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Everything posted by lmg970

  1. wow that cliff top gazebo is absolutely amazing. my TA talked me out of puerto plata, saying the beaches werent that nice. so instead we are doing punta cana
  2. I am so keyed up the night before anything big that I can't sleep either. So like you I take something to help me sleep. Usually a benadryl.
  3. you have to wonder if someone photoshopped the pic. I mean what gal in her right mind would allow that to happen. but then again maybe she isn't in her right mind or any of the wedding either for that matter.
  4. I wonder what is the active ingredient, and what the names of these are called?
  5. ok now I am worried, my sister has a drunk driving offense within the last 2 years and she hasn't applied for her passport yet. I know she can't go to canada. But she didn't think she would have any problems with the Domincan Republic. Does anyone know if could affect her traveling. she hasn't booked her trip yet. I should tell her to get her passport first then book, I would hate to have her book anything then find out she can't go.
  6. we are doing a unity sand ceremony as we are getting married on the beach and it will be windy.
  7. welcome to the forum. I am sure you will learn a great deal here. these gals are great
  8. welcome to the forum sweetpea
  9. my yellow lab has eaten five pairs of my flip flops and doesn't touch FI's or sons shoes, hasn't in months, but mine are like glue to her mouth that is too bad, I love the shoe
  10. no wings, too much work to deal with the wings, and I think they are cute without them, also agree with the "costume" comment
  11. thanks for posting these, I wouldnt know what to put on his ring
  12. I love the colors of your wedding. and you look amazing in your mermaid dress
  13. I agree on the pink one, brings our more of your natural brightness
  14. I agree go home. Is there a problem with the plumbing or was this scheduled maintenance. my fi is a plumber and whenever a large building is going to shut off water for work they usually give a notice out. that sucks if you company didnt do that also so at least you would be prepared.
  15. I think it is a great time to buy, not that all the stocks are lower in price the $10 dollars per share in stead of $20 means now I will have 2 stocks instead of one, so when the price starts to increase that means I will make more. I am not going to panic and take any money out of anywhere at this time.
  16. I am going to a tanning bed only because I burn so easily and want to have a decent base tan to start off. burns hurt and I want to enjoy my vacation/honeymoon. If I needed to do a quick color then I would use a spray tan to color over my current tan lines
  17. glad to hear your wedding turned out so great, you guys look great, love the dress and light colored suit for your husband.
  18. I am from Massachusetts, and might be interested in doing this if the price is $150. I think it would be a steal and a great gift.
  19. the spreadsheet is great, i just started using it this morning. very easy to use
  20. 1. Where is your cell phone? desk 2. Your significant other? working 3. Your hair? blond 4. Your mother? dead 5. Your father? working 6. Your favorite thing? ice cream 7. Your dream last night? none 8. Your favorite drink? rum 9. Your dream/goal? beach 10. The room you're in? small 11. Your ex? pain 12. Your fear? snakes 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? home 14. Where were you last night? game 15. What you're not? skinny 16. Muffins? chocolate 17. One of your wish list items? money 18. Where you grew up? winchendon 19. The last thing you did? typed 20. What are you wearing? scrubs 21. Your TV? flat 22. Your pets? hyper 23. Your computer? slow 24. Your life? wonderful 25. Your mood? bored 26. Missing someone? Mike 27. Your vehicle? economic 28. something your not wearing? underwear 29. Favorite Store? walmart 30. Your summer? wet 31. Like someone? son 32. favorite color? blue 33. When is the last time you laughed? morning 34. Last time you cried? yesterday __________________
  21. that is a great price, I was just at my local walmart and they didn't have of these left, I was looking for a sports bottle for my son to take to football practice.
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