want to cry and think I'll just end up leaving my hair exactly like it is in this picture of me: Try here Miranda... When I initially was engaged my hair was short and I was stressing trying to find non 80's freaky hairstyles and that site had some nice ones. I have also seen a lot of the little headband things short haired brides are wearing.. I can't seem to find a pic right now; but you can get a sparkly thin headband that wraps around your head and ties at the bottom. I think that I saw 'Kate' from that show "John and Kate plus 8" on 'Say Yes To The Dress" and she had one that was so cute.
  10. I would absolutely contact a TA... there are some wonderful ones right here on BDW that could really help you. Personally, we went with Dreams Punta Cana because of their prices; beautiful grounds; facilities and free wedding package. But.. as I have said before, everyone on here will recommend their own resort because we all chose them for their special features that touched us each respectively in our own ways.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie I'm doing the adidas type bags for our single men. I went to Five Below and bought Everlast ones for like $3 or so. I had to run back and get 1 more I had to add and they had the adidas ones for like $5. We were thinking of doing the same type of bag for our single guy friends as Cattie.
  12. Very cute! I am in the same boat as Abbie though; FI would never wear cufflinks in general.. its a shame bc those are perfect.
  13. The price is very reasonable... so I wouldn't worry about that. I did a group BD session for $400 each that incl. hair/makeup; $150 room credit; one album (can't remember size but 20 photos); 6 outfit changes, etc - so yours is amazing for an individual shoot. My package included me having rights to all of my pictures (no cd though, but an online gallery with print rights) and my photographer included a disclaimer saying that our photographer will not use any of the pictures without our permission.
  14. I agree with everyone else.. please take some time out to look through this forum for the many, many amazing photographers; some of which are willing to offer some great deals for BDW gals if you ask! I found my photographer on here who will be traveling down to PC for my wedding week by just looking through all the photog's work on here and speaking with the one I felt fit our style.
  15. Those are amazing..thanks for sharing!! I also have Josh doing my wedding in August and we are super excited to work with him. =)
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren i'm sorry shannon...i have no good advice to give, but if you need a drinking buddy, i'm only one town away! Thanks Lauren!! I may take you up on that offer.. where do you live? Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl I am so sorry Shannon! I hope things only get better for you. I will be thinking about you! *Many Hugs* Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO So sorry to hear this Shannon! Here's hoping that your little black cloud goes away very soon & that you find another job that you really like! Thank you both!!! The hugs all help. Quote: Originally Posted by SunBride I'm so so sorry to hear this. It hits me harder than it would have 2 months ago, because just under 2 months ago my husband was laid off. It was devastating to him. He never thought there was any chance at all of that happening to him. He got really lucky and got offered his job back a week later. It was totally crazy. They signed some contracts that put them in a position to rehire 1/3 of the people they had laid off, and he was one of them. His friends weren't so lucky. However I think most of them have found jobs by now. Our good friend was one of the ones permanently laid off, we felt so bad as he has 3 kids and his wife doesn't work. But he found a job after 1 month and is actually now making more money and he had gotten 12 weeks severance and was only out of money for 5 weeks so he actually has more money than before. Sorry to go off on a tangent, just trying to get your hopes up that something good might come of this. You may find a job you love more and/or make more money. In the meantime, I say, you have 1 week to sulk and feel sorry for yourself, after that try to take advantage of the extra time you have to spent with your FH and to plan for the wedding! There are a ton of idea for beautiful (and cheap!) DIY projects on here. Before you know it you'll be working again (and wishing you had more time for wedding planning!) Good luck! Thank you Sunbride!! It's great to hear others stories where it worked out to their advantage.
  17. I completely agree with everyone else. FI and I are going through something similar... I was just laid off last week; so we are penny pinching everything. What I did, was sit him down and show him my budget spreadsheet. We looked at the things we were contractually obligated to pay for and that were absolute necessities (e.g. paying for our room, my dress which already came in) and decided that we would only pay for those things for now. Anything else is extra for us... if we have the $$, we will do a private cocktail hour; if not, we will go with dinner and dancing afterwards with what our AI resort offers for free, etc... It will all work out.. I am not much of a good DIY girl; I don't have that gene. But, that is also another way to cut costs!! We are all here for you!
  18. And thank you Sarah and everyone else.. I think it just helps to hear people say it will be all right because I just can't say it to myself right now. I keep beating myself up wondering what I could have done better at work to avoid this; even though they told me it had nothing to do with performance.. it was seniority in my position. Ugh.. I am even annoying myself with my little black cloud. Thanks again everyone!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by katrina i was laid off about 2 months ago, and dealing with it emotionally is the toughest part so don't feel bad about that. i didn't even like my job, but i was still devastated. give yourself a week or two to feel like crap, then just stop. do your best to not let it go longer than that. look for a job and be aggressive about it, but still let this be an opportunity to do some things you never had a chance to because you were too busy. chances are, you'll never have this much free time until you retire! i wrote this in your other thread, but i'm in nj also, so if you have any questions about the unemployment process let me know. Thank you so much! I worked in NY.. so I just filed online for unemployment in NYS. Hopefully everything will go through okay.. a part of my package was that they would accept any unemployment claims in addition to my severance. So, I get a week or two huh? Okay, that I can do ... I feel the same way; I loved what I did but absolutely hated the job so its just shocking me that I feel so horrid emotionally about the whole thing. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Oh no, I am so sorry Shannon. My FI was let go from his job on NYE day. We have so many other friends and family members who have been let go since. He took it as an opportunity to go back to school, which is working out well for now anyways. It really is tough, emotionally. I am sorry that happened to you and FI!!! And.. so glad that you were able to turn it into an opportunity! Quote: Originally Posted by carly Wow, I am so sorry. And honestly, you are allowed to feel bad emotionally! It's a sucky situation, no matter how well you prepared for it, it's still hard. So you have to let yourself go thru those feelings. Let it all out here, that's what we are here for. {Virtual hugs to you} Thanks Carly... I am not good at being sad or feeling depressed and not having a job. It's just not in my nature. I have had a job since I have been 14 years old; I just feel useless not working but at the same time I can't make my brain do anything just yet.
  20. I guess this is a continuation of my thread earlier.. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t37849 At the end of last week, my company laid me off. I feel so lost; I have to say this is one of the worse feelings that I have had in a long time. I really thought that I would be okay emotionally handling it; but the emotional part is the worse part. I don't know why it's affecting me like this; it is ONLY a job after all .. but it honestly has really turned me inside out. Thanks for listening.. guess I am thinking that it will help me feel better if I just get out what I am feeling.
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